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Geological activities – University of Winnipeg Ed Cloutis Department of Geography University of Winnipeg.

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1 Geological activities – University of Winnipeg Ed Cloutis Department of Geography University of Winnipeg

2 Background University of Winnipeg is too small to have a stand-alone geology department University of Winnipeg is too small to have a stand-alone geology department Nevertheless, a number of faculty are engaged in geological research Nevertheless, a number of faculty are engaged in geological research Examples below Examples below

3 Red/Assiniboine River Flood Reconstruction Based on written and other proxy records (Bill Rannie) Based on written and other proxy records (Bill Rannie)

4 Mapping Historic Wetlands Satellite imagery and DEMs to reconstruct location of historic wetlands Satellite imagery and DEMs to reconstruct location of historic wetlands

5 Soil Moisture from Satellite Data Microwave satellite data and imagery for soil moisture mapping Microwave satellite data and imagery for soil moisture mapping SMAP satellite data SMAP satellite data

6 Paleoclimate/paleoenvironment from isotopic data

7 Diamond indicator mineral analysis

8 Oil sand analysis

9 Hard rock drill core analysis

10 Asteroid geological mapping

11 Mars geological mapping

12 Asteroid sample return mission OSIRIS-REx (NASA – CSA) OSIRIS-REx (NASA – CSA)

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