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Comhaltas Winnipeg Ceili Saturday, August 27/05 at St. Luke’s Anglican Church.

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1 Comhaltas Winnipeg Ceili Saturday, August 27/05 at St. Luke’s Anglican Church

2 Comhaltas Winnipeg put on a fundraiser for the up and coming “Irish Fest” September 10th and 11th It was a huge success and everyone had a terrific time learning new set dancing steps Please enjoy the following pictures……….








10 Special Thanks to Jeremy Hull for teaching and calling many fun dances, including La Bastringue and the Clare Lancers. Thank you to our volunteers who helped set everything up before the Ceili: Carol Ann, Thomas and Rebecca Coish and Jeremy Hoskins. Thanks to everyone who showed up to dance in a most enthusiastic manner and to everyone who brought along snacks and participated in any way! Thanks to Eric and Jan Borley for taking pictures to remember the evening. Here’s to a great evening and more Ceili’s in the future! Cheers! Rebecca We also had another special occasion to celebrate……..

11 HAPPY 28TH ANNIVERSARY to Paul & Susan All the Best for Many More

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