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Enhancing Access to Justice: Private Bar Lawyers and CALC Collaborations Community Advocacy & Legal Centre 158 George Street, Belleville, Ontario

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing Access to Justice: Private Bar Lawyers and CALC Collaborations Community Advocacy & Legal Centre 158 George Street, Belleville, Ontario"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Access to Justice: Private Bar Lawyers and CALC Collaborations Community Advocacy & Legal Centre 158 George Street, Belleville, Ontario Hastings County Law Association

2 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice2 May 30, 2013

3 Understanding the Issues: Special Access to Justice Forum Supreme Court of Canada Justice Cromwell & National Action Committee (NAC) on Access to Civil & Family Justice

4 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice4 May 30, 2013

5 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice5 May 30, 2013 Creating strategic alignment and possibilities for increased collaboration Increasing Access to Justice University Student Legal Clinics Law & Bar Associations Community Legal Clinics Pro Bono Lawyers Legal Aid Government, Courts & Politicians NGOs & Law Foundation Working with Access to Justice partners University Student Legal Clinics Law & Bar Associations Community Legal Clinics University Student Legal Clinics Law & Bar Associations Government, Courts & Politicians Community Legal Clinics University Student Legal Clinics Law & Bar Associations NGOs & Law Foundation Government, Courts & Politicians Community Legal Clinics University Student Legal Clinics Law & Bar Associations Legal Aid NGOs & Law Foundation Government, Courts & Politicians Community Legal Clinics University Student Legal Clinics Law & Bar Associations Pro Bono Lawyers Legal Aid NGOs & Law Foundation Government, Courts & Politicians Community Legal Clinics University Student Legal Clinics Law & Bar Associations Pro Bono Lawyers Legal Aid NGOs & Law Foundation Government, Courts & Politicians Community Legal Clinics University Student Legal Clinics Law & Bar Associations Increasing Access to Justice University student legal clinics Legal Aid NGOs & Law Foundation Government, Courts & Politicians Community Legal Clinics Private bar and pro bono lawyers Law & Bar Associations

6 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice6 May 30, 2013 Justice Cromwell & the National Action Committee A working definition of access to justice: People will have appropriate access to justice when they have the resources, skills and services to address their civil and family legal issues.

7 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice7 May 30, 2013 Old view of A2J vs. Emerging view of A2J Access to Justice “Outcomes” Paradigms Clients have increased security in achieving and protecting their basic needs, such as food, shelter, income, education, employment, health care, personal safety and family relationships Holistic and transformative Includes social justice Social inclusion outcomes Clients obtain access to the justice system, civil liberties, equal protection and intended benefit of the law

8 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice8 May 30, 2013 8 Access to Justice (CALC View) Providing information about the law, legal rights, legal processes and the legal system; Providing information about the law, legal rights, legal processes and the legal system; Increasing the amount of advice and “brief” services to help people understand and navigate the system Increasing the amount of advice and “brief” services to help people understand and navigate the system Providing access to enforcement mechanisms, and appropriate legal representation at all stages of legal proceedings. Providing access to enforcement mechanisms, and appropriate legal representation at all stages of legal proceedings. Supporting methods to reform unjust laws and to encourage the adoption of new laws to promote justice; undertaking systemic advocacy to improve the legal practices of institutions Supporting methods to reform unjust laws and to encourage the adoption of new laws to promote justice; undertaking systemic advocacy to improve the legal practices of institutions

9 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice9 May 30, 2013

10 Supporting Pro Bono efforts

11 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice11 May 30, 2013 CALC Pro Bono Survey (2006)

12 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice12 May 30, 2013 CALC 2006 Pro Bono Survey Results Many local lawyers: Are quietly doing pro bono work Are willing to help with:  Legal columns  Radio shows  “brown bag” lunches  Wills’ donations  LEARN legal info workshops

13 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice13 May 30, 2013 Celebrating Pro Bono volunteers (2007)!!!

14 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice14 May 30, 2013

15 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice15 May 30, 2013

16 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice16 May 30, 2013

17 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice17 May 30, 2013 2012 – 2013 Wills & Powers of Attorney PILOT Project

18 Shared Learning Opportunities Collaborating to increase the quality of legal services

19 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice19 May 30, 2013 HCLA Lunch and Learn Series

20 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice20 May 30, 2013

21 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice21 May 30, 2013

22 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice22 May 30, 2013 Tips for Family Law Lawyers Assisting Clients on Social Assistance

23 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice23 May 30, 2013 Where Else to Go For Help Chart: When LAO-funded Services Can’t Help A comprehensive online list of referrals in our service area Preventing Referral Fatigue

24 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice24 May 30, 2013 Gary Malkowski / CHS Workshop on Working with the Deaf May 2013

