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Bible Is Really Amazing That We Are Dealing With A Library!

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2 Bible Is Really Amazing That We Are Dealing With A Library!
The Bible Is A Library The Unity Of The Bible Is Really Amazing When We Understand That We Are Dealing With A Library!

3 The Bible Is Really Not One Book But A Library of 66 Books

4 It was written by about 40 men

5 What Do We Know About The Forty Writers of the Bible?
They Were: Shepherds Kings Fishermen Peasants Doctors Tax-collectors They Were From: Rome Jerusalem Babylon (Iraq) Persia (Iran) Greece Turkey

6 The writing took place over a period of about 1500 years.
The dates were from 1400 B.C. to 96 A.D.

7 For example, a man once asked Jesus…
The 66 books of the Bible contain over 10,000 events. Since there are so many events recorded in the Bible, it is easier to read them one at a time. For example, a man once asked Jesus… “Whom should we love?”

8 Wide Variety Of Stories
The Bible Contains A Wide Variety Of Stories Brave Stories – Like David And Goliath Adventure Stories – Like Jonah And The Whale Interesting Stories of People – Like Zacchaeus Stories Of Miracles– Like Jesus Feeding 5000 Men Happy Stories – Like the prodigal son

9 A Quick Summary 66 books 40 different writers Almost 1500 Years
Over 10,000 events One Story Unity of Theme No contradictions 40 writers in 15 centuries, yet it claims only one author “Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Spirit of God” (2 Peter 1:21)

10 The Bible Is A Special Book Because It Tells Us About God!
That alone makes it the only book of its kind in the entire world because it is from the Almighty!

11 The Bible Is In Two Parts
The Old Testament tells us about the lives of people before Jesus was born. The New Testament tells us about the life of Jesus and the effect of His work.

12 Of the 66 books, 39 were written before the birth of Jesus.
These 39 books are called the Old Testament.

13 Of the 66 books, 27 were written soon after the death of Jesus.
These 27 books are called the New Testament.

14 The Old Testament = 39 books
All were written before Jesus came The dates were B.C. “Testament” is like a contract; it means “covenant or agreement” The Old Covenant is an agreement that God made with the nation of Israel The Old Testament was written in Hebrew – the language of Israel

15 The New Testament = 27 books
All were written after Jesus’ death The dates were A.D. “Testament” is like a contract; it means “covenant or agreement” The New Covenant is an agreement that God made for All Nations The New Testament was written in Greek – the common language of that day

16 This Was The Land Of The Israelites To Whom The Old Testament Was Given.

17 To help us understand the area in which these people lived, let us note the same area on a modern day map, with modern countries marked.

18 Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible:
1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible: Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy

19 They are sometimes called the Law of Moses
1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012A.D. They are sometimes called the Law of Moses

20 Moses 1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. Creation The first five books look from the death of Moses all the way back to the beginning of the world.

21 The first book is called Genesis.
Moses Creation of world 2500 B.C. 1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. The first book is called Genesis. Chapters 1-11 deal with: The creation of the world The first human family The spread of evil A world-wide flood The division of mankind into nations and languages

22 God choosing the fathers of the future nation of Israel
Moses 1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. Chapters deal with: God choosing the fathers of the future nation of Israel A history of four generations A growth from 1 couple to 70 people

23 Books 2-5 are also from Moses.
1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. Books 2-5 are also from Moses. Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy These tell about the beginning of the nation And how God gave them His laws

24 Books 6-17 are books of history.
Moses 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. 1400 B.C. 400 B.C. Books 6-17 are books of history. These were written by various authors The dates were 1400 – 400 B.C. The books deal with the possession of their land, the establishment of the kingdom, their captivity and the return to their land

25 Books 18-22 are books of poetry and wisdom.
Moses 1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. Books are books of poetry and wisdom. Job is about man’s question about suffering Psalms is a collection of poems put to music Proverbs is a collection of short wise sayings Ecclesiastes tells how to live life in a world where all is vanity Song of Solomon is a poem about true romantic love

26 Books 23-39 are books of prophecy.
Moses 1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. Books are books of prophecy. Throughout the history of Israel, various prophets predicted that someone from Israel will one day be a Savior and King of the world.

27 The Story Of The Old Testament
was Someone Is Coming

28 The Message Of The Prophets Of The Old Testament Was
The CHRIST Is Coming Moses 1400 B.C. 400 B.C. 2012 A.D.

29 Moses 1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. The New Testament All 27 books were written shortly after the death of Jesus. The first four tell an independent account of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

30 The New Testament The First Four Books
Called the four gospels (gospel is a Greek word for “good news”) Named after the authors – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Three were eyewitnesses and Luke knew many of the eyewitnesses. Jesus lived & died in 30 A.D. All 27 New Testament books were written while eyewitnesses were still alive

31 Moses 1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. The Gospels These books give evidence that Jesus is the Christ (the anointed of God), the one predicted in the Old Testament times. Shows how prophecy was fulfilled in the life and death of Jesus

32 The Message Of The Gospels Was
Someone Has Come Moses 1400 B.C. 400 B.C. 2012 A.D.

33 The Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
Tell the purpose of Jesus’ coming Reveal His perfect life and service Gives the true source of His teaching Gives evidence that He is the Son of God and deserves our worship Helps us understand why His own nation killed Him

34 The Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
Do not contain everything that Jesus did. (John 20:30-31) “Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (NIV) (John 21:25) “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” (NIV)

35 The 5th N.T. book is called Acts – a book of history.
Moses 1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. The 5th N.T. book is called Acts – a book of history. It was written by a Greek doctor named Luke. It tells the story of the first 30 years of Christianity.

36 N.T. books 6-26 were called epistles or letters.
Moses 1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. N.T. books 6-26 were called epistles or letters. These were written by apostles and prophets. These were written to various churches and individuals. They give instruction in Christian living, an explanation of the organization and work of the Lord’s church.

37 N.T. book 27 is a book of prophecy.
Moses 1400 B.C. 30 A.D. 2012 A.D. N.T. book 27 is a book of prophecy. It is called Revelation. It was written by John, the author of the gospel of John and 1, 2 & 3 John. It offers encouragement to Christians in their time of persecution and shows that good will eventually win over evil. It tells of our future home with God in heaven.

38 The Story Of The New Testament Ends With
He Will Come Again

39 Summary The Old Testament emphasizes the history of one nation – Israel. This nation is emphasized because it was one man from that nation, that would one day change the world. The coming of Jesus Christ is the central event in all of human history. How did the writers of the Bible know to record the history of His ancestors?

40 Jesus Christ is more than a historical figure
The Evidence presented in the Bible proves that … HE LIVES!

41 Will you investigate the
claims of the Bible?


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