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Enjoying the Summer Sun without Suffering from the Heat The cure for many cases of cabin fever is here: warm summer sun. Everything from barbecues to beaches.

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Presentation on theme: "Enjoying the Summer Sun without Suffering from the Heat The cure for many cases of cabin fever is here: warm summer sun. Everything from barbecues to beaches."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enjoying the Summer Sun without Suffering from the Heat The cure for many cases of cabin fever is here: warm summer sun. Everything from barbecues to beaches bring people out in droves to enjoy the warm weather. But oftentimes, the summer brings more than bright, sunny days. It can also bring sweltering heat and unbearable humidity that makes even the brightest summer days seem dreary. These dog days of summer are hard on the body and can result in anything from heat stroke to heat exhaustion if above-normal temperatures are not taken seriously -- especially by the older adults. How Hot Weather Affects Your Body: When exercising in hot weather, extra stress is put on your heart and lungs to compensate for changes in body temperature. Your body’s natural cooling system kicks in my increasing blood flow to the skin to help keep body temperature at normal levels. Because of this, less blood flows to your muscles as you exercise which makes your heart pump faster and work harder. Conditions of hot temperatures and high humidity limit your body’s natural cooling response (i.e. perspiration), which adds more stress on your body. When humidity is high, perspiration does not evaporate as quickly which slows down the cooling response. To prevent serious health conditions such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heatstroke, use this as a guide to help you take the right steps during the summer months. Nutrition is Essential Hydration, Hydration, Hydration!: Drink plenty of fluids. It’s extremely important to stay hydrated. If you’re thirsty then you are already dehydrated; drink before you feel a need to. Also, drink 15-20 minutes before beginning your workout and every 15 minutes throughout the exercise. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine or alcohol because they can promote fluid loss. Your body’s ability to sweat depends on adequate hydration. Eat regularly. The heat can decrease your appetite, but it’s important to eat normally. Try to eat small meals 5-6 times per day. Include lots of fruits and vegetables. Aside from being nutritious, fruits also tend to help with hydration. Food is Essential!: Nutrition can play a large part in staying healthy in the summer heat. Eating light meals will help maintain your energy level and not bog you down the way heavy, rich meals can. When the sun heats up, increase the amount of potassium in your diet. Perspiration tends to first deplete the body of this nutrient, so stock up on potassium-rich foods like avocados, apricots, bananas, cantaloupes, beans, broccoli and potatoes. Tips to Ensure Comfort and Safety: Step 1 : Drink lots and lots of water. Drink water before, during and after you exercise. For every 15 minutes you exercise, drink at least 8 oz. of water. Step 2 : Decrease the intensity of your exercise. Step 3 : Plan to exercise early in the morning or late in the evening. Step 4 : Give your body time to acclimate to higher temperatures. Plan on shorter and easier workouts for at least two weeks. Step 5 : Wear loose, light-colored and lightweight clothing. Step 6 : Maximize skin exposure to aid in evaporation. Step 7 : Change your plan to achieve a personal best that day. Step 8 : Plan your hydration. If you're going for a long walk or taking a particularly hard class the next day, drink lots of water the day and night before. Step 9: Cool down. After exercising find a cool area and cool down. Drink plenty of fluids to replace water loss during exercise. Know When to Call it Quits Nobody knows your body better than you, so be sure to listen to your body. The first stages of heat stress are muscle cramps, nausea, headaches, goose bumps on the upper body and unsteady footing. Stop exercising if you experience any of these symptoms when you’re exercising in the heat. Be on the lookout for heat-related illness. Signs and symptoms may include: Weakness Headache Dizziness Muscle cramps Nausea or vomiting Rapid heartbeat If you feel any heat-related symptoms stop exercising and get out of the heat. Drink plenty of water, and use a wet cloth and/or fan to cool your skin. If you don’t feel better within 30 min, contact your doctor. Prepared by: Clara Fitzgerald and Pamela Keegan- June 2009

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