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Keeping Up to Date: Accessing Your N&D Title I Funds For PAFPC Conference April 14, 2008 Don McCrone & Joe Hiznay.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping Up to Date: Accessing Your N&D Title I Funds For PAFPC Conference April 14, 2008 Don McCrone & Joe Hiznay."— Presentation transcript:


2 Keeping Up to Date: Accessing Your N&D Title I Funds For PAFPC Conference April 14, 2008 Don McCrone & Joe Hiznay

3 AGENDA Welcome & Introductions Who Is Eligible Funding Process The New Child Count Survey Whos Responsible Monitoring Resources Questions

4 ELIGIBLE INSTITUTIONS State operated correctional institutions State operated neglected institutions County operated correctional institutions County operated dependent institutions Private operated facilities serving delinquent youth Private operated facilities serving neglected youth NOTE: The above institutions/agencys types must operate a 24hr residential program

5 Funding Process Institution – PDE 3048 PDE – Aggregate Data USDE – Determination of Funds PDE – Assignment of Allocations LEA – Acceptance of Institution Program LEA – EGRANT Application LEA/Institution – Formal Agreement LEA/Institution - Program

6 PDE – 3048 This form will be used to generate Title I funds for the 2008-2009 school year. The funds are based on eligible caseload population as set forth and defined by PDE in Section II. This form is due December 15, 2008. Any form received after December 15, 2008 cannot be used to generate funds. This form must be notarized and attached to a documented caseload to be eligible for funding.

7 PDE – 3048 (cont) IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE COMPLETING FORM: Do not use this form for state-owned institutions, foster homes, facilities for day care only, or any facility not providing 24-hour residential care. Children in community living programs must not be included on this form. The PRIMARY purpose of the institution MUST be for the care of children who are considered to be neglected or delinquent, as defined by state law. Single Survey forms should be completed for each group home. In Section I - #1 you will list the name of the institution followed by the name of the facility.

8 PDE – 3048 (cont) Section I Changes Agency & Facility Information Section II Show the total number of children under 24-hour care who resided in the facility during any portion of the period from October 31 to November 29, 2008. Show the total number of the children from #2 who were, age 5 through 17, for at least one day of the 30 day window. This number must match the attached caseload.

9 CASELOAD DATA Residents Name Date of Birth Date of Admission Date of Discharge John D.5/13/19934/15/200811/2/2008 Melissa H.5/13/19968/9/200810/31/2008 Harvey C.11/1/19909/26/2008

10 WHO DOES WHAT??? PDE 3048 EGRANT/Narrative Formal Agreement Fiscal Oversight and Management Program Design Daily Operation Annual Reporting

11 MONITORING OF TITLE I N&D PROGRAM Once in a 2-3 year cycle Assistive yet compliance oriented Part of the LEA monitoring? Who will be monitoring our program? How are the visits arranged? Who should be present for a monitoring visit? What are they looking for?

12 MONITORING INSTRUMENT Institution Name Address Contact person Email address LEA Providing Services Total Allocation Date Monitored

13 MONITORING (cont) 1. The institutions license or legal documentation for existence has been verified. 2. The caseload data at the institution on PDE-3048 Survey of Children in Local Institutions has been reviewed. 3. The institution has evidence of assessment data which impacts on the ability of students to maintain and improve edcuational achievement. Section1431(a)(1)

14 MONITORING (cont) 4. The application accurately describes the institutional program. Sections 1423 & 1425 5. There is evidence that coordination exists between the LEA and the institution. 6. The institution evaluates the program and enters the student data.

15 RESOURCES/SUPPORT N&D Advisory Committee See handout N&D Website & Annual Conference PA Department of Education PA Association of Federal Program Coordinators American Institutes for Research (AIR)

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