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The Ottawa Official Plan: Managing Growth to 2021 Hosted by the Ontario Association for Impact Assessment and the Institute of the Environment University.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ottawa Official Plan: Managing Growth to 2021 Hosted by the Ontario Association for Impact Assessment and the Institute of the Environment University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ottawa Official Plan: Managing Growth to 2021 Hosted by the Ontario Association for Impact Assessment and the Institute of the Environment University of Ottawa ~ October 21, 2004

2 2 A New Plan for a New City l An introduction to Ottawa l Strategic directions for managing growth:  Directing growth to the right places  Providing infrastructure  Maintaining environmental integrity  Creating livable communities

3 3 An Introduction to Ottawa l Canada’s 4 th largest city l An international capital l A well-educated, multicultural community l A strong, diverse economy

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5 5 The Challenge of a New City l 12 municipalities become one in 2001 l 80% of the city is rural l Planning without precedent

6 6 The Challenge of a New City: Grow by 50% Over 20 Years

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8 8 2003 Official Plan ~ Strategic Directions l Managing Growth l Providing Infrastructure l Maintaining Environmental Integrity l Creating Livable Communities

9 9 Strategic Directions: Managing Growth Strategy l Comprehensive review of urban land requirements every 5 years l Direct growth to areas with growth potential: Developing Communities, Mixed Use Centres, Central Area, Employment Areas, Mainstreets

10 10 Strategic Directions: Managing Growth Direct Growth to Developing Communities

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12 12 Strategic Directions: Managing Growth Direct Growth to Mixed Use Centres

13 13 Strategic Directions: Managing Growth l Inner city and suburban arterials l About one-third of infill opportunity for housing Direct Growth to Mainstreets

14 14 Strategic Directions: Managing Growth Employment areas are diverse and include much of Ottawa’s high- tech industry. Direct Growth to Employment Areas

15 15 Strategic Directions: Providing Infrastructure

16 16 Strategic Directions: Maintaining Environmental Integrity l Environmental Strategy addresses climate change, air quality, other issues l Designate significant areas l Plan on a watershed basis

17 17 Strategic Directions: Creating Livable Communities l Compatible infill l Affordable housing l Cultural heritage l Emphasis on design

18 18 What Happens Next? l Communicating the Plan to Council, the community, the Corporation l Resolve current appeals l New zoning by-law l Greenspace Master Plan and other studies

19 19 How can Ottawa grow by 50% over the next 20 years and still be a great place to live? l Strategic directions: manage growth, provide complementary infrastructure, preserve environment, create livable communities l City building is incremental l The future will be different

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21 21 Strategic Directions: Managing Growth Orleans South Urban Kanata GREENBELT INSIDE GREENBELT Structure of the Urban Area

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