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1 Key Ideas for class  Phases of a lesson  Characteristics of teaching style groupings  Basic Task model - task progression  Learning domains (channels)

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1 1 Key Ideas for class  Phases of a lesson  Characteristics of teaching style groupings  Basic Task model - task progression  Learning domains (channels) or curriculum organizers

2 2 Mechanics of unit planning Tim Hopper PE352 - 2001 Due: Friday, March 7th

3 3 “The journey is the destination.” Eldon, Kathy. (1997) The Journals of Dan Eldon. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

4 4 Expectations  A unit with subject matter and behaviour outcomes for 10 x 1hr lessons, NOT 10 LESSON PLANS  Choose an activity from list

5 5 Requirements  Philosophical statement How you believe your unit can contribute to an active lifestyle aim.  What is teaching? What is learning?  What assumptions are in your understanding of these two terms?

6 6 How can the way you understand teaching maximize student learning?

7 7 Outcomes  Intents to tasks you create.  Tasks will lead to CAPS objectives  Assumed entry characteristics (Experience, culture, age)

8 8 A possible grade 8 class

9 9 Diversity Issues - How are they different?  Gender ratio  Ability range  Cultural groups UNIQUE  Children with Special Educational needs How will diversity add to your unit?

10 10 After you have an outline unit then…  Exit outcomes?? - Skill and behaviour  Unit objectives?? – What are students suppose to learn (CAPS)?

11 11 Sequence of major events Simple to more complex  Key games/activities aim for in unit  Tournament days  Performance days  Assessment days  Field trips  Task cards, stations

12 12 Content analysis  What content will you teach? Subject-matter (motor skills needed) Conceptual understanding Personal/social behaviour  What procedures and routines will happen during your unit? (often connect to personal/social curriculum organizer)  Link to resources PE452 beginning units PE352 ten-lesson units

13 Basic Task Model Task

14 14 Block Plan – Badminton Gr 8 Other formats could be used - See Pe452

15 15 Conceptual understanding  PURPOSE to learning  What progressively gives meaning to the skills you use in gradually more challenging environments.  Tennis?  Gymnastics?  Track and Field?

16 16 Phases of a skill (PE 341)  Preparatory phase  Wind-up phase (set-up)  Force producing phase  Follow-through and/or recovery phase (Carr, 1997)

17 17 Where to start? 1. Sport 2. Age 3. Games/Activities 4. Possible Sequence for unit 5. Task progression, concepts and skill cues 6. Outcomes – teaching styles?

18 18 Assessment ideas  What results do you expect?  How will you provide feedback to the learners regarding their progress? Formal – formative and summative Informal – ongoing (NB - Will develop in class after reading break)

19 19 Where do teaching styles fit into your plan?  Student interest  Practice  Feedback  Learning theories  Student responsibility  Active lifestyle concepts

20 20 Curriculum Organizers analyzeshow liststate definetell copyquestion describeidentify matchcreate nameinvent showdiscover comparesolve judgeapply Active Lifestyle (Cognitive) Personal & Social (Affective) Teaching Styles Review


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