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Young People and Community Buildings Research. Northumberland Clubs for Young People Our vision is: Working together to enable young people to be involved,

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Presentation on theme: "Young People and Community Buildings Research. Northumberland Clubs for Young People Our vision is: Working together to enable young people to be involved,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Young People and Community Buildings Research

2 Northumberland Clubs for Young People Our vision is: Working together to enable young people to be involved, enjoy and achieve. Our mission is: To provide our membership with relevant information, advice and support to empower them to provide a high quality and diverse programme of positive activities for young people.

3 Young People and Community Buildings Research - Methods Stage One - online survey Stage two - Telephone interviews, attending meetings/events/conferences, activity/consultation days with young people.

4 Results of our online survey 32 questionnaires completed 29 from village halls/community buildings consortia members

5 Please estimate how many people from the following age groups have regularly used your community building in the last 12 months

6 Do specific activities for young people aged 11 - 19 take place in your building? Guides (3), Rangers, Explorers, Scouts, DofE, Army Cadets, Youth Groups including Young Farmers Club (8) Karate (3) Taekwondo, Tennis Club, Sports Club Upstage - Autistic group, Ballet, Dance/Drama, Theatre Group Sports Dance & Drama Youth Groups Uniformed youth groups

7 Do specific activities for young people aged 11 - 19 take place in your building? Junior Church, Sunday School, Rock Solid, Mettle Parent & Toddlers, Mother & Baby Group, Dance Tots 1:1 support, Pokemon club, Internet Café, playscheme, library Other Young parents Church youth groups

8 Activities for all ages that young people aged 11 - 19 participate in Film club/nights (3) Zumba Badminton Village band Church activities Running Club Highlight Productions Private parties Karate Club Scottish dancing History Society Table Tennis Club

9 Do you involve young people aged 11 - 19 in other ways? Birthday parties Join activities with older people’s groups e.g. cook for our Lunch Club Help on trips and events Bonfire night activities. Fairs, coffee mornings and table-top sales couldn't run without them! Weekend retreats and functions Drumming workshops, Craft sessions and Dance camps in the school holidays

10 Would you like to increase the use of your building by more young people aged 11 - 19? 97% of community buildings said yes

11 Challenges and barriers to involving young people aged 11 to 19 Low numbers of young people in the area (10) Physical Limitations of the community building (9) Funding (4) Activities available elsewhere (6)

12 Challenges and barriers to involving young people aged 11 to 19 continued… Lack of volunteer leaders (13) “The last youth club closed, owing to lack of parental support volunteers” Governance support (6) “ Ensuring proper safeguarding procedures” “Health and safety covering various activities”

13 Challenges and barriers to involving young people aged 11 to 19 continued… Reaching out to and building trust with young people (8) “ Attempt failed due to lack of interest” “They can be a bit overly boisterous, noise disturbs other users” “Sharing experiences with their parents and grandparents is uncool”.

14 Challenges and barriers to involving young people aged 11 to 19 continued… Suitable activities for the age group (8) “Ensuring sufficient interesting activities for whole age range present” “ We need sessions that interest them, Wifi etc.”

15 Who do you think should take the lead to put on activities for young people in your community building? Youth Organisations 73 % 36 % Community Building Management Committees Parish Councils 23 %

16 Extra help or support to increase the numbers of young people aged 11 - 19 using your building? Staff/Volunteer development and support Access to young peoples activities Quality improvement – help to meet legal requirements etc.

17 Thank you...any questions?

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