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IT Strategic Plan Open House 2: March 26 th Dave Wallace, CIO, Andrea Chappell and The Team.

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Presentation on theme: "IT Strategic Plan Open House 2: March 26 th Dave Wallace, CIO, Andrea Chappell and The Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT Strategic Plan Open House 2: March 26 th Dave Wallace, CIO, Andrea Chappell and The Team

2 The IT Strategic Plan Project (Dave) To create an Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan to advance the state of IT to meet the opportunities for University of Waterloo over the next 5 years.

3 Today’s agenda 1.Summary of activities 2.The updated Strategy Map 3.Emerging IT directions 4.Some emerging priority initiatives 5.How IT “happens” at Waterloo 6.Next steps

4 Phase 1: Consult, consolidate (Andrea) September: Kick-off orientation meetings October: Gather "what we already know" November: Consultation with Stakeholders December: consultation January: More consultation, Draft writing

5 Phase 2: Consolidate, prioritize, review … The Plan Jan/Feb: Draft document; feedback from governing groups Feb: Draft Report communication March: Amalgamate feedback for Plan April: Approval by governing groups End April: IT Directions Plan

6 December 5 th open house The IT Strategic Plan project governance The Strategy Map – overview of how it was built, what it means Samples of early findings – what we heard in consultations in Nov/early Dec Prioritization – what is important to consider?

7 (Updated) Strategy Map (Dave) Visually represents strategy elements: –Mission, Vision, Values –Strategic Objectives (where you want to go, how you want to be) 6 strategic objectives for initial focus Definitions exist for values and strategic objectives

8 Our Purpose (Mission) : Enable an exceptional, innovative IT environment through engagement, creativity, and impact. Our Goal for 2018 (Vision 2018) : Enable the University’s mission through exceptional learning, teaching and research environments. V6.4 Draft Waterloo IT Community Together, we enable CORE VALUES Our Users Internal Process Organizational Capabilities Resource Management Our Promise to Our Users: Inspiring and supporting the University of Waterloo through technology leadership and excellence. U4 - Enable the optimization of administrative processes across campuses U3 - Enable the achievement of teaching and student life-learning objectives U2 - Enable the achievement of research and scholarship objectives U1 - Empower users and optimize their experience IP9 - Exchange high quality data and information when, where, and how it’s needed IP10 - Enable timely access to the right integrated, cutting-edge information technologies OC3 - Build a cohesive, knowledgeable IT community across the campus OC1 - Build a culture of pro-active support and technology leadership OC2 - Take an University-wide perspective to IT OC4 - Build collaborative relationships with our users and each other RM1 - Make the necessary technology infrastructure and resource investments RM2 - Optimize the allocation and use of our financial, technology, and human resources IP1 - Understand the needs of our users IP5 - Continuously improve and optimize IT processes, workflow, and platforms IP2 - Define IT accountabilities, responsibilities and authorities, available resources, and supports, and clearly communicate these to our users IP8 - Maintain a secure, reliable, and useable information and technology environment IP4 - Understand, foster and leverage trends and innovations in information technologies IP6 - Ensure data security, integrity, and privacy IP3 - Provide knowledgeable, pro-active insights, advice, and solutions through effective governance ServiceOpenness and CollaborationKnowledge and CreativityOperational Excellence IP7 - Take a structured approach to IT development and implementation IP11 - Be easy to do business with U5 - Enable University outreach activities IP2 - Define IT accountabilities, responsibilities and authorities, available resources, and supports, and clearly communicate these to our users IP1 - Understand the needs of our users OC2 - Take an University- wide perspective to IT OC4 - Build collaborative relationships with our users and each other RM1 - Make the necessary technology infrastructure and resource investments U1 - Empower users and optimize their experience

9 Emerging IT directions (Andrea) Address usability of core systems Provide modern info/business mgmt tools Advance student IT environment Grow technology enabled learning environ Create integrated, service-oriented helpdesks Help improve communications Define governance and federated model

10 Emerging initiatives Started process of prioritizing initiatives Map to strategic objectives Following items are examples –Many details to be worked out, need to work with partner groups –More work to be done Looking for your feedback and input

11 Usability initiatives Need to work on our core systems, e.g.: –Financial reporting (FORE) critical for researchers, but not intuitive for infrequent use (see Info Mgmt) –Grad admissions review, improved workflow; next, determine enhanced features Usability team? –Human-computer interface experts, others specializing in design – how to tap into this? –Product usability tool kit (e.g., UPK for PeopleSoft)

12 Student IT environ initiatives Pilot with AHS for remote access (“virtual desktop”) to SAS/SPSS from home, Lib, anywhere Mobile app framework investigation Jobmine replacement (IT support to CECA) Cell service improvement and Wifi upgrades Portal (demo of prototype during session)

13 Information and business mgmt initiatives Called Enterprise Business Intelligence, much of our report/inquiry will be redesigned and rebuilt Improved usability, consistency, service levels Will provide information and access layers to feed … –Open Data, portal and mobile development, etc. Also, info system behind FORE reports


15 Tech enabled learning Many trends affecting us, e.g., –Massively Open Online Courses (MOOC), open courseware, fully online courses between universities Live collaboration tools introduced –Videoconferencing infrastructure with Mech Eng –Centralizing web collab software, begun in ManSci Working with Desire2Learn –Integrate Maple TA into LEARN –LEARN upgrade in April –And, stability of hosted site!

