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No-Smoking Day 2014. Wednesday,12 Mark Rutherford. Facts, quizzes, debates, tasks.

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Presentation on theme: "No-Smoking Day 2014. Wednesday,12 Mark Rutherford. Facts, quizzes, debates, tasks."— Presentation transcript:

1 No-Smoking Day 2014. Wednesday,12 March. @ Mark Rutherford. Facts, quizzes, debates, tasks.


3 No-Smoking Day 2014 In this presentation, you’ll get to know about the health dangers of someone smoking; what cigarette smoke contains; what passive smoking is; the financial aspects of deciding to smoke; the health benefits of not smoking or giving up smoking; who to see at our school if you want help in giving up smoking.

4 No-Smoking Day 2014 Study the following slides very carefully. It is all about facts on smoking. There will be a ‘test’ after!!!

5 No-Smoking Day 2014 Over 109,000 people in the UK die every year due to smoking (that is over 2000 per week).

6 No-Smoking Day 2014 53% of all smokers will die from smoking-related diseases.

7 No-Smoking Day 2014 A smoker’s life expectancy is 10.6 years shorter than a non-smoker. (This person lived to 108. She was a non-smoker).

8 No-Smoking Day 2014 While 85 out of 100 non-smokers live past 70 in the UK, only 43 long-term smokers live past this age.

9 No-Smoking Day 2014 In 1972, 47% of the UK’s adult population smoked. By 1990, this figure had dropped to 32% and in 2014 it is 25.6%. So, most people don’t smoke!!

10 No-Smoking Day 2014 A cigarette contains over 4100 chemicals (of which 52 are carcinogens (causes of cancer)).

11 No-Smoking Day 2014 Passive smoking (someone who doesn’t smoke is infected by the smoke of others) kills 11,800 (over 32 a day) people every year in the UK.

12 No-Smoking Day 2014 Quiz time!! How many people die in the UK every year due to smoking cigarettes? What percentage of smokers will die from smoking- related diseases? How many years will a non-smoker live longer than a smoker? Out of 100 people, how many non-smokers will live past the age of 70? What is the figure for smokers?

13 No-Smoking Day 2014 In 1972, what percentage of the UK population smoked? What was it in 1990 and what is it now? How many chemicals are in 1 cigarette? How many of these chemicals are cancer causing? What is ‘passive smoking’ and how many people die in the UK because of it?

14 No-Smoking Day 2014 Cigarettes contain the following -: Nicotine (an addictive drug)

15 No-Smoking Day 2014 Tar (which is loaded with chemicals).

16 No-Smoking Day 2014 Carbon Monoxide

17 No-Smoking Day 2014 On the left is a non-smoker’s lungs; on the right a smoker’s lungs.

18 No-Smoking Day 2014 Diseases/problems associated with smoking. Lung cancer/disease Heart disease Mouth, nose, pancreas and other cancers Circulation problems Infertility Premature ageing Early menopause for women Asthma Colds Tuberculosis And many, many, many more.

19 No-Smoking Day 2014 Smoking whilst pregnant.

20 No-Smoking Day 2014 Smoking whilst pregnant increases the risk of Miscarriage Complications during pregnancy Low birth weight Premature births Birth defects like cleft palate Still born or early death of baby Poorer mental and physical development of the baby

21 No-Smoking Day 2014 Cleft palate-this boy’s Mum decided to smoke on average 10 cigarettes a day while pregnant.

22 No-Smoking Day 2014

23 Other problems with smoking Hair, breath, clothes, your home smells of smoke Your sense of smell and taste are dulled Life insurance is expensive Finding a job is more difficult as employers see that smokers have more time off then non-smokers (2.17% of all ‘sick days’ in the UK are attributed to smoking).

24 No-Smoking Day 2014 The Smoking Ban in the UK. It is illegal – with a £50 fine if caught – to smoke in all indoor public locations in the UK. Scotland was the first to ban it on 26 March, 2006. Wales was next on 2 April, 2007. Northern Ireland came next on 30 April, 2007. Finally, England brought the ban in on 1 July, 2007.

25 No-Smoking Day 2014

26 Tutor Group Debate. Was it right that the authorities in the UK banned smoking in all indoor public places? Why? Should the fine be greater or less than the £50 imposed if someone is caught smoking? Why?

27 No-Smoking Day 2014 The Financial cost of smoking. How much does a packet of 20 cost?

28 No-Smoking Day 2014 The average price of a packet of 20 cigarettes in the UK is £7.98. If someone smoked 1 packet per day, how much would it cost them -: In 1 week? In 1 month? In 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?

29 No-Smoking Day 2014 In 1 week? £55.86 In 1 month? £223.44 In 1 year? £2,904.74 5 years? £14,523.60 10 years? £29,047.20

30 No-Smoking Day 2014 Benefits of giving up smoking = If you give up before the age of 35, your life expectancy is only a wee bit less than that a non- smoker Less chest infections and colds A return of your taste buds and sense of smell You save loads and loads of money – think what you could spend the cash on!!

31 No-Smoking Day 2014 Health benefits after only 72 hours (3 days) of not smoking Breathing becomes easier as bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase.

32 No-Smoking Day 2014 Health benefits after 1 month of not smoking Skin appearance improves owing to improved skin perfusion.

33 No-Smoking Day 2014 Health benefits after 3-9 months of not smoking Cough, wheezing and breathing problems improve and lung function is up by 10%.

34 No-Smoking Day 2014 Health benefits after 1 year of not smoking Risk of heart attack falls to about ½ of that of a smoker.

35 No-Smoking Day 2014 Health benefits after 10 years of not smoking Risk of lung cancer falls to about ½ of that of a smoker.

36 No-Smoking Day 2014 Health benefits after 15 years of not smoking Risk of heart attack falls to the same level as someone who has never smoked.

37 No-Smoking Day 2014 A famous saying is “everything in moderation”. This is absolute ‘ crazy talk.’ Smoking in moderation is NOT good for you. It is not good for your physical health, others’ health due to passive smoking and it costs money! Why pay money to poison yourself??????

38 No-Smoking Day 2014 IMPORTANT NOTICE. At Mark Rutherford, we have trained staff who will help anyone who wishes to give up smoking. If you smoke and wish to receive help, please see your Tutor who will then pass your name on.

39 No-Smoking Day 2014 TASK. Your task is to create a slogan and poster about the dangers of smoking. The best 1 in your Tutor Group will then go up against the 12 other Tutor Groups in the House. The winning 1 will then get a prize. Then, each of the House winners (4 in total) will then be judged to find the best one. The winning one will then go up in every room in the school.

40 No-Smoking Day 2014 Slogans/posters examples

41 No-Smoking Day 2014


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