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History in the Making The first new medical school in Canada in over 30 years. Social accountability mandate: responsive to the needs of people and communities.

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2 History in the Making The first new medical school in Canada in over 30 years. Social accountability mandate: responsive to the needs of people and communities. The first medical school to operate as a faculty of two universities.

3 University Governance in Ontario 18 Universities in Ontario Each created by separate Act (statutory corporations) 14 have bicameral governance - Board and Senate - control over separate matters 4 have unicameral governance - Board of Governors has control - can delegate to Senate

4 NOSM is Unique separate entity - not-for-profit corporation not an academic institution hosted by two universities M.D. degree granted jointly by Lakehead and Laurentian

5 Governance & Management Corporate Governance - Board of Directors Academic Governance - Senates Executive Group

6 Dual Role of the Dean Academic leader & administrator - accountable thru AC & JSC to two University Senates. CEO of NOSM Corporation - duties of the Dean outlined in the Corporation Bylaws.



9 Terminology Org Structure - Portfolio; Unit; - Dean’s Office; Team Academic Activities - Program; Project; - Institute; Initiative Task Groups - Committee; ad hoc committee - Group; task force or working group Faculty Affairs - Division; Section; Discipline

10 AC Constitutional Review Academic governance Faculty Council role Non-university programs Faculty members on AC AC relationships Meetings and Work Plan

11 Role of Academic Council to provide strategic academic governance for all NOSM academic programs, within the context of: - the School’s social accountability mandate - commitment to innovation - vision and mission and values - the key academic principles agreed upon by Council

12 Role of Academic Council For academic programs which lead to a degree awarded by the Universities, the Academic Council recommends to the Senates regulations respecting the admission of the students, courses of study and requirements for graduation

13 Role of Academic Council The Council shall establish standing and ad-hoc committees and shall determine the functions and powers of these committees



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