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Beverley Bryant Director of Strategic Systems and Technology NHS England November 2013 Technology in the NHS.

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Presentation on theme: "Beverley Bryant Director of Strategic Systems and Technology NHS England November 2013 Technology in the NHS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beverley Bryant Director of Strategic Systems and Technology NHS England November 2013 Technology in the NHS

2 Last 10 Years.... the issues Technology space dominated by large SI contracts Insufficient clinical buy-in to the change required Informatics and IT staff treated as an overhead EU procurement rules led to long costly procurements Shortage of available software products as companies move abroad or into new markets Provider Boards and CEO ‘To Do’ list is long Too few success stories and not enough spread of innovation and best practice

3 Patient Control Putting the technology and information into the patients hands to help manage their own health Patient and clinician working together underpinned by interoperable records and secure technologies Patients and carers uploading information to help manage their own long term conditions “Unleashing the power of people”

4 Customer Service Patient Online Access to patient records Appointment booking, repeat prescriptions, Secure e-comms GPSOC – 2 GPIT Operating model NHS E-referrals Improved functionality Easier to use Information for commissioners Online services for patients – test results, records update E-Prescribing Increased uptake of ETP E-prescribing in hospitals Online services for patients e.g. repeat prescription ordering “Making the NHS easier to do business with” Patients and their carers offered a variety of channels to correspond and engage with NHS and care services – both digital and paper

5 Integrated Digital Care Records “Integrated Digital Care Records are a prerequisite for integrated care” Safe, digital record keeping in secondary care A&E, 111 and OOH access to ‘partial GP record’ en route to achieving full integration NHS Number and Open APIs Clinical Digital Maturity Index £510m Technology Fund NHS Open Source Foundation

6 Market Stimulation “We need help from the market if we are to deliver this revolution” G-Cloud and other central government frameworks Development of procurement toolkits for NHS Faster procurements within frameworks e.g. NHS Open Source Entrepreneurs Days – improved access to decision makers Matchmaking events and brokerage of seed funding Competitions and awards

7 Electronic Prescribing and O/S Solutions Market Place Community of Expertise Entrepreneurs Zone Proprietary Participants Trusts Suppliers Entrepreneurs Innovators Siam NHS England Launch the Event. Talk through the Chapters and launch the Tech Fund (2) NHS England Launch the Event. Talk through the Chapters and launch the Tech Fund (2) GPS Procurement Open Source Innovation Showcase Incubation Hub Vendor will have stalls to demo product s. We will incite OS offers through EHI Live /press release Break-out sessions will run throughout the event every hour. GPS will talk through their new framework and sign-post suppliers. OS session will talk through our strategy and enlist new interest. The incubation hub will talk through gaps in the market. Chapter 1 3 rd December 2013

8 Developing the Informatics Profession “Develop leaders, invest in skills” Develop CCIOs and CIOs Increase learning, development & accreditation opportunities for information and ICT specialists in health Support the development of Information & IT leaders able to operate at Executive level Build a valued profession

9 Building the Profession Focus on functions, not structures Create an appetite Build a brand Be inclusive

10 The Nye Bevan Programme “If you’re a courageous senior leader looking to move into an Executive leadership role and drive change through the very highest levels of the healthcare system, this programme is for you.” Rising to the Challenge Work towards changing the brand Capitalise on existing opportunities Become part of a movement Create a regional development network

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