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CALA PT Forum June 9 2011. AGENDA 1.Changes to the PT Program since 2004. 2.Open discussion on effectiveness of these changes. 3.Planned future changes.

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Presentation on theme: "CALA PT Forum June 9 2011. AGENDA 1.Changes to the PT Program since 2004. 2.Open discussion on effectiveness of these changes. 3.Planned future changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 CALA PT Forum June 9 2011

2 AGENDA 1.Changes to the PT Program since 2004. 2.Open discussion on effectiveness of these changes. 3.Planned future changes. 4.Open discussion on these proposals. 5.Open discussion on any other PT issues. 1

3 CHANGES SINCE 2004  Two PT workshops held in 2004, Vancouver and Toronto.  Several recommendations came out of workshops. 2

4 WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATIONS 1.Give clearer message on rounding, correction, etc. 3 Action: None. The PT standard clearly requires labs to treat samples as routine, including how results are reported. 2.Change from evaluation using assigned points to a continuous system. Action: Evaluation procedure was changed as per recommendation from workshop.

5 WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATIONS 3.Account for detection limit in evaluation. 4 Action: Evaluation procedure was changed as per recommendation from workshop. 4.Establish fixed limits so they do not get tighter. Action: Changed to the use of regression equations to set a lower limit to acceptance limits.

6 WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATIONS 5.Establish limits that are based on end-use of data. 5 Action: Investigated but could not find consistent acceptable limits. pH limits were changed to be + 0.2. 6.Examine possibility of evaluating by method, not as a whole. Action: Concluded that we wanted to retain PT as a comparison amongst peers. Where there are differences, labs have been exempted.

7 WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATIONS 7.Remove the PT registration fee. 6 Action: Removed. 8.Don’t charge full price if lab can perform more than one method from same sample. Action: No longer charge full price for this. 9.Spread concentrations throughout published range. Action: Efforts have been made to do this.

8 WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATIONS 10.Force labs to treat samples as routine. 7 Action: If a lab isn’t accredited, this is difficult to do. For accredited labs, a PT sample is now examined during every assessment. 11.Provide electronic reports that can be uploaded to LIMS. Action: Electronic reports are now provided.

9 WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATIONS 12.Private sector is under-represented on Program Committee. 8 Action: Added additional private sector members to Program Committee. 13.Combine C23 and C06. Action: Done.

10 WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATIONS 14.Foil lined lids on pesticide samples leak. 9 Action: Now use teflon-lined lids.

11 OTHER CHANGES 1.Added reports on method specific summary statistics. 10 2.Added reports containing method specific histograms.

12 OTHER CHANGES 11 3.Moved generic reports from password protected area to public area. 4.Removed mandatory participation in CALA PT. 5.Modified concentration ranges for several test groups. 6.Added several new test groups. 7.Reduced PT fees by ~25%.


14 FUTURE CHANGES 13 1.Introduction of Blind “Challenge” Samples. May be a difficult matrix. May be presence of interference. May be a non-conformance of the sample. Challenge sample will not be used as part of evaluation A summary report of the challenge will be provided after the study. Will not cause instrument problems.

15 ON-LINE APPLICATION POSSIBILITIES Ordering Samples For New Clients. 14

16 ON-LINE APPLICATION POSSIBILITIES Ordering Samples For Existing Clients. 15

17 ON-LINE APPLICATION POSSIBILITIES Retrieving Historic Reports and Trends. 16

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