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Grant Management Seminar 1 TRF Global Grants District 5470.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant Management Seminar 1 TRF Global Grants District 5470."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant Management Seminar 1 TRF Global Grants District 5470

2 Grant Management Seminar Rotary Foundation Grants District grants Global grants Packaged grants 2

3 Grant Management Seminar 3 Successful Grant Projects Areas of Focus Real community needs  Needs assessment Frequent partner communication Implementation plan Sustainable Proper stewardship of funds Measureable goals Proper stewardship of funds

4 Grant Management Seminar Proposals Multi-step process: Submit a brief proposal to D-5470 Global Grants Committee Submit more detailed TRF online application (after taking online tutorial)

5 Grant Management Seminar 5 Applying for Global Grants Two-step application process online Meet goals of area of focus Be sustainable Involve Rotary clubs in two districts Minimum budget of US$30,000 District confirms club is qualified

6 Grant Management Seminar Application Rotarians will submit an online application that provides the Foundation with more detailed grant activity and budget information. (Depending on the award amount or complexity of the project, the Foundation may request additional details.) Applications requesting a World Fund award (match) of more than US$100,000 will be reviewed by the Trustees quarterly. The following dates will be used to determine at which Trustee meeting applications will be reviewed:

7 Grant Management Seminar Global Grant Conditions Activities must be sustainable and measurable.sustainable Activities should stem from real community needs. Global grants must be sponsored by two Rotary clubs or districts. Both partners must be actively involved in the planning and implementing of all global grants.

8 Grant Management Seminar Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development

9 Grant Management Seminar 9 Needs Assessment Base project on the community’s need Assess resources of your club and potential partners Talk to the community

10 Grant Management Seminar Sustainable Projects Giving a community the skills and knowledge to maintain project outcomes for the long term, after grant funds have been expended

11 Grant Management Seminar Funding The minimum award amount from the World Fund for a global grant, regardless of activity type, is US$15,000, which results in a minimum total financing of $30,000. Maximum TRF award is $200,000.00

12 Grant Management Seminar 12 Global Grant Financing DDF matched 100% with World Fund Rotary Club cash contributions matched 50% with World Fund Non-Rotarian organizations’ cash contributions (no benefits from project) matched 50% Non-Rotarian organizations’ cash contributions (involved in project - not matched by the Foundation)

13 Grant Management Seminar Sample Grant Funding Contributions Rotary Foundation Match District 5470 Designated Funds (DDF):$ 10,000.00 ----- $10,000.00 Rotary Club “A” Funds:$ 5,000.00 ------ $ 2,500.00 Rotary Club “B” Funds: $ 5,000.00 ----- $ 2,500.00 Cooperating Organization Funds: $ 1,000.00 ---- $ 0.00 $ 21,000.00 +$ 15,000.00* = $ 36,000.00* (Project Funding) *Satisfies Minimum Match of $15,000.00 and Minimum Project Total of $30,000.00 13

14 Grant Management Seminar GLOBAL GRANT FUNDING TEMPLATE TOTAL PROPOSED TRF FUNDING FOR HOST AND INTERNATIONAL SPONSOR CLUBS AND DISTRICTS MUST MEET OR EXCEED $15,000.00 TO BE FUNDED BY TRF FUNDS GLOBAL GRANTS FUNDING TEMPLATE PLEASE USE THIS TEMPLATE AS A TOOL WHEN WORKING TO ESTABLISH FUNDING LEVELS BY ALL PARTNERS Typical Grant Funding Example OR Variable Grant Funding Sample with EQUAL participation by With UNEQUAL participation individual Club and District By BOTH Districts Host Club Commitment TRF Match 50% $ - TRF Match 50%50% $ - Host DDF 100% $ - Host DDF Variable TRF Match to Host DDF 100% $ - TRF Match to Host DDF 100%100% $ - Sponsor Club Commitment TRF Match 50% $ - TRF Match 50%50% $ - Sponsor DDF 100% $ - Sponsor DDF Variable TRF Match to Host DDF 100% $ - TRF TOTAL $ - TRF Match to Host DDF 100%100% $ - TRF TOTAL $ - needs to exceed $15,000 Total Grant Funding Amount $ - Total Grant Funding Amount $ - PLEASE NOTE: Insert the amount to be contributed by each Club partner and District into the colored cells to find out the total amount of the proposed grant, and to find out the amount of TRF funding to see if you have reached the TRF minimum. TOTAL PROPOSED TRF FUNDING FOR HOST AND INTERNATIONAL SPONSOR CLUBS AND DISTRICTS MUST MEET OR EXCEED $15,000.00 TO BE FUNDED BY TRF FUNDS All dollar amounts have been rounded up to the next dollar for use in these examples. 14

