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Eleanor Smith – Area Manger Sofie Andersson – Team Leader Adopting the No Second Night Out approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Eleanor Smith – Area Manger Sofie Andersson – Team Leader Adopting the No Second Night Out approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eleanor Smith – Area Manger Sofie Andersson – Team Leader Adopting the No Second Night Out approach

2 New or entrenched? Why does it matter?

3 Principles of No Second Night Out 1.New rough sleeper identified and helped off the streets immediately 2.The public can alert services 3.Rough sleepers can go to a place of safety 4.Rough sleepers are able to get emergency accommodation and other services they need. 5.Rough sleepers from outside the area can be reconnected with their community.

4 New rough sleeper identified and helped off the streets immediately Reduce time rough sleeping Responsive service Complement – work together Verification Returner/Not new Low support needs

5 The public can alert services Public be eyes and ears Easy to refer Phone line/E-mail Website/QR Scanner Reduce stigma and raise awareness

6 The public can alert services

7 Rough sleepers can go to a place of safety Assessment of need and suitability Identify initial solution/place of safety Partner with homeless services and existing outreach teams Support access (personalisation)

8 Rough sleepers are able to get emergency accommodation and other services they need. Place of safety away from the streets and able to receive support Local provision/Spare space outside of contracts/Ring fence beds/sit-up Identify solution to rough sleeping Links with services ie health, drug, police, probation Information sharing Risk assessing

9 Rough sleepers from outside the area can be reconnected with their community Reconnection policy agreed by all LA’s Not a barrier to access support Benefits of being near family and friends, links with services Funds to facilitate return Identify reconnection support

10 Single service offer Encourage engagement Realistic and sustainable offer Develop locally Consistent message across services In Greater Manchester still developing

11 Work together with aim to end rough sleeping Develop local pathway for new rough sleepers Educating local services Clear message from all services Rough sleeping is dangerous and not acceptable Proactive to find a solution to rough sleeping, we should not be enabling a lifestyle on the streets. Assertive outreach Not a lifestyle choice

12 Don’t do it on your own

13 Any Questions?

14 Workshop Work in groups Discuss what the benefits of NSNO approach could be in your area Feedback

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