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ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University ICT Building.

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Presentation on theme: "ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University ICT Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University ICT Building Research & Education situation in Denmark Professor Per Christiansson Aalborg Universitet ERFA-gruppen ’Det Digitale Byggeri’ Copenhagen May 17, 2002

2 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University CONTENT -Nordic ICT Research -EU Roadcon,... -R&D and Networks in Denmark -Education in Denmark -Summing up

3 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University NORDIC ICT RESEARCH -Sweden -Finland History: Nordiska Ministerrådet,NBS DATA. 80s Alvey, ….

4 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University IT Bygg & Fastighet 2002 (S) -R&D to identify and describe information structures for processes, products and resources. Create tools to make the building process more efficient -Standardization on definition, terminology and structure for information exchange -Implementation of ICT to increase competence and usage of achieved results 6.1998 - 10.2001: 87 MSEK (9.5 MEU) (ca 38MSEK/år) (R&D:Std:Impl - 6:7:7) First Swedish National IT Building program launched 1990 1/4

5 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University IT Bygg & Fastighet 2002 (S) -R&D to identify and describe information structures for processes, products and resources. Create tools to make the building process more efficient 1. Kommunikation och kunskapsförsörjning 2. Gränssnitt 3. Produkt- och processmodeller 4. Klassifikation och standarder 5. Implementering för förändrade arbetsformer 2/4

6 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University IT Bygg & Fastighet 2002 (S) -Standardization on definition, terminology and structure for information exchange 3/4 1. Definition Identifiering och klassificering av information Identifiering av dokument och deras status Elektroniska signaturer Terminologi 2. Modellering Produktmodeller Databaser Modeller för dokument och dokumentation Presentation av vyer in i datamodeller och databaser Elektroniska bibliotek och arkiv 3. Hantering Hantering av information och dokument Utväxling av information och dokument Dokumentation av hantering och utväxling Övriga säkerhetsaspekter

7 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University IT Bygg & Fastighet 2002 (S) -Implementation of ICT to increase competence and usage of achieved results 4/4 1. Kontaktskapande *Interna möten inom programmen och mellan projekten *Skapa nätverk kring enskilda frågor, f.n. "Produktmodeller" och "Dokumenthantering". 2. Information *Tillhandahålla information via Internet och nyhetsblad *Ordna konferenser, seminarier och demonstrationer. Öppna möten ordnas i samarbete med BFAB. 3. Implementeringsprojekt *Behandla inkomna ansökningar om implementeringsprojekt *Ta initiatiativ till ett antal breda implementeringsprojekt planeras inför programmets senare del.

8 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University Information Networking in the Construction Process - VERA 1997-2002 -Management of the information flow during the entire life cycle of the building -Improvement of the information management among the project parties. -Utilisation of information technology and information networks in the whole construction process. -Process development. (re-engineering) 1997-2002: 12 (Tekes)+16 MEU -> 20 + 23 = 43 MEU 1/2

9 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University The VERA scene

10 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University Information Networking in the Construction Process - VERA 1997-2002 Projects are categorised in the following groups: 2/2 *Software Products *Service Products *Process Development *Basic Technologies and Know-how *Surveys and Reports

11 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University EU ROADCON …. Preparing for the European 6 th Framework Programme (FP6).

12 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University ROADCON EU (June 1, 2002) Strategic Roadmap towards Knowledge-Driven Sustainable Construction 1/5 European project IST-2001-37278 Expected to start 1 June 2002

13 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University ROADCON EU (June 1, 2002) 2/5 -ROADCON is a strategic RTD roadmap project on ICT in the construction sector. -As a roadmap project it will suggest and prepare actions for the forthcoming European 6 th Framework Programme (FP6). -It addresses "New ways of working and electronic commerce" (Key Action II) of the "Information Societies Technologies" (IST) programme. This is the area where most EC projects related to ICT in the construction sector are positioned. -The proposal was submitted to the EC on the 21st of February 2002 and has been accepted. It is currently in final phase of contract negotiation with the EC. -It will start in June 2002 and end in May 2003 which is before the anticipated 1 st call for RTD proposals in FP6.

14 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University ROADCON EU (June 1, 2002) 3/5 Main Aims -Form a strategy for future research and development on ICT in construction. -Prepare and suggest RTD actions and priorities for the construction sector in the forthcoming European 6 th Framework Programme (FP6) and also to the EC. -Identify key actors and stakeholders and prepare co-operation between them. -Seek consensus among research, business and user organisations.

15 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University ROADCON EU (June 1, 2002) 4/5 Relations European construction sector organisations ECCREDI ENCORD ENBRI ECI IMS Global RTD Standardisation IST projects (+ GROWTH, IMS) VOSTER ICCI prodAEC IST clusters and networks Hungary National programmes + support groups Sweden: Competitive Blg ITBoF F P 6 F P 6 ROADCON GlobEMENGlobEMEN PROCUREPROCURE OSMOSOSMOS ISTforCEISTforCE e-CORE e-CORE eLEG AL e-HUBe-HUB DIVERCITYDIVERCITY eConstructeConstruct eCOGNOSeCOGNOS Portugal: FEDER, MSI, AI Netherlands: PAIS Slovenia France: PUCA UK: EPSRC, DTI, CITE, SIENE ISO/ TC59/SC13 WG6 CEN/ ISSS bcXML ISO STEP ICIS W3C OMG OAG IAI + aecXML Italy: FTI, MIUR, ANCE Denmark: Digital building Germany: BMVBW, BMWi, GAEB Finland: TEKES, VERA, UTT

16 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University ROADCON EU (June 1, 2002) 1/2 Relations 5/5

17 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University -Aalborg University, IT in Civil Engineering -BYG, DTU Copenhagen -Århus School of Architecture -SBI -Danish Center for Integrated Design, CID. (1.1 MEU) -Byggeklassifikation ( -IFC standardisation work ( -Trimmet Byggeri -…. R&D AND NETWORKS IN DENMARK

18 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University R&D areas in Denmark -Collaboration, UE -Virtual Buildings -Classification -Knowledge Management -Embedded systems -... -Partnering -Portals -Project webs -Mobility (Den mobile Sagsleder) -IFC implementations (DR Ørestad) -...