15 Grant Management Seminar Financing Guidelines Cash contributions must come from or be raised by Rotarians Funds cannot be raised from beneficiaries in exchange for receiving the grant Funds cannot come from other grants Contributions should be credited to donor

16 Grant Management Seminar Global Grant Reports: Frequency Progress reports Within 12 months of first payment Every 12 months through the life of the grant Final report within 2 months of completion

17 Grant Management Seminar Global Grant Proposal Form 17

18 Grant Management Seminar 18 Project Planning Form a three-person grant committee Assign roles Implementation plan Budget Contingency plan Document retention plan

19 Grant Management Seminar 19 Creating a Budget Realistic Competitive bidding Reasonable prices Disclose conflicts of interest

20 Grant Management Seminar 20 Setting Goals Measurable Sustainable Qualitative (descriptive) Quantitative (numeric)

21 Grant Management Seminar 21 Setting Goals Gather baseline data Set goals Determine method of measurement

22 Grant Management Seminar 22 Applying for and Implementing a Grant

23 Grant Management Seminar 23 Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development

24 Grant Management Seminar 24 Sustainable Projects Giving a community the skills and knowledge to maintain project outcomes for the long term, after grant funds have been expended Lack of sustainability = No. 1 reason for GG rejection by TRF reviewers

25 Grant Management Seminar Developing Sustainable Projects Sustainability means different things to different organizations. For The Rotary Foundation, sustainability means providing long-term solutions to community needs that the benefiting community can maintain after grant funding ends. Global grant projects must be sustainable and display the following characteristics: Community Needs/ Strengths Have local sponsors conduct a thorough assessment of the community’s needs to identify a need that sponsors are able to support and that meets beneficiaries’ needs and fits their values and culture. Involve multiple community partners in the planning process. Materials/ Technology FundingKnowledgeMotivation Monitoring/ Evaluation Purchase equipment and new technology from local sources, when possible. Ensure spare parts are readily available. Involve community members when selecting technology or equipment, and train them to operate, maintain, and repair it on their own. Confirm local funding source to provide long-term operation, maintenance, repair, and project longevity. Compensate project participants appropriately for their work to ensure continuity of services. Provide training, education, and community outreach to strengthen beneficiaries’ capacity to meet project objectives. Confirm that recipients have a plan to transfer knowledge to new beneficiaries. Collaborate with local agencies/ organizations to supply expertise, as needed. Provide incentives for beneficiaries and project participants to continue ongoing support. Identify personnel willing to lead beneficiaries to sustain project outcomes. Prepare the community to assume ownership of the project once global grant funds are fully expended. Develop clear and measurable project objectives, and identify methods for collecting project data. Establish baseline data for evaluation capable of demonstrating significant change for at least three years. Global Grant Timeline Planning Implementation Reporting

26 Grant Management Seminar Global Grant First Steps 26

27 Grant Management Seminar 27 Application

28 Grant Management Seminar 28 Implementation Communication Financial management plan Recordkeeping Following original plan

29 Grant Management Seminar 29 Evaluation Assists with reporting Improves future projects Based on goals Ongoing process Identifies successes

30 Grant Management Seminar 30 Oversight and Reporting

31 Grant Management Seminar 31 Financial Management Plan Bank account for funds Distributing funds Use checks/bank cards to track funds Detailed ledger Include local laws

32 Grant Management Seminar 32 Resources Document retention worksheet Financial management plan worksheet Transferring custody of a bank account More on Included in handouts

33 Grant Management Seminar 33 Document Retention Provide access Retain for a minimum of five years Make copies

34 Grant Management Seminar 34 Global Grant Reports: Frequency Progress reports Within 12 months of first payment Every 12 months through the life of the grant Final report within 2 months of completion

35 Grant Management Seminar 35 Global Grant Reports: Content How partners were involved Type of activity Evaluation of project goals How area of focus goals were met How funds were spent Number of beneficiaries and how they benefited

36 Grant Management Seminar 36 Conflict of Interest Exists when a Rotarian benefits financially or personally from a grant Benefit can be direct (the Rotarian benefits) or indirect (an associate of the Rotarian benefits)

37 Grant Management Seminar Global Grants Training Feb 28 – 2014 PETS - Denver April 12 – Assembly - Pueblo May 3 – Assembly – Grand Junction

38 Grant Management Seminar Packaged Grants Work with strategic partners Predesigned projects World Fund Aligned with an area of focus

39 Grant Management Seminar District Rotary Foundation Seminar Strategic Partners Global scope of work NGOs, universities, corporations Expertise in an area of focus Formal relationship to secure resources Enhance service opportunities through packaged grants

40 Grant Management Seminar Packaged Grants Rotarians involved with Needs assessment Technical expertise Service Promotion Monitoring and evaluation

