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Thread-Level Speculation as a Memory Consistency Protocol for Software DSM? Marcelo Cintra University of Edinburgh

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1 Thread-Level Speculation as a Memory Consistency Protocol for Software DSM? Marcelo Cintra University of Edinburgh

2 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 20032 Thread-Level Speculation (TLS)  Speculatively run whole “threads” and backtrack if necessary  Track data accesses to detect cross-thread “conflicting” memory accesses  Buffer state of speculative threads and commit when appropriate  Enforce some expected correct execution behavior

3 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 20033 Example 1: Speculative Parallelization  Original code: sequential with non-decidable dependences  Squash on data flow dependences for(i=0; i<100; i++) { … = A[L[i]]+… A[K[i]] = … } Iteration J+2 … = A[5]+… A[5] =... Iteration J+1 … = A[2]+… A[2] =... Iteration J … = A[4]+… A[5] =... RAW

4 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 20034 Example 2: Speculative Synchronization [Martinez and Torrellas, ASPLOS02]  Original code: parallel with locks and barriers  Squash on conflicting accesses Thread A acquire release … = A[4]+… A[5] = … release … = A[2]+… A[2] = … release … = A[5]+… A[5] = … Thread B acquire Thread C acquire RAW WAW

5 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 20035 Example 2: Speculative Synchronization  Non-conflicting memory operations can perform out- of-order  Conflicting memory operations eventually complete in- order after rollback –Relaxes the order of non-conflicting memory operations while still providing RC abstraction  At release/commit all pending stores must complete TLS used to enforce RC in a more “relaxed” way by means of speculation and rollback

6 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 20036 Outline  Background and motivation  A TLS-based protocol for software DSM  Summary  Related work  Conclusions

7 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 20037 LRC Consistency Protocol  Block on acquires and wait for lock  Obtain lock along with invalidations  On load page fault allocate local page and get diff update  On store page fault generate twin copy  On release compare twin and private copy to generate twin; send invalidations and lock to next thread in line

8 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 20038 Example LRC Operation Thread A acquire … = A[4]+… … A[5] = … release Thread B acquire … = A[2]+… … A[2] = … release Thread C acquire … = A[5]+… … A[5] = … release Generate diff Obtain diff from Thread A

9 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 20039 TLS-based Consistency Protocol  On load or write miss allocate local page and twin copy  Expand loads and stores to keep a record of the accesses to individual fields of shared objects  On commit –Wait for “diff” from non-speculative thread –Check for violations –Merge “diff’s” and pass to next speculative thread in line  If violation detected –Incorporate received “diff” into twin copy and discard local copy –Discard own “diff” –Discard some private data (may require extra buffering) –Re-execute

10 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200310 TLS “diff” and Violations  3 possible states for each field of shared object: –NotAccessed: thread did not touch this field –Loaded: thread loaded this field but did not store to it –Modified: thread stored to this field and possibly loaded it  Violation and merging of “diff”s Non-spec Modified Speculative Loaded NotAccessed Modified NotAccessed Loaded Violation NotAccessed Modified Violation Modified

11 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200311 Example TLS DSM Operation Thread A TLS_start … = A[4]+… TLS_load … A[5] = … TLS_store TLS_end Thread B TLS_start … = A[2]+… TLS_load … A[2] = … TLS_store TLS_end Thread C TLS_start … = A[5]+… TLS_load … A[5] = … TLS_store TLS_end Update “diff” to have A[5] as Modified Update “diff” to have A[2] as Loaded Wait for non-spec (A) to finish. Obtain “diff” from A. Compare “diff” with own “diff”. No violations, so become non-spec. Merge “diff’s” Get page with stale data No need to update “diff” Wait for non-spec (B) to finish. Obtain “diff” from B. Compare “diff” with own “diff”. Violation detected.

12 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200312 Example Implementation  TLS_load:  TLS_store:  TLS_start: –Try to acquire lock with a non-blocking operation –If successful then become non-speculative –Otherwise get a place in line for the lock, and execute speculatively if (SA[i]==NotAccessed) SA[i]=Loaded SA[i]=Modified

13 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200313 Example Implementation  TLS_end: –If non-speculative then “pass” lock to next thread in line; next thread becomes non-speculative –Else, if next thread waiting for lock then  Wait for non-speculative to finish  Get “diff” from non-speculative thread  Check for violations  Merge “diff”s  “Pass” lock to next thread in line –Else, wait for lock

14 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200314 Outline  Background and motivation  A TLS-based protocol for software DSM  Summary  Related work  Conclusions

15 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200315 Will It Work?  Overheads –Augmented loads and stores  Both speculative parallelization and optimistic concurrency control in software have been done successfully  Compiler instrumentation for write trapping in DSM is not so bad [Adve et. al., HPCA96] –Serialization of commits  Implementation –Hopefully not much more complex than a software DSM –Use source code augmentation and user help  Applications –Irregular applications with little overlap of modifications in critical sections –Easy to switch back to normal DSM operation

16 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200316 Outline  Background and motivation  A TLS-based protocol for software DSM  Summary  Related work  Conclusions

17 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200317 Related Work Speculative Synchronization: –Martinez and Torrellas (ASPLOS 2002); Rajwar and Goodman (MICRO 2001)  Hardware-based Optimistic Concurrency Control and Software Transactional Memory –Herlihy (ACM TDBS 1990); Kung and Robinson (ACM TDBS 1981)  Source-code level speculation for transaction processing –Shavit and Touitou (PODC 1995); Herlihy et. al., (PODC 2003)  Run-time system speculation on top of hardware coherent systems

18 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200318 Related Work Speculation and consistency models: –Gniady, Falsafi, and Vijaykumar (ISCA 1999)  SC plus speculation in hardware  Speculation only within instruction window and ld/st queue

19 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200319 Related Work Software Speculative Parallelization: –Dang, Yu, and Rauchwerger (IPDPS 2002); Rundberg and Stenström (WSSMM 2000); Cintra and Llanos (PPoPP 2003)  Speculative parallelization at source-code level –Papadimitriou and Mowry (CMU-CS-01-145)  Speculative parallelization on software DSM protocol

20 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200320 Related Work Software DSM systems: –Treadmarks: Amza et. al. (IEEE Computer 1996)  Lazy RC (LRC) –Midway: Bershad, Zekauskas, and Sawdon (CompCon 1993)  Entry Consistency (EC) –Adve et. al. (HPCA 1996)  Compared LRC versus EC  Compared twinning versus compiler instrumentation for write trapping

21 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200321 Outline  Background and motivation  A TLS-based protocol for software DSM  Summary  Related work  Conclusions

22 Dagstuhl Seminar - October 200322 Conclusions and Future Work  TLS can provide RC with more relaxed synchronization  Hardware speculative synchronization and software speculative parallelization have been successful  Must find applications  Must perform detailed performance evaluation  ?

23 Thread-Level Speculation as a Memory Consistency Protocol for Software DSM? Marcelo Cintra University of Edinburgh

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