19 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University R&D at IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University Research areas at IT in Civil Engineering VIRTUAL BULDINGS AND IT-SUPPORTED COLLABORATION -IT in Collaborative Building Design. PhD project within Danish Center for Integrated Design. CID - Distributed Virtual Workspace for enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry - DIVERCITY (EU project) - Use of Meta Data in the Building Process (Master thesis) -IT Supported Supply Chain in the Building Process (Master thesis) KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER INTELLIGENT BUILDINGS AND DIGITAL CITIES

20 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University DIVERCITY function, form, content, behaviour The objective of the project is to produce a prototype virtual workspace that will enable the three key phases (client briefing, design review, construction) to be visualized and manipulated, and to produce a set of VR tools that aid the construction design and planning process.

21 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University DIVERCITY function, form, content, behaviour DIVERCITY Application data container DIVERCITY Data container -IFC+ Collab. Application data container 'CAD' Appl. Application data container Appl. Application data container Appl. Collab. Virtual Workspace Acoustics Lighting Simulations Thermal Analysis 4D building site Building Model (IFC,…) Client briefing

22 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University DIVERCITY project data - Shared cost RTD project - Key Action II.2.2 (New Methods of Work / Workplace Design / Team Work) - Started in March 2000 - Expected duration: 30 months - Total cost: 3 M Euro (app.) - Commission funding: 2 M Euro - Consortium (10 partners - 5 countries): - Objective : Design & Develop a Distributed Virtual Workspace adapted for the Construction Industry

23 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University DIVERCITY project infrastruture

24 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University Airflow visualization in VR Cave 3D Displacement ventilation in a livestock building Temperature field, Vector field, Streamlines, Particle movement (Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and Aalborg University) Air inlet Air exhaust

25 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University Virtual Reality example The ANS project at Kjellerup commune by COWI Consulting Engineers and Planners Aalborg, and Aalborg VR Media Lab

26 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University -Aalborg University, IT in Civil Engineering -BYG, DTU Copenhagen -Århus School of Architecture - Ingeniørhøjskoler København, Odense, Århus,... -Tekniske skoler…. -…. EDUCATION IN DENMARK

27 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University Distributed learning 1/2 Remote lecture and application sharing between Aalborg and Lund Universities 1999 in teacher/secretary course (parallel ISDN based video communication and Internet based application

28 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University Structuring Learning Systems

29 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University Education. IT Byg courses. DTU Bygningstegning (grundkursus)5 p, E1-b Grafisk kommunikation og multimedier 5p, F3-a CAD og IT i byggesektoren10p, F1 Videregående IT i byggeriet10p, F1 Design af bygningskomponenter5p, juni IT-ledelse i byggevirksomheder10p, F4 Videnbaserede systemer i byggeriet5p, juni

30 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University Education. IT Byg courses. AAU. 1/3 Civil Engineering - IT in the Building Process (semester 6) Building Management - Virtual Buildings (sem7) - Multimedia & Knowledge Management (sem8) - Integrated Building Process (sem9) Architecture & Design - Intelligent Models (sem6)

31 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University Education. IT in Civil Engineering courses 2/3 Master of IT distributed open education (3*1/2 years) - Human Computer Interaction, HCI (year 1) - Multimedia Interface Design and Computer - Collaborative Work (year2) - Knowledge Management within Companies and Projects (year2) - Intelligent Buildings and the Digital City (year3) - Engineering Databases (year3)

32 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University Education. IT in Civil Engineering courses 3/3 Life Long Education (Livslang uddanelse) (short courses) - IT i Byggeriet (1999, 2001) Internal courses for teachers and secretaries

33 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University Actors - Resources - Results Constraints: Limited resources, wanted results, who should be involved, who drives, balance Res/Dvlp/Stds/Netw SUMMING UP Basic research Directed basic research Applied research Development Implementation

34 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University The ‘DDB’ scene

35 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University Conclusions *Meet globalisation *Handle change processes in work and organisations *Great need to increase awareness on fundamentals for beneficial change processes (knowledge exchange, demonstrations, participatory design) *New forms and services for knowledge and physical artefacts trading *Changed communication networks/content/form on all levels *Increased possibilities to build (low cost) Virtual Worlds/rooms and Virtual Buildings (with partly redundant knowledge representations, temporal and intelligent properties) *Design and try out of new tools for collaboration, communication and information handling *Standards development and implementations *Knowledge communication crucial (companies, schools, public services) *The client, building product users, and suppliers will get greater influences in the design process. *The building community must and will actively participate in the design, try out, and implementation of new IT tools to support high quality building products in a life cycle perspective. We are all involved in a continuos change process and design of the future together (with constant re- assessments). Great possibilities and time to do some creative, bold, and holistic inceptions at both universities and industries

36 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University References (1/1) see also (IT program Finland) (IT program Sweden) (EU project) (CIB W78 Århus June 2002)

37 ERFA-Gruppen Det Digitale Byggeri. May 17 2002 Prof. Per Christiansson  IT in Civil Engineering  Aalborg University END

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