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Creating Supportive Environments for Healthy Eating & Physical Activity.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Supportive Environments for Healthy Eating & Physical Activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Supportive Environments for Healthy Eating & Physical Activity

2 Prevention Imperative Need for healthier Nova Scotians –Increase sustainability of health care system –Important for a vibrant economy –Quality of life

3 Prevention Framework Health Promotion - tobacco, alcohol, healthy eating, physical activity, healthy relationships, mental wellness, injury prevention Health Protection - immunization, communicable disease control - healthy & sustainable physical and built environments Early childhood development Social Determinants & Health inequities

4 Prevention Approach -Shared solutions Across sectors & governments –Changing environments –Policy focus –Targeted approaches –Engagement of people and communities

5 Health Impact Pyramid Increasing Population Impact Increasing Individual Effort Needed Counseling & Education Clinical Interventions Long Lasting Protective Inventions Changing the context to make individuals’ default decisions healthier Socioeconomic Factors From: Thomas R. Frieden, MD, MPH. American Journal of Public Health April 2010, Vol 100, No. 4


7 Plan and Build Healthier Communities Equip People with Skills and Knowledge for Lifelong Health Support a Healthy Start for Children and Families 1 2 4

8 Thrive! = More than a Government Strategy

9 Challenges and Opportunities


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