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DAAD Grants & Funding: Graduates & Post-Docs

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2 DAAD Grants & Funding: Graduates & Post-Docs
Herzlich Willkommen! DAAD Grants & Funding: Graduates & Post-Docs Simon Fraser University Tuesday, November 19, 2013 Welcome Everybody. I am happy to having the chance today to introduce you to the variety of DAAD funding opportunities. My name…. Information Officer at Information Centre of the DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service in Toronto. Our job is to provide information on study and research opportunities in Germany and that is what I am going to do here today with an emphasis on our programs geared towards graduate students and post-docs. John Paul Kleiner DAAD Information Centre Toronto DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

3 What is DAAD? German national agency for international academic cooperation and exchange Independent association of universities DAAD provides: Scholarships and grants Information and counseling about studying & research in Germany Facts & Figures: 70 Regional Offices and Information Centers worldwide Regional Office for the US and Canada : New York City Annual budget : ~ 428 m € / CAD $ 603 m in 2012 Over 70,000 people supported annually 2,034 from North America / 5,507 to North America in 2012 All academic levels, all fields, varied lengths of stay The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the largest funding organisation in the world supporting the international exchange of students and scholars. Do not offer programs of study or courses, but awards competitive, merit-based grants for studying and/or doing research in Germany It also awards grants to German students, doctoral students, and scholars for studies and research abroad. Since 1925, more than 1.5 million scholars in Germany and abroad have received DAAD funding. internationalisation of German universities promotes German studies and the German language abroad assists developing countries in establishing effective universities Funded mainly by ministries of German federal government, chiefly the German Federal Foreign Office, but also EU and a number of enterprises, organisations and foreign governments. HQ Bonn and in Berlin, the German capital with 70 offices around the world of which the Information Centre in Toronto is one. Annual budget : ~ 428 m € / CAD 603 m in 2012 Over 70,000 people supported annually 2,034 from North America / 5,507 to North America in 2012 Thereof 349 from Canada / 923 to Canada - relative to the demographic populations Canada fares comparatively well in terms of scholarship and grant numbers, which makes Canada a very important academic partner. DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

4 The DAAD Network – Worldwide
Headquarters maintain contact with and provide advice to its main partner countries on every continent via a network of 15 regional offices and 55 information centres. DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

5 Bologna Process Creating a European Higher Education Area
Three-tier degree Structure: Bachelor (3 years) Master (2 years) PhD 1000+ “International Degree Programs”; taught in English More competition between institutions More transparency about individual programs Bologna Process refers to efforts to integrate post-secondary education in Europe that began in the 1990s with an eye to making degrees more transferable Three-tier degree Structure And International Degree Programs (at present more than at German unis and # growing), typically taught in English These changes have helped increase the number of young people choosing to study in Germany and it has clearly enhanced the international mobility of German students – not unusual for a German bachelor degree study to include 1 semester or at a university in another European country. DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

6 Why Germany? High academic standard & standard of living
101 million people speak German worldwide   Most widely-spoken language of the European Union Number of German pages in the internet takes second place after English-speaking pages Ranked 3rd worldwide for the number of books published More than 250,000 international students in Germany (2011) Largest economy in Europe & the 3rd largest in the world High academic standard & standard of living Germany is the fourth most popular study destination after the US, UK and Australia, according to OECD data. With regard to tuition fees, a German degree costs non-EU students on average € 500 / 750 CAD per semester and in some states nothing at all. DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

7 German Higher Education
Two main types of higher education institutions: Research Universities: undergraduate, professional and doctoral programs Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen): practice-oriented Bachelor’s and Master’s programs Outstanding research institutes outside universities: Max Planck Institutes Helmholtz Research Centers Fraunhofer Institutes German universities are manifold and diverse. There are more than 350 universities and over 13,500 courses. Link: is where you can find information on International Degree Programs, or, the over 1,300 degrees offered by German institutions that are offered in English. More than 600 Master’s programs compared with approx. 350 in France. Work in Germany: In May 2012 the German government passed a bill extending work rights for international students – it’s now possible for foreign students to work part-time while in Germany in order to cover their costs of living. DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

8 DAAD Scholarships Funding for study abroad, internships or senior thesis research Open to students in all fields Previous knowledge of German not required, but advantageous Monthly stipend or lump sum Health Insurance Some travel reimbursement All-Grantees meeting in Bonn DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

9 Opportunities for Study & Research in Germany
- Graduates & Post-Docs - Programs and Scholarships

10 Study Scholarship for Graduates
Support for one or two years of study in Germany Can be used to earn a Master’s degree at a German university German language ability should be commensurate with needs Final-year undergrads may apply 60 awarded annually € 750/month; insurance; travel stipend Deadline: November 15 DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

11 Intensive Language Courses in Germany
Eight-week intensive language courses at leading institutes in Germany Courses can be taken between June and January Requirements: Full-time graduate students in any field of study except German Studies, German Language & Literature, and German Translation & Interpretation Applicants must have completed 3 semesters of college or university level German or have achieved an equivalent level of language proficiency Terms of Award: Scholarship: €2,300; includes tuition, accommodation and a cash allowance, health insurance, travel costs Deadline: December 15 DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

