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Published byArturo Chesson Modified over 10 years ago
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [1/17] ICT in the Building Process Education Per Christiansson, Kjeld Svidt Aalborg University Aalborg Universitet 23 november 2005
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [2/17] ICT and MODELS of REALITY ICT (Information and Communication Technology) may be defined as the technologies to support capture, storage, manipulation, communication and delivery of information on different application levels (from macro to micro scale) and in different contexts such as technological, organisational, and cultural. PRODUCT PROCESS models
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [3/17] - User needs and requirements formulation - Participation in system design, evaluation and usability testing - Specification and design of new User Environment - User Interface design - System interoperability and Web implications - New ICT tools design (using meta tools) - Formulation of change and ICT strategies - Specification, building and handling of Virtual Building models - Global competitiveness success - Increased effectivity and efficiency Building Industry Needs
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [4/17] “Inadequate interoperability increases the cost burden of construction industry stakeholders and results in missed opportunities that could create significant benefits for the construction industry and the public at large. …… This report, prepared for NIST by RTI International and the Logistic Management Institute, estimates the cost of inadequate interoperability in the U.S. capital facilities industry to be $15.8 billion per year. The intended audiences are owners and operators of capital facilities; design, construction, operation and maintenance, and other providers of professional services in the capital facilities industry; and public- and private-sector research organizations engaged in developing interoperability solutions. “ 15.8’’’ --> 1.8 milliarder DKK adjusted for population
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [5/17] Bips Byggeri informationsteknologi produktivitet samarbejde
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [6/17] In 2002 the Danish national 'Digital Construction - a development program for the whole construction sector' in Danish 'Det Digitale Byggeri', DDB, was started. (40 millions DKK). See also As a result the public clients will 2007 state a set of ICT requirements that the enterprises of the construction sector must meet if they wish to tender for public construction projects. An Advisory Board advises the National Agency for Enterprise and Construction. EBST, on the overall direction and progress of the development project. EBST also forms secretariat for the project, Det Digitale Byggeriprograam -DDB 1/2
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [7/17] Four projects were launched in 2003 within client requirements formulation [i6 IT Civil Group participates in (2), (3), (4), and (5)]. (1) Digital tender (2) 3D models (3) Digital handover (Digital aflevering), DACaPo (4) Projectweb together with a project on (5) Foundation for Digital Construction (classification and standardization issues). In 2005 the final project was launched namely (6) Best Practice - or in Danish ‘Bedst i Byggeriet’ (7) Digital Projekplanlægning i renoveringssektorn (5 2005) DDB 2/2
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [8/17]
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [9/17] Document Classes Site Building O&M Economy PC 3.6.2005 Digital handover (Digital aflevering), DACaPo project
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [10/17] WHERE TO FIND DDB INFO? At the Detdigitalebyggeri site
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [11/17] Demo projekt fra Det Digitale Fundament (22 pages)
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [12/17] Implementeringsnetværket for DDB
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [13/17] COMPETENCES NEEDS Builders must process some ICT competences to be able to formulate needs, requirements, and perform usability evaluation as well as to actively participate in the (creative) design of tomorrows building process ICT tools.
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [14/17] ICT in Construction Learning Domains
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [15/17] COURSES TODAY Sem 1 FS5, Basis Computerbaseret tegning og modellering. 1M, FS5 Kjeld Svidt, Erik Kjems Sem6 Civ. ing. IT in the Building Process. 2M, PE Kjeld Svidt, Per Christiansson Sem7 BL (Byggeledelse) Bygningsmodeller/Virtual Buildings. 1M, SE Kjeld Svidt, Kaj Jørgensen Sem7 BL Knowledge Representations and Semantic Web. 2M, SE Per Christiansson Sem8 BL Computerstøttet Samarbejde/MM & KM. 2M, SE Per Christiansson Sem1 MII (Master Industrial IT) Grafiske Brugergrænseflader/Human Computer Interaction. 1M, PE Per Christiansson Sem 1 MII (Master Industrial IT) Teknologistøttet samarbejde/CSCW. 1M, PE Kjeld Svidt Sem 3 MII (Master Industrial IT) Multimedia and Interactive Systems. 1M, SE Per Christiansson Sem 3 MII (Master Industrial IT) Knowledge Management. 1M, SE Per Christiansson Sem3-Sem4 MII (Master Industrial IT) Specialerelaterede kurser: Virtual Buildings, Intelligent Buildings and Digital Cities, Building Simulations. ØVRIGT2 Elite kurser, Livslang uddannelse
