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Development of Communication and Control (C 2 ) Subsystems AIF Research Forum, Fredericton, New Brunswick, May, 19, 2006 Julian Meng and Shane Barnes.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of Communication and Control (C 2 ) Subsystems AIF Research Forum, Fredericton, New Brunswick, May, 19, 2006 Julian Meng and Shane Barnes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of Communication and Control (C 2 ) Subsystems AIF Research Forum, Fredericton, New Brunswick, May, 19, 2006 Julian Meng and Shane Barnes

2 Task Description Development of cost-effective communication and supervisory control technologies for DPG. Concentrate on internet access and low-cost point-to-point (multipoint) wireless solutions. Simple but effective link between Energy Control Center (ECC) and desired DPG device.

3 DPG Network

4 DPG C 2 Requirements Requirements: Modular, Reliable, Flexible Bandwidth: Low, kbps (based on anticipated control requirements) Distance: Variable Control protocol: MODBUS compliant

5 Deliverables Solutions for short and long distance communication links to form a DPG network. Hardware and software for communication links. Control interface: ECC-DPG. Demonstration of reliable field operation.

6 DPG Communication System System components: WAN (Internet), LAN (unlicensed serial radio), Gateway (cellular radio)

7 DPG Communication System

8 Scalable Point-to-point Solution Low-cost unlicensed (900 MHz ISM band) radios for Gateway to DPG link Maxstream, Microhard, others Cost: $200 US (low end) to $1500 US (high end) Can radios achieve performance of stated specifications?

9 Gateway Solution Cellular Modems: Airlink Redwing ($500 US) Low cost wireless access to the Internet

10 Low-cost Radio Specifications

11 Test Bench Performance expectations of low-cost radio solutions must be managed. Field deployment testing is difficult. RF test bench was developed to test and validate performance of radios under varying conditions. Components include: various RF components, spectrum analyser, signal generator and FPGA channel simulator

12 Test Bench Performance expectations of low-cost radio solutions must be managed. Field deployment testing is difficult. RF test bench was developed to test and validate performance of radios under varying conditions. Components include: various RF components, spectrum analyser, signal generator and FPGA channel simulator

13 Test Bench

14 FPGA-based Channel Simulator Characteristics:  Low-cost  Quick data collection & analysis  Real-time simulation of real-world channel conditions  Critical performance comparison  Problem identification before costly market failure  Re-configurable FPGA for broad range of scenarios

15 FPGA-based Channel Simulator Free space loss Propagation delay and multipath reflections Additive white Gaussian noise Multi-access interference Narrowband interference

16 PER Sensitivity Performance 9600 kbps

17 PER External Interference Performance 9600 kbps

18 MODBUS Protocol Control layer:  Internet based  Open standard  Scaleable  Universal recognition

19 MODBUS Protocol Gateway PLC HMI Drive I/O Gateway PLC I/O Device MODBUS on TCP/IP DrivePLCHMI MODBUS on MB+ MODBUS on RS232 MODBUS on RS485 PLCI/O MODBUS Communication

20 Where we are … Two low-cost P-to-P radios have been bench tested. Simple Gateway/P-to-P solution was shown to be successful. Meaning: From anywhere in the world where we can access the internet, we can observe/control the DPG conditions. The selected (as are most) telemetry radios are MODBUS capable to allow for flexibility, interoperability and industry compliance.

21 Where we need to be … Communication layer utilization by the application layer i.e. ECC to DPG. Bench level mockup. Field testing and validation.

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