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Pat Anderchek, August, 2005. 4 - Faculty 3 - Reciprocal classroom visits 2 - Parties 1 - Conversation about teaching 0 - Evaluation! Program Description.

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Presentation on theme: "Pat Anderchek, August, 2005. 4 - Faculty 3 - Reciprocal classroom visits 2 - Parties 1 - Conversation about teaching 0 - Evaluation! Program Description."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pat Anderchek, August, 2005

2 4 - Faculty 3 - Reciprocal classroom visits 2 - Parties 1 - Conversation about teaching 0 - Evaluation! Program Description

3 A Teaching Square consists of four faculty who: Observe at least one class taught be each Square Partner Reflect on the class observation experience Share reflections with Square partners Share reflections with all project participants

4 Increased interaction among faculty Increased understanding of colleague’s work Experience the joy and confusion of being a student Formulate a plan for enhancing your own teaching based on your observations and reflections and the shared reflections of your Square Partners. Program Goals

5 Teaching Squares Cast Square Leaders Organize “Square Share” session Facilitate “Square Share” discussion Square Partners Attend Kick-off and Celebration Reciprocal visits Exchange information sheets and syllabi Fully participants in “Square Share”

6 Different disciplines Mix of experience Compatible schedules Forming the Squares

7 Preserves the anonymity of the comment source during the Square Share Encourages a sense of responsibility to Square partners Enables reciprocal visits Encourages equal participation in Square Share “Drop out” does not equal failure Why Four?

8 Square participants are observers NOT evaluators! A classroom visit is an opportunity to –Observe teaching techniques, attitudes, classroom materials, classroom management –Reflect upon own teaching Classroom Observer’s Role

9 The Square Share Session The Square Share is an opportunity for shared self-reflection in an attitude of appreciation. All comments should be: Positive Personal and self-referential

10 How did your participation in Teaching Squares give you a greater appreciation of: Your students? Your colleagues? Your college? Your profession? Yourself? Square Share Content

11 What did your observe during your participation in Teaching Squares that you would like to Start doing? Stop doing? Continue doing? Square Share Content

12 Share reflection on Teaching Squares experience Conduct program evaluation Distribute certificates All Squares Celebration

13 Need more information? Pat Anderchek. Coordinator, Innovation & Applied Research Special Thanks to: Anne Wessely, St. Louis Community College Janice MacMillan & Maureen Wideman, Durham College & University of Ontario

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