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Catherine Mercier Contrôle de la douleur en réadaptation.

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Presentation on theme: "Catherine Mercier Contrôle de la douleur en réadaptation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catherine Mercier Contrôle de la douleur en réadaptation

2 Catherine Mercier  Is critical to improve their long term social participation and quality of life;  Might contribute to enhance the response to MOTOR training during rehabilitation

3 Catherine Mercier Baumbauer et al. Brain Res Rev. 2009 Rats with complete spinal cord section can learn to maintain hindlimb flexion to avoid nociceptive stimuli (spinal cord instrumental learning).

4 Catherine Mercier Hook et al. Behav Neurosci 2008 Pain interfere with spinal cord plasticity/learning. This learning deficit lasts at least 24h (i.e. longer than the nociceptive stimuli).

5 Catherine Mercier  Short-term effect of training in a new tongue protrusion task (tracking task)  Performed with or without pain (induced with capsaicin) Boudreau et al. Pain 2007

6 Catherine Mercier Boudreau et al. Pain 2007

7 Catherine Mercier Boudreau et al. Pain 2007 TMS measures pre-post training

8 Catherine Mercier Ramachandran & Rogers-Ramachandran, 1996 Mercier & Sirigu, 2009

9 Catherine Mercier

10 Moseley, Pain 2007

11 Catherine Mercier 10 Hz rTMSortDCS

12 Catherine Mercier

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