25 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice25 May 30, 2013 Compassion Fatigue Workshop

26 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice26 May 30, 2013 Special Interest workshops

27 Working with Community Partners to Increase A2J Enhancing the legal capability of service providers

28 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice28 May 30, 2013 Public Libraries Project

29 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice29 May 30, 2013 Public Libraries Outreach Project - Collaboration with community partners

30 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice30 May 30, 2013 Family Law Information and Resource Sharing Workshop

31 Collaborating on LEARN LAW Workshops for service providers

32 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice32 May 30, 2013 Learn Law Lunches

33 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice33 May 30, 2013 LEARN LAW Workshop: Legal Issues Encountered by Clergy

34 Collaborating to create a web presence A credible portal to legal information

35 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice35 May 30, 2013 Creating/hosting new HCLA website

36 Collaborating to Reduce Legal Costs

37 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice37 May 30, 2013 Family Law Checklist: What to Bring

38 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice38 May 30, 2013 Will Checklist: What to Bring

39 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice39 May 30, 2013 Tip Sheet: Estate Planning

40 Collaborating to Increase Legal Literacy in the Community

41 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice41 May 30, 2013 LEARN LAW Newspaper Columns – Launched in February 2012 Jointly produced monthly newspaper columns being published in rural newspapers throughout five counties in Eastern Ontario Project of Five County LAO-funded Service Providers Network

42 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice42 May 30, 2013 Learn Law Column: Where Can I Find More Information About Family Law?

43 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice43 May 30, 2013 Learn Law Column: Why Make a Will?

44 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice44 May 30, 2013 Learn Law Columns: Powers of Attorney

45 Working with OJEN to Increase Legal Literacy in High Schools and the Community (LAW Day)

46 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice46 May 30, 2013 Belleville-Kingston Regional OJEN Committee & Law Institute 2014 & Law Day 2013

47 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice47 May 30, 2013 LAW DAY 2013

48 Working with Legal Aid partners to provide more seamless service delivery

49 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice49 May 30, 2013 Paths to Justice Report

50 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice50 May 30, 2013 Introduction to Five County Network (FCN) Community Advocacy & Legal Centre (CALC) Kingston Community Legal Clinic (KCLC) Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) Northumberland Community Legal Centre (NCLC) Queen’s Student Legal Aid Society (Queen’s) Rural Legal Services (RLS)

51 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice51 May 30, 2013 Desired Outcomes of the Five County Network Project Clients received the LAO-funded services they were eligible for quickly and efficiently If clients were not eligible for services, clients were helped because they received information about other advocacy help available Clinic and LAO Area Office staff approached clients’ needs holistically and made referrals for other kinds of help All staff were responsive to the needs of the local community and could propose solutions for serving unmet client legal needs All staff could work together cooperatively and collaboratively Members’ ability to provide cost-effective services was enhanced

52 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice52 May 30, 2013 Access to Justice Outreach Hired part-time Outreach Coordinators to improve awareness of LAO- funded services to Access to Justice partners in each county Improving referrals Identifying promising practices and perceived gaps in service, and making recommendations for improvement Outreach has included:  Court Staff  FLIC staff  Mediators and Information and Referral Coordinators  Private bar lawyers  Government information centres  LAO Staff  Court Diversion Staff  Family Support Workers  Human Services Justice Network Presentations made and resources distributed

53 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice53 May 30, 2013

54 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice54 May 30, 2013 Anticipating significant deliverables from the Legal Aid Services Together @LAST project

55 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice55 May 30, 2013 Vision Statement “Legal and non-legal organizations will work together as a coherent system to improve access to legal information and services for persons who do not speak English or French or who live in rural or remote areas of Ontario.” (p. 60) Connecting Across Language and Distance Report (2008)

56 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice56 May 30, 2013 Connecting Across Language and Distance Report (2008) Effort is needed … “to create a systemic response to access to justice challenges that builds from a shared vision, involves all who need to be part of it, identifies the highest priorities, and explores the benefits of working together.” (p. 58)

57 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice57 May 30, 2013

58 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice58 May 30, 2013 Experience has taught me that justice is not a fixed destination that we reach, but an illusive and continuous journey that we undertake and embrace. Justice does not stand at the end of the legal rainbow waiting for us to arrive and discover it. -Prof. David Hall (2005)

59 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice59 May 30, 2013

60 HCLA AGM - Access to Justice60 May 30, 2013 Possible Discussion Questions 1.If you could do one thing to increase access to justice, what would it be? 2.Do we have in place the mechanisms to identify, promote and create change? What should they look like? 3.What can we do locally to increase awareness about what "access to justice" means and its expanding scope? 4.What can we do better locally to make it easier for people to "navigate the paths to justice"? 5.What new opportunities are available locally that are already underway or being considered?

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