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Say No to Bullying 16 th November 2010 Nikki Pullinger Engagement with Learning Consultant Children & Young People’s Service Chris Anderson School Improvement.

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Presentation on theme: "Say No to Bullying 16 th November 2010 Nikki Pullinger Engagement with Learning Consultant Children & Young People’s Service Chris Anderson School Improvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Say No to Bullying 16 th November 2010 Nikki Pullinger Engagement with Learning Consultant Children & Young People’s Service Chris Anderson School Improvement Advisor

2 Bullying all around us?! ?

3 UNICEF survey of child well- being in rich countries: Material well-being Family and peer relationships Health and safety Behaviour and risks Own sense of well-being (educational) Own sense of well-being (subjective)

4 Child Well-Being Table 1. Netherlands 2. Sweden 3. Denmark 4. Finland 5. Spain 6. Switzerland 7. Norway 8. Italy 9. Rep. of Ireland 10. Belgium 11. Germany 12. Canada 13. Greece 14. Poland 15. Czech Republic 16. France 17. Portugal 18. Austria 19. Hungary 20. United States 21. UnitedKingdom

5 “What do we want for this child?”

6 What do you already know about SEAL?

7 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Self-Esteem Love, Affection & Belonging Safety Needs Physiological, or Survival Needs Self-Actualisation

8 Activity – Is it Bullying? Is this bullying? Bullying Not bullying Not sure Using the quiz: is it bullying? (based on the activity for children in the Green set: Year 6, staff can discuss & complete the entire quiz)

9 Is this bullying? Scott and Jennene are in Year 2 and they have a fight one day. Jennene is really angry and takes Scott’s crisps and throws them on the floor. Scott hits Jennene. (From Say no to bullying – Yr 2)

10 What about this? Liza and Kalam throw Yohance’s coat on the floor every morning and watch the teacher tell him off. (From Say no to bullying – Yr 2)

11 “Say no to bullying” – Staffroom activity 1 1. Jenny tells Tony that if he doesn’t give her his dinner money she will beat him up. 2. Dena keeps telling Susan to wear deodorant. 3. Each time Ramon walks into a class a group of pupils giggle and whisper to each other. 4. Terry spits into a drink and says he will make Jake drink it. 5. Tania and Susan won’t let Rachel play with them. 6. Joel and Dean have had an argument & kicks Dean’s bag. 7. Peter accuses Rashid of stealing his game and they fight. 8. John has a disability which means that he cannot always control his movements. A group of boys mimic him whenever he tries to join in the football game. (Adapted from materials by Sonia Sharpe, used in the DfES Sheffield anti-bullying project)

12 ABA defines bullying as: The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person by another, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be carried out physically, verbally, emotionally or through cyberspace.

13 Bullying What is bullying? It’s hurtful and keeps happening Can be direct: physical and/ or spoken Can be indirect: leaving out in the cold What isn’t bullying? Bullying isn’t replying to nastiness from another child. Or when pupils with the same power, numbers and strength fight or argue from time to time. Can involve staff, staff & pupils, parents/carers, as well as between pupils

14 Evidence of Bullying in Sheffield All schools are asked to record incidents. Here are the results for 2005/6 (based on returns from 160/170 schools): PrimarySecondarySpecial Total incidents 969 (/approx 40K) 1662 (/approx 30K) 90 (/approx 1K) Racism146 (15%)99 (5.9%)19 (21.1%) Homophobic25 (2.6%)120 (7.2%)4 (4.4) Cyber9 (0.8%)124 (8.4%)0

15 Evidence of Bullying in Sheffield All schools are asked to record incidents. Here are the results for 2006/7 (based on returns from 174/180 schools): PrimarySecondarySpecial Total incidents 831 (/approx 40K) 1409 (/approx 30K) 36 (/approx 1K) Racism165 (20%)84 (6%)3 (8.3%) Homophobic14 (1.7%)79 (5.6%)3 (8.3) Cyber19 (2.1%)135 (9.5%)2 (5.7%)

16 Evidence of Bullying in Sheffield All schools are asked to record incidents. Here are the results for 2008/9 (based on returns from 171/180 schools): PrimarySecondarySpecial Total incidents 794 (/approx 40K) 1481 (/approx 30K) 47 (/approx 1K) Racism214 (27%)122 (12%)6 (13%) Homophobic24(3%)21(1.4%)0 Cyber22 (2.7%)135(9%)0

17 Y5: Experiences of bullying

18 Y7: Types of bullying

19 Y 10: Where has bullying taken place

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