12 Research Grants 1 to 10 months with the possibility of an extension
For PhD candidates and postdocs, must have well-defined research project Can also be used to complete PhD in Germany Around 30 short term (< 6 mo.) and 60 long-term awarded annually Invitation by host institution essential Monthly support of ~ €1,000; travel stipend; insurance Deadlines: November 1 / May 1 DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

13 German Studies Research Grant
For students who are nominated by their department/program chairs Short-term research (one or two months) in either North America or Germany Undergrad with a German Studies major or minor and Grad students Two years of college-level German are expected Minimum of three courses in German Studies $1,500 to $2,500 research support for living costs during the active research phase Deadline: For Canadians, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis (i.e. no deadline) until further notice! The program is designed to encourage research and promote the study of cultural, political, historical, economic and social aspects of modern and contemporary German affairs from an inter- and multidisciplinary perspective. Eligibility Requirements: Applicants are expected to have completed two years of college German and a minimum of three courses in German Studies (literature, history, politics or other fields) at the time of nomination. Grants are restricted to citizens of the US and Canada who are enrolled full time at the university that nominates them. DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

14 RISE professional For undergraduate DAAD alumni, recent graduates or grad & PhD students 6-26 week summer placements in industry internships with leading German companies German requirements depend on the nature of the internship Scholarships and housing assistance are provided 2 week intensive language course for participants with little or no German €250/monthly for graduates, €500/monthly for PhD students + €500/monthly from host company Health insurance, travel reimbursement Deadline: January 31 DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

15 Study Scholarship for Artists & Musicians
Fields: fine art, design, film, music, choreography and architecture Graduates, PhD candidates, postdocs One academic year (October – July) with possibility of an extension €750/monthly, health insurance, travel reimbursement Deadline: November 1 Graduate students applying for this program must be enrolled at an accredited university at the time of application.(Those who have already completed an undergraduate degree do not need to be currently enrolled.) Recent graduates who have completed their Bachelor's degrees no longer than six years before the application deadline are welcome to apply. PhD candidates must have achieved ABD status no longer than four years before applying. Postdocs may apply until two years after completion of their PhD. Applicants should be US or Canadian citizens. Foreign nationals must have studied at an accredited US or Canadian university for at least two years by the time of application. DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

16 Leibniz-DAAD Research Fellowships
Targets highly-qualified recent postdocs Scholarship supports research stay at one of the 86 Institutes of the Leibniz Association in Germany Research foci include the humanities and social sciences, economics, spatial and life sciences, mathematics, natural sciences, engineering and environmental research Website: Announcement of 2014 Fellowship Details: January 7, 2014 Deadline: March 7, 2014 DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

17 DAAD – Roche Diagnostics Postdoc Program
Advanced research placements at one of Europe’s leading biotech research centres Highly qualified recent post-docs looking for industrial research experience 12 months with possibility of one 12 month extension Monthly allowance of €2,250 (more for those with family), insurance coverage, travel costs and help finding accommodation Rolling deadline for applications Young postdocs working in fields of chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, or bio-informatics, DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

18 Tips for success Express why a stay in Germany is critical for your academic or professional goals Obtain a letter of invitation from a German professor or institution Explain clearly why you chose the location or program you did Submit quality letters of recommendation Make sure your application is on time and complete DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

19 PhD Research Grants and Positions
DFG Research Training Groups Position/Grant Graduate Schools DAAD Research Grants Max Planck Research Schools Individual Doctoral Projects Leibniz Graduate Schools PhD Progs DAAD – Research Grants DFG – Research Group Training, Graduate Schools Max Planck – Research Schools, host individual Doctoral Projects at their Institutes Leibniz Institutes – host Graduate Schools Fraunhofer – host individual Doctoral Projects Helmholtz – Research Schools and Graduate Schools, individual Doctoral Projects Helmholtz Research Schools and Graduate Schools Individual Doctoral Projects Fraunhofer Institutes Individual Doctoral Projects DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service

20 Postdoc Positions in Germany
DFG Position/Grant at: Research Training Groups Graduate Schools Research Fellowship Collaborative Research Centres Clusters of Excellence DAAD Research Grant DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships Universities and Academies Refer them to „German Funding Programmes for Scientists and Researchers“ booklet Max Planck Grants for advanced postdoctoral training Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Humboldt Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service

21 Visit our website for the USA and Canada:
Online-Brochure for Canadians: Other funding resources: General information about study and research in Germany This short presentation could give you only a basic overview of the scope of grant possibilities that DAAD provides for North Americans. There are a number of resources to help you search for long and short-term study and research in Germany and stay connected with DAAD North America. Be sure to check out these search engines and social media resources: lets you search for all degree courses at the Bachelors, Masters and PhD level and offers great resources everything you need to know about preparing for and executing a study experience in Germany! displays a variety of information on pursuing graduate and post-graduate level research as well as general information about navigating the German research landscape. The Deutsche Studentenwerk (The German Student Agency) is the umbrella organisation of the 58 Studentenwerke in Germany. The Student agencies are partner organisations of the universities and support the ca. two million students with lots of help and services around their studies e.g. organizing the . Visit us at one of these websites or connect with us via social media! All the addresses of the websites and online databases shown on the slides are also available in the different brochures that we provide for you. Most of the brochures are also available online as pdf files on the website. DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service : : North America : :

22 We hope to see you soon in Germany!

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