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 When a behaviour ( response) is followed by the addition of an unpleasant stimulus or the removal of a pleasant stimulus  I.e. Receiving an electric.

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2  When a behaviour ( response) is followed by the addition of an unpleasant stimulus or the removal of a pleasant stimulus  I.e. Receiving an electric shock after an undesired behaviour

3  Occurs when a behaviour ( response) that had previously been followed by a pleasant stimulus is followed by no stimulus at all.  Ie. The rat pushing the lever and not receving food  Eventually the rat would learn that there was no food to come after the lever was pressed.

4  Both will decrease behaviours  Initially with extinction, the behaviour to be removed will increase as the subject repeatedly tries to get the reward  Only by completely eliminating the rewards ( positive reinforcements) that follow particular behaviours will subjects be sufficiently discouraged from repeating those behaviours

5  Repeat offenders/felons prison sentences are forms of punishment, but sometimes the punishment is not enough  Felons will go back to the crimes previously committed because they receive the same rewards they previously received for committing those crimes, and that behaviour- reward connection is a greater motivator than the punishment-behaviour deterrent connection

6  In groups you are to come up with different experiments to try and modify an individuals behaviour.  Students must use methods of Behaviour modification to do this.  Each group should have 3 different situations with 3 different ways to alter the behaviour. The 3 different situations should come from each of the different methods that we have talked about. Operant conditioning, classical conditioning, and the 3 rd should look at someone in prison for committing a heinous crime ( you decide what crime)

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