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The Emerging Challenges facing the Ontario Colleges Ontario College Administrative Staff Association Dr. Lane D. Trotter Senior Vice President Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "The Emerging Challenges facing the Ontario Colleges Ontario College Administrative Staff Association Dr. Lane D. Trotter Senior Vice President Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Emerging Challenges facing the Ontario Colleges Ontario College Administrative Staff Association Dr. Lane D. Trotter Senior Vice President Academic Fanshawe College June 24, 2013

2 retirement r e c r u i t m e n t demographics technology funding training education culture tuition pedagogy androgogy competition credentials

3 retirement recruitment presidents faculty administrative staff support staff pension

4 retirement recruitment presidents faculty administrative staff support staff pension demographics

5 demographics declining 18-24 cohort outside the GTA aging population demand for public services changing student profile more skills upgrading more mature learners

6 demographics declining 18-24 cohort outside the GTA aging population demand for public services changing student profile more skills upgrading retirement recruitment funding more mature learners

7 funding provincial deficit reduced operating grant no service reductions publicly funded vs publicly assisted more partnerships with industry with other PSIs international

8 funding provincial deficit reduced operating grant no service reductions publicly funded vs publicly assisted retirement recruitment demographics tuition more partnerships with industry with other PSIs international

9 tuition capped to CPI will become ever more important students will expect more publicly funded vs publicly assisted?

10 tuition capped to CPI will become ever more important students will expect more retirement recruitment demographics funding competition publicly funded vs publicly assisted?

11 competition for students with universities with colleges hyper coopetition with private career colleges with international PSIs

12 competition for students with universities with colleges hyper coopetition retirement recruitment demographics funding tuition pedagogy a n d r o g o g y with private career colleges with international PSIs

13 pedagogy androgogy “just in time” education customised learning elearning Western Governors University Coursera / EdX / Udacity experiential learning research social media modularisation coop internships clinical placements

14 pedagogy androgogy “just in time” education customised learning elearning Western Governors University Coursera / EdX / Udacity experiential learning research social media modularisation retirement recruitment demographics t e c h n o l o g y funding tuition pedagogy androgogy competition coop internships clinical placements

15 technology simulation MOOCs mobile Western Governors University Coursera / EdX / Udacity OntarioLearn new educational cost model

16 technology simulation MOOCs mobile Western Governors University Coursera / EdX / Udacity OntarioLearn new educational cost model retirement recruitment demographics funding e d u c a t i o n tuition pedagogy androgogy competition

17 education Ontario’s old binary model pathways employment Bologna Process articulation OnCAT credit transfer/ portability

18 education Ontario’s old binary model pathways employment retirement recruitment demographics technology funding training tuition pedagogy androgogy competition Bologna Process articulation OnCAT credit transfer/ portability

19 training apprenticeship CODA PLAR credit transfer to post secondary

20 training apprenticeship CODA PLAR retirement recruitment demographics technology funding education tuition pedagogy androgogy competition credentials credit transfer to post secondary

21 credentials degrees certificates and diplomas sophisticated Large economy Bologna Process PEQAB 3-2-3 4 year college vs honours degree advanced diploma vs 3 year degree EHEA

22 credentials degrees certificates and diplomas sophisticated Large economy retirement recruitment demographics technology funding training education c u l t u r e tuition pedagogy androgogy competition Bologna Process PEQAB 3-2-3 4 year college vs honours degree advanced diploma vs 3 year degree EHEA

23 culture need to define embrace teaching industry driven student focused research driven by curriculum distinct from the universities

24 retirement r e c r u i t m e n t demographics t e c h n o l o g y funding training e d u c a t i o n culture tuition pedagogy a n d r o g o g y competition credentials need to define embrace teaching industry driven student focused research driven by curriculum distinct from the universities

25 FINAL THOUGHTS massive change over the last 12 years change will continue paradigmatic / sea change continued decline in public grant more competition evolve educational model education as private benefit rather than public good Ontario Colleges must be nimble stay focused on economy cost shifting to users differentiate


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