41 Grant Management Seminar District Rotary Foundation Seminar Packaged Grants For clubs and districts Predesigned projects Funded by World Fund and strategic partner Educational and humanitarian activities Rotarians focus on implementation

42 Grant Management Seminar District Rotary Foundation Seminar Oikocredit Provides funds to microfinance institutions Economic and community development

43 Grant Management Seminar District Rotary Foundation Seminar Connect Rotary clubs and microfinance institutions Training activities – humanitarian projects Available in India, Philippines, Uruguay Developing Local Entrepreneurs

44 Grant Management Seminar District Rotary Foundation Seminar Aga Khan University 11 campuses in eight countries Curriculum reflects local community needs Maternal and child health

45 Grant Management Seminar District Rotary Foundation Seminar Training Health Educators Vocational training teams to train nurse educators Available in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania Maternal and child health

46 Grant Management Seminar District Rotary Foundation Seminar Nursing Scholarships Campuses in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania Maternal and child health

47 Grant Management Seminar District Rotary Foundation Seminar Operates hospital ship Africa Mercy In port in one country for about one year Disease prevention and treatment Mercy Ships

48 Grant Management Seminar District Rotary Foundation Seminar Support the Africa Mercy Upcoming ports: Togo and Guinea Vocational training teams Disease prevention and treatment Medical Service and Training

49 Grant Management Seminar District Rotary Foundation Seminar Postgraduate water education institution Global student body Campus in the Netherlands Water and sanitation UNESCO-IHE

50 Grant Management Seminar District Rotary Foundation Seminar Study in the Netherlands 18 months Building long-term connections in the student’s home country Water Scholarships

51 Grant Management Seminar - Learning 51

52 Grant Management Seminar – Learning: Grants 52

53 Grant Management Seminar – Learning Center 53

54 Grant Management Seminar – Take Action – Apply for Grants 54

55 Grant Management Seminar Grant Application Tool 55

56 Grant Management Seminar Continue: Rotary Grants 56

57 Grant Management Seminar Global Grants: First Step 57

58 Grant Management Seminar Online Application 58

59 Grant Management Seminar Vocational Training Teams (VTT) A vocational training team (VTT) is a group of professionals who travel to another country either to learn more about their profession or to teach local professionals about a particular field. 59

60 Grant Management Seminar VTTs District Grant VTTs Global Grant VTTs Packaged Grant VTTs Details: downloadable from 60

61 Grant Management Seminar Example VTTS D7980 (CT) and Indonesia Combat spread of Dengue fever; tiling bathrooms D7980 (CT) and South Africa Best practices in early childhood education, preschool curriculum, facilities and community support D6400 (MI, Ontario) and D9550 Australia and East Timor Train midwives Train pharmacists in inventory control and security of dangerous drugs

62 Grant Management Seminar Example VTTs Design efficient water D5340 (CA) and Uganda pumps Train community leaders and NGOs on microfinance Train farmers to produce crops with high market value D9600 and Holland Train on how to combat the effects of drugs and alcohol D5020 (WA) and Philippines Instruct elementary school teachers on methods of teaching science.

63 Grant Management Seminar Rotary Foundation District Committee Foundation Chair: Ann Harris – District Grants Chair: Chris Unfug - Global Grants Chair: Peter Jeschofnig – Scholarship Chair: Dennis Shoemaker - Vocational Training Team Chair (VTT): Claudine Bogart - Annual & Perm. Fund Chair - Tony Cerato - Paul Harris Society Chair - Rice Brown - Polio Plus – Ken Robinson - 63

64 Grant Management Seminar Global Grants Committee Chair: Peter Jeschofnig – Glenwood Springs Sunset RC - Allen Adger – Snowmass Village RC Jerry Grandey – Telluride RC Werner Stark – C.S. Interquest RC Derk Torinus – Aspen RC Tom Tudor- Rampart Range RC

65 Grant Management Seminar 65

66 Grant Management Seminar In the 2011-2012 Rotary year, Roger Ptolemy was District Governor. Roger got an anonymous donor to match all Rotarians donations up to $500,000. Our District members stepped up and we collected $727,570 for the Annual Fund. Three Rotary years later 2014-15, 50% of that is given back to the District as DDF (District Designated Funds) to use for scholarships, grants, VTT or the polio fund. 50%= $363,785 2011-12COLLECTED $727,570 Use of Foundation Dollars for 2014-15 Global Scholarship (2) $15,000 each $30,000 Vocational Training Team ( 2) $15,000 each$30,000 District Grants $65,000$65,000 Global Grants $120,000$120,000 ROLL OVER (2015-16)$ 118,785 We CANNOT do any of these Rotary programs if Rotarians do not contribute EVERY YEAR to our Rotary Foundation. 2014-15 Returned to us $363,785

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