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [16/17] COURSES TOMORROW Sem 1/2 Basis Grundlæggende bygningsrelateret informationsteknologi. 2M, FS Per Christiansson, Kjeld Svidt Sem1/2 EKSISTERENDE Basis Computerbaseret tegning og modellering. 1M, FS5 Kjeld Svidt, Erik Kjems Sem4 CI Product- og Processmodeller i Byggeriet. 1M, SE Kjeld Svidt, Per Christiansson Sem5 CI Databaser og Videnrepræsentation. 1M, SE Per Christiansson, Kjeld Svidt Sem6 CI IKT-støttet samarbejde. 1M, PE/SE Kjeld Svidt, Per Christiansson Sem7 EKSISTERENDE BL (Byggeledelse) Bygningsmodeller/Virtual Buildings. 1M, SE Kjeld Svidt, Kaj Jørgensen Sem7 EKSISTERENDE BL Knowledge Representations and Semantic Web. 2M, SE Per Christiansson Sem8 EKSISTERENDE BL Computerstøttet Samarbejde/MM & KM. 2M, SE Per Christiansson MII (Master Industrial IT)AS BEFORE
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [17/17] END Extra slides ->
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [18/17] World - system - model 3/4 The Virtual Building, VB, model is accessed through more or less detailed representations. The VB sub-models may be partly overlapping and also contain redundant information. From Christiansson P, Carlsen M (2005) Virtual Building from Theory to Practice. Proceedings W78 22nd Conference on Information Technology in Construction. Edited by R.J. Scherer, P. Katranuschkov, S.-E. Schapke. Dresden July 19-21, 2005. (pp. 171- 175).
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [19/17] From the world to data models implemented in software systems. WORLD - SYSTEM - MODEL 1/4
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [20/17] The real world is modeled and accessed from a User Environment, UE, to facilitate experience capture, design, construction, use and re-design of buildings. World - system - model 2/4
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [21/17] World - system - model 4/4 The complexity and flexibility in organization of the building process leads to large difficulties to build up highly formalized non-redundant models except for certain more standardized buildings and process organization The favorable degree of optimum formalization of the building process will be different dependent on which actors view is applied. There might be a negative correlation between effectiveness and flexibility for different representations.
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [22/17] Building Process Oscillations Building Process models development have during the latest decades had periodic focus on achieving a highly formalized non-redundant building product model, Virtual Building, VB
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [23/17] Building Process in Change ICT tools described into a building process context. We envision greater emphasis in the near future on formalisation of building process/product components especially on the meta data level. Formalised processes will more efficiently handle flexible user environments (UE) and project information containers accommodating partly redundant information. Christiansson, P, 2003, “Next Generation Knowledge Management Systems for the Construction Industry” Auckland, New Zealand, April 23-25, 2003. CIB W78 Proceedings 'Construction IT Bridging the Distance", ISBN 0-908689-71-3. CIB Publication 284. (494 pages). (pp. 80-87).
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [24/17] ONTOLOGY - the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being - An explicit formal specification of how to represent the objects, concepts, and other entities that are assumed to exist in some area of interest and the relationships that hold among them. DICTIONARY - a book that lists the words of a language in alphabetic order and gives their meaning, or that gives equivalent words in different language. CLASSIFICATION - The action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics DEFINITIONS
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [25/17] COMPETENCES …. There is at present and in the future building industry a great need for persons who can take active part in specification, design, implementation, and evaluation of tomorrows building process support systems. A broad view and insight into the complex building process together with a broad and in some key areas deep knowledge into existing and coming ICT tools are required in combination.
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [26/17] A COMPLEX PROCESS -the building process is one of the most complex and less formalized applied processes -Building process actors using different ICT tools, languages and model formalisms with a rich spectrum of user interfaces with different characteristics -A very cross scientific domain. -Too little focus on building up it's own ICT competences (the out-sourcing trend increases the risk of loosen company business strategic knowledge). -Low client understanding that ICT pays back (better early decisions in alternative solutions, higher quality and better documented end products. The implementation in the building process has been rather slow due to
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [27/17] Emerging ICT tools XML (Extensible Markup Language) Time parameter taken into account in models The SEMANTIC WEB Virtual Workspaces Web and Grid services
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [28/17] VERA, (1997-2002) ITBOF2002, IT Bygg och Fastighet. IAI, International Alliance for Interoperability,(IFC) ( Nordic Chapter, CIB W78, International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, IT in Construction. ( Building Informatics AAU) INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES
IKT kurser B AAU Per Christiansson 23.11.2005 IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University http::// [29/17] HOW CAN I FOLLOW/INTERACT WITH THE WORK? The DDB program will end in 2007. A lot of what is presented at this stage may (and will) be revised both client requirements and classification schemes. You are encouraged to follow (both push and pull) the discussions and progress on the Learning Net. http://www.detdigitalebygge
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