16 Service-oriented helpdesks Collaborations and integrations –Extended helpdesk hours (with Housing and Library) –Shared support for core services Industry best practice (e.g., ITIL: Info Tech Infrastructure Lib) New request system (with knowledge-base) Better use of social media

17 Communication/collaboration Need better tools to help people stay up- to-date and collaborate Drupal (our web content management system software) add-on (in development) Tech enabled learning tools Better, concerted use of social software

18 And many more …

19 IT Directions and SOs (samples) Usability Info/business mgmt Student IT Governance, federated model U1 Empower users U3 - Enable achievement of student life-learning IP1 Understand needs IP9 - Quality data/info when, where, how needed IP2 IT accountability IP4 – Leverage, foster trends, innovations OC2 U-wide perspective OC4 Collab relationships RM1 Tech investments

20 IT Directions and SOs (samples) Usability Info/business mgmt Student IT Governance, federated model U1 Empower users U3 - Enable achievement of student life-learning IP1 Understand needs IP9 - Quality data/info when, where, how needed IP2 IT accountability IP4 – Leverage, foster trends, innovations OC2 U-wide perspective OC4 Collab relationships RM1 Tech investments

21 IT Directions and SOs (samples) Usability Info/business mgmt Student IT Governance, federated model U1 Empower users U3 - Enable achievement of student life-learning IP1 Understand needs IP9 - Quality data/info when, where, how needed IP2 IT accountability IP4 – Leverage, foster trends, innovations OC2 U-wide perspective OC4 Collab relationships RM1 Tech investments

22 Demo of portal By Pavol Chvala

23 Activity: Feedback Consider the sample list of IT Directions and example Initiatives. Do they seem to hit the mark? 1.Your feedback on the IT Directions? 2.Your feedback on the example Initiatives?

24 Emerging IT directions: Feedback? usability of core systems modern info/business mgmt tools student IT environment technology enabled learning environ integrated, service-oriented helpdesks communications

25 Sample initiatives: Feedback? Usability –E.g., Financial reporting (FORE), Grad admissions –Usability team and tools Student IT environ –Remote access to software –Mobile app framework –Jobmine replacement –Cell service and Wifi upgrades –Portal Improved service helpdesks Tech enabled learning –Address important trends –Live collaboration tools –Work with D2L (add-ons, upgrade, stability) Enterprise Business Intelligence –Redesign report/inquiry –Improved usability, consistency, service levels –Data access and provisioning Improved communications

26 Governance and Federations (Dave) How we work together How decisions are made How the community is informed and involved

27 How does IT work at Waterloo? “Together we enable”: What does it mean? IT is distributed Central IT (IST) –Maintains core infrastructure, enterprise systems, processes to manage, secure, use it Faculty and department IT –Maintain systems and provide services, including those unique to the area

28 Towards a federated model Benefits of centralized & decentralized IT –Economies of scale, efficiency –IT cost visibility and control –Easier dev/integration of enterprise apps –Responsive to local needs Risk of duplication, overhead challenges Requires strong governance and clarity

29 What does it look like? Faculty or department services –Services specific to local needs Shared services (in-sourcing) –Concentrated expertise ( “Centers of Excellence”) –Lead group provides to others, maybe cost-share –Needs collaborating service centres Common or utility services –Centralized services used by everyone (the infrastructure).

30 E.g., Federated model between central IT (IST) and Faculty IT Research Administration Teaching and Learning IST Faculty IT

31 E.g.,Teaching and learning tech federated model, between IST and fully online group Content Creation Application Support User Support IST Centre for Extended Learning

32 Federations SLAs and OLAs Service Level Agreements: provider to client –Describe IT services being provided, –Document service targets, and –Responsibilities of IT service provider and client. –A set of agreed upon promises Operational-level agreement: responsibilities of cooperating support groups

33 E.g. of Federated model between central IT (IST) and Faculty IT Research Administration Teaching and Learning IST Faculty IT SLA/OLAs define services and responsibilities between groups and users

34 E.g. of Federated model between central IT (IST) and Faculty IT Research Administration Teaching and Learning IST Faculty IT Some SLA/OLAs may look different from others!

35 Federations need governance. One view? Key Advisory/Recommendation Bodies Chairs of Advisory Recommendation bodies sit on Strategy and Policy body Strategy and Policy Body CIO and Provost

36 Activity: Feedback Consider what you have seen of federated models and governance. 1.What does it mean to have success in the way IT works together at Waterloo? 2.What would it take to get there?

37 Gov/Fed and SOs Usability Info/business mgmt Student IT Governance, federated model U1 Empower users U3 - Enable achievement of student life-learning IP1 Understand needs IP9 - Quality data/info when, where, how needed IP2 IT accountability IP4 – Leverage, foster trends, innovations OC2 U-wide perspective OC4 Collab relationships RM1 Tech investments

38 Next steps Continue prioritization to define initiatives and how to make progress Continue to align with the evolving University strategy and directions Continue to define indicators that allow us to measure progress End April: 1 st IT Strategic Plan!

39 Thanks to the Team! The web site lists people working on the Task Force, UCIST (the Steering committee), and our Executive Advisory group.

40 Thanks to you! Your feedback and participation during this process has made it invigorating, ‘real’, and meaningful. We appreciate your continued input.

41 How to stay involved Contact us: – (CIO) – (Project lead) Web site: – Watch for the Plan at the end of April

42 The end

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