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Celebrating Birmingham’s technological achievements against the best in the world Opening up the debate on the impact of technologies across the broadest.

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Presentation on theme: "Celebrating Birmingham’s technological achievements against the best in the world Opening up the debate on the impact of technologies across the broadest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Celebrating Birmingham’s technological achievements against the best in the world Opening up the debate on the impact of technologies across the broadest cross section of industries Sharing and extrapolating digital best practice, ideas and opportunities on an international level BIRMINGHAM’S DIGITAL WEEK 18 – 22 October 2010



4 Thursday 21 October – Industry led sub sector events (Custard Factory) Friday 22 October – Cross sector business (ICC) –Neelie Kroes (Vice President of the European Commission) – Address –Keynotes – –Digital dragons den –Digital Surgery session


6 Conference Focus: Role of digital technologies to drive economic growth and to deliver better, more efficient and sustainable public services – radically transforming how we live and work Themes: –DIGITAL TODAY: Rising to the challenges of 21st century living SMART Infrastructure; SMART Living; SMART Efficiencies SMART Sustainability; SMART Inclusion; SMART Services –DIGITAL TOMORROW: Radically transforming the design and delivery of public services SMART Working; SMART Citizen; SMART Connections SMART City; SMART Community; SMART Channels FOLLOW THE SUN Digital Innovations in Public Service Delivery

7 Media Partners Confirmed Government Technology Magazine: Media partner status Editorial / advert and access to database (24,500 contacts multi-use) – decision makers in local and central government IT Approach to LGC, The MJ and The Guardian


9 2010 Gala Dinner Celebrating Birmingham’s Digital Journey Dinner tables (15 reserved) Birmingham City University Birmingham Science Park; Science City Chamber of Commerce SAP AXON UK Broadband Marketing Birmingham Stimulate Demand SCH Link2ICT Service Birmingham

10 Birmingham’s 2010 Digital Time Capsule “Our digital city – this is us in 2010” Online digital snapshot Contributions from anyone living or working in Birmingham – local schools, young people, families, silver surfers and local businesses A digital time capsule with 24/7 accessibility from anywhere in the world


12 Birmingham’s 2010 Digital Time Capsule “We are here – this is our mark” 1000 multimedia uploads by 31 st July 5000 multimedia uploads by 31 st December 27 June - Aston Pride Festival 23 July Cultural Olympiad Open Weekend

13 Involving the partnership Support in promoting the Hello Digital week of events –Your networks & channels Involvement of your organisation in the events – presenting key initiatives, chair a conference session, exhibition opportunities Attendance at Beyond, Hello Business & Eurocities Digital Time Capsule – access to content; encouraging your staff, colleagues and friends to take up the challenge


15 Digital Business Campaign - Cafelicious

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