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Welcome to Worship! Reformation. Please join us for Holy Communion! Welcome to the Lutheran Church of our Saviour! We will be celebrating Holy Communion.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Worship! Reformation. Please join us for Holy Communion! Welcome to the Lutheran Church of our Saviour! We will be celebrating Holy Communion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Worship! Reformation

2 Please join us for Holy Communion! Welcome to the Lutheran Church of our Saviour! We will be celebrating Holy Communion this morning. You need not be Lutheran nor a member of this congregation. All are invited to join us at God’s Table. Gluten-free bread and grape-juice are also available.

3 Today’s Psalm Our Psalm for today is Psalm 149 found on the screen or on page 338 and following in your hymnal. We will be singing the Psalm responsively by whole verse.

4 Tarnished Halos “To be a Saint, all it takes really, is to belong to God. It’s not a matter of being or doing good or wearing a camel-hair shirt and eating locusts in the desert, or even performing 3 documented miracles. It’s simply a matter of belonging to God through our Baptism.” From today’s sermon: “Tarnished Halos”

5 Today we remember... and give thanks for the lives and love of Mervyn Pegelo, Grace Brydon and Maurice Publuske, all of whom touched our lives and who now find their rest in God. “O Lord, your grace is everything; your love has made us free to stand among the saints and sing the glory that we see, the glory that we see.” (ELW #441, vs. 4)

6 All Saints Sunday During our liturgy this morning, you’ll be invited to come forward with your candle, to light it in memory of the saints in your life, and to place it on or in front of the altar.

7 SNOW PLOW OPERATOR NEEDED! We are looking for a snow plow operator to keep the church parking lot clear throughout the winter months. Please speak to either Joyce Grahlman or Richard Prowd if you might be interested.

8 Celebrating Autumn... Many thanks to all who joined us last Sunday evening for a Potluck Harvest Dish Dinner and to kick-off the fund-raising for the resurfacing of the parking lot. $1923.00 was raised, plus we have applied for a $500.00 matching grant from FaithLife Financial. Many thanks to the Witness Ctte for arranging and hosting such a lovely evening!

9 Emergency Sweater Drive for Syrian Refugees! Thanks to the generosity of LCOS and St. George’s & St. Thomas’, Anglican Churches, approximately 387 sweaters were collected and boxed and are now en route to the CLWR Office in Winnipeg. A very special thank you to Gloria Pfeffer and all those who helped to fold, box and deliver the sweaters to Home Hardware for their shipment to Winnipeg!

10 Family Advent Wreath Making 2013 Join us on Sunday, November 24 th for a family Advent Wreath making event. Sign up in the narthex so we have enough supplies on- hand! What to bring: a bag lunch, garden snips, glue-gun (if you have one), blue and silver (or other) decorations to help beautify your wreath. The greenery and other materials will be provided. See you there!

11 We Care Bags Our We Care Bags will be arriving shortly. Pick yours up in the narthex, fill it and return it to the church. More details will follow once the bags arrive. Stay-tuned!

12 Annual Ten Thousand Villages Sale December 2 nd – 8 th at St. Thomas’ Anglican Church, 10 am – 8 pm most days. Discover a World of Gifts Handmade for you! Call St. Francis’ Pl. for more details – 519-371-4224

13 Christmas Poinsettias If you would like to place a poinsettia in our worship space for Christmas Eve, please place your order with the Church Office by December 8 th. Remember to tell us who your plant is placed in memory or in honour of. These names will be printed in our Christmas Eve Bulletin.

14 OSHaRE Food Needs A conversation with executive director, Peggy Moulaison, has revealed that OSHaRE is running short on the following items: coffee, tuna, salmon, canned fruit salad, sugar and coffee whitener. Simply place your donations in the wicker basket or the cardboard apple box in the narthex and they will be delivered for you.

15 FaithLife Chapter We have just recently reinstituted our FaithLife Chapter here at LCOS. This will enable us to apply to receive matching grant money (up to $500.00) with some of our fund-raising endeavors. If you have any questions or would like to be involved, please speak with either Richard Prowd or Pastor Christie. A packet of information concerning the Chapter is now available in the narthex.

16 Sunday Announcements Do you have something you would like to announce or share in church on Sunday morning? Simply speak with the Lead Usher (the Church Council Representative) prior to the start of worship. Arlene Wright is our Lead Usher for the month of November.

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