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What do these things have in common? a mouse a touch screen a program on your Mac or PC that includes a trashcan, icons of disk drives, and folders pull-down.

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Presentation on theme: "What do these things have in common? a mouse a touch screen a program on your Mac or PC that includes a trashcan, icons of disk drives, and folders pull-down."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do these things have in common? a mouse a touch screen a program on your Mac or PC that includes a trashcan, icons of disk drives, and folders pull-down menus atm machine key pad

2 Human-Computer Interface design which were designed to make it easier to accomplish things with a computer. Often referred to as “CHI” or “CHI Factors”

3 "User interface design is not guesswork." Allan Cooper in About Face

4 “Do not design while you are coding.” Allan Cooper in About Face

5 Interface Design Rules Strive for Consistency interface should be consistent syntax, actions, layout, etc. should have a consistent format.

6 Interface Design Rules Give users shortcuts bookmarking navigational jumps Offer informative feedback Actions/inputs performed by the user should result in some sort of feedback.

7 Interface Design Rules Design dialogues to yield closure Actions sequences should have a definite beginning, middle and end. Offer simple error handling Design so that user cannot make serious errors from misuse or misinterpretation Keep error messages simple.

8 Interface Design Rules Forgiveness and reversal actions should be reversible. Support user-centered interaction Users should perceive themselves as the initiators of actions not as passive responders.

9 Interface Design Rules Reduce short-term memory load on user Displays of information should be designed to reduce demands on user. Navigation should be easy to learn and use Apply the Rule of 7

10 Interface Design Rules Rule of 7 short-term memory is limited in the number of things that can be contained a person can remember 7 (+ or - 2) "items" in short-term memory on average people remember between 5 and 9 things at one time your phone number is 7 digits long

11 Interface Design Rules Chunking try to decrease the number of items you are demanding of the user 4162348755

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