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Leading Through Change Supported by the Northern Rock Foundation Workshop – 7 March 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Through Change Supported by the Northern Rock Foundation Workshop – 7 March 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading Through Change Supported by the Northern Rock Foundation Workshop – 7 March 2012

2 Objectives for today Understanding people’s reactions to change and how to navigate these Preparing people for change Communicating change effectively Understanding and managing your own reactions to change – maintaining resilience What will success look like for you today?

3 Introductions Choose a picture that best sums up your feelings about change Introduce yourself: Who you are What organisation you work with What changes is your organisation facing? Why you chose this picture

4 What do we already know about change management? When you have seen change managed well, what did it look like and why did it work? When it hasn’t been managed well, what did it look like and why didn’t it work?


6 Small group discussion Think of a big change that actually happened to you: How did it feel at the time? How did these feelings change as time went on? What has been the lasting effect?

7 The Change Curve Self-esteem Time Shock Denial Anger Self Doubt Letting Go Testing Options Self Awareness Renewal

8 The Change Cycle

9 Discussion How are you seeing this played out in your organisation? What kind of support do your people need right now?

10 Love change or loathe it?


12 The Change Equation Clear and positive vision of the future An organisation is ready for change when: A+B+C>D Dissatisfaction with current situation Knowledge of first few steps Economic and psychological cost of change Adapted from Beckhard and Harris

13 NO2802-200 Ref no 13 The Change Kaleidoscope Key (-) = against (n) = neutral (+) = for Time Power Capability ReadinessScope Capacity Diversity Preservation

14 8 step change model Create a sense of urgency Create a guiding coalition Create a vision for change Communicate the vision Remove obstacles Create short term wins Build on the change Anchor the change in the organisation’s culture

15 Group discussion In the case of change in your organisation, what do you need to be giving more attention to?

16 Communicating change How will it affect me and my work? How will it affect my colleagues/friends? When will it be happening? How long before we can move on or get back to normal?! What happens next?

17 Choosing your communication style Head, heart, or hands? Detail or big picture?

18 Staying resilient Where are you on the change curve? Find a buddy – don’t do this alone Find your own pressure valve


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