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Digital Access at WVSS: Our New Initiative/Our New Normal - Impacting learning and instruction -

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Access at WVSS: Our New Initiative/Our New Normal - Impacting learning and instruction -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Access at WVSS: Our New Initiative/Our New Normal - Impacting learning and instruction -

2 Presentation Outline 1. Our story 2. Our plan 3. The elementary experience – Cari Wilson 4. On-line safety and citizenship 5. The Google environment – Gary Kern 6. What device? 7. Parental support 8. Questions

3 What we hear from students “Learning becomes more interesting when you have more learning options ”

4 Our Readiness  5 year conversation  Many individual and group efforts  Motivated staff  Lots of staff-led ProD  Library support  We have never said no to an idea

5 In most classrooms Students use their devices to go broader and deeper with their learning

6 What we hear from LSP  Digital access will level the learning playing field for our students  Will support many IEP accommodations  Our students are more engaged in a digital environment where they are typically more successful

7 In most classrooms Students use their devices in a responsible way

8 What we see in classrooms  Robust interactive teacher web presence  Increased communication with students and parents  Podcasts  Flipped Classroom  Edmodo  Google Docs / Apps for Education  Noodle Tools  ELMO projectors

9 In Mr. Richardson’s classroom He uses his website to support and engage his students in their learning anytime, anywhere

10 In Mr. Richardson’s classroom He regularly creates, shares, and collaborates with his students using videos they have both made to deepen their learning

11 In most classrooms Students can walk away from their devices when needed in order to engage in different ways

12 What we hear from students “broadens the bank of knowledge ” “gives teachers more options ” “Google Translate in French class is helpful ” “currently varies from classroom to classroom”

13 In most classrooms Students choose the right tool for the right job, without being told

14 What we hear from ELL  Formative Assessment advantages of using audio feedback  Advantages of providing new instructional opportunities  Language instruction has a visual component that technology can increase engagement

15 In our library Students self- regulate their behaviour, and usage of their devices

16 Teachers’ biggest concern?  Q: What does appropriate use look like and how will we support and address it?  A: We have developed common language that is aligned with our feeder schools and good practice

17 In our cafeteria Students collaborate anywhere, anytime, as their needs arise

18 Shifting our thinking  From “ controlling ” student use to “ managing ” or “ facilitating ” it  From “ device ” to “ digital access ”  A device is no different from a pencil ; if we want our students to focus elsewhere we ask them to put their “ pencils ” down...

19 And we worry that smartphones will make us anti- social... c. 1952

20 The Plan Effective September 2014: - Students entering grades 8 and 9 are requested to bring a device to school daily - Students entering grades 10 through 12 are encouraged to bring a device to school daily

21 The Plan Facilitating digital access for students in a 1:1 environment makes a significant difference to learning and instruction Our students will be better prepared to make informed and intelligent decisions in a digital environment as they transition through school, post-secondary, and life

22 Why Digital Access? It is highly likely that our children will have to utilize technology in their work and private lives both now and in their future Employers are expecting a level of competency with technology in the workplace We want to leverage digital access to continue to provide optimal learning opportunities for our students

23 The elementary experience  K-3 iPads, 4-7 laptops  BYOD spreading rapidly in intermediate grades  Digital environment -> supports inquiry, personalized learning, world-at-fingertips  Teachers able to teach digital citizenship at optimum ages and in safe environment  “ you would be blown away !”

24 In Mrs. Schultz’s classroom Her students are seen using Google Docs to share their essay with her while they work on it. They are all receiving instant feedback using their Google Drive accounts

25 What will be different? Students will use their devices in a wide range of ways; some common, some unique – personalized learning Students will be continually guided to engage in ways that are safe, responsible, and appropriate

26 Teaching Above the Line

27 On-line safety and citizenship  Create a positive digital footprint (tattoo)  Build positive relationships  Pause before posting and recording  Protect your privacy  Create, share, and publish  Report inappropriate use  Cite your sources  Stay organized

28 The Google environment  Google offers a suite of web based tools (Google Apps for Education or GAFE) accessible on any device using any browser  Google Drive is the document library for students and you can create documents, presentations, spreadsheets or forms from the library  Google allows us to configure the deployment to match our educational needs and philosophy.  Using Google opens up the possibility of ChromeBooks

29 What device? Minimum criteria: Internet connectivity, tactile keyboard Eg: Samsung ChromeBook ($259) Additional considerations: word processing, slideshow creation, spreadsheet function, multimedia Eg: Netbook, laptop, MacBook, iPad ($?)

30 Tips for security at school - Physically lock your device in your school locker when not in use - Bring extra lock for PE change rooms - Use a screensaver and system password - Record your device serial number - Never leave your device unattended - Protect your device with a case - Download a tracking app if appropriate

31 Options Devices on loan for the day from library and south campus office if needed Device cart will be available for staff to use in classrooms if necessary to supplement Financial hardship: contact Principal, school will assign a device to student for the year

32 Parental support – we are on the same team: your child’s - Ensure a balance of time on the device at home - Work in a visible and open space at home - Have an open dialogue about what they are doing - Reminders regarding illegal downloading - Social networks are personal – school correspondence will be restricted to those grounded in an educational nature

33 We share the same values and goals as your family Develop healthy digital citizens in a 1:1 digital access learning environment to prepare students for the 21 st century Develop a caring and compassionate community that focuses on balance, social and emotional learning, and a positive school experience

34 Thank you! Questions: Steve Rauh – Principal WVSS Gary Kern – Director of Instruction IT SD45 Cari Wilson – District Digital Support SD45 Garth Thomson – Grade 8/9 Vice Principal WVSS

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