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Do you need a …. What is it? Second Life is a 3D multi-user virtual environment initially conceived and created by “the Lindens” (staff) with its own.

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Presentation on theme: "Do you need a …. What is it? Second Life is a 3D multi-user virtual environment initially conceived and created by “the Lindens” (staff) with its own."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you need a …

2 What is it? Second Life is a 3D multi-user virtual environment initially conceived and created by “the Lindens” (staff) with its own residents (users) building everything inside the initial framework themselves. The Lindens keep office hours inside of Second Life, and those times are published on the SL website. Second Life is a stand-alone online application. It doesn’t run inside your web browser. Free to download, both free and paid subscription options to use it.

3 Economy Linden dollars ($L) – real currency, paypal conversion to/from US Dollars roughly $L250 for $1 USD Creating and selling (art, clothing, furniture, services, research, rental properties) Getting a job (research, camping, service industry)

4 Snapshot of SL “The Grid” refers to the collection of “islands” in SL. There is the main grid and a separate “Teen Grid”. Groups – clubs, campuses, organizations can purchase their own “island” space or rent space on an island owned by another party Art galleries/performance spaces for music/poetry, university campuses, dance clubs/lounges, apartments, offices, lecture theatres, shopping areas, political campaign offices, religious retreats Ratings of spaces – public, private, "PG", "Mature"...

5 Getting Started: Create an Account

6 Download the Software You’ll need a good graphics card

7 Create Your Avatar

8 Communicating and Distributing information Synchronous: Chatting (approaching someone and typing); IM: send messages to people on your friends list Voice: (microphone & speakers/headset) Asynchronous: Note cards (plain text) - An avatar can take a notecard by touching an object, then can read it, save it for later, or discard it. Notecards are plain text, no text formatting besides line breaks, no images. Audio/video/graphics (like posters) created and embedded into an object or environment Link to a website or PDF document (opens in a browser window)

9 Orientation Island


11 Appearance After learning how to walk, fly, chat, search and ride a vehicle, you can work on your avatar’s appearance Send a Postcard

12 Getting Around only about 10 percent of all users who make accounts ever bother to return after their first visit [source: New Scientist].New Scientist Second Life's controls can be a little intimidating for new users. Many users find the learning curve too steep and quickly give up --

13 Inventory Your inventory folder is where you can collect things in second life and access them later You can keep everything from note cards with information, clothing, your appearance, landmarks and objects you may find along the way

14 Collecting

15 So who is using it and what for? Artists Politicians Business Health Care Causes – non-profits Educators …other…

16 The Arts in Second Life


18 SL Shakespeare Theatre Co.

19 Politics U.S. Rep. George Miller, chairman of the Democratic Policy Committee Barack Obama – Campaign HQ in SL – Register to vote and pick up free virtual T-shirt Political parties in France


21 Business in Second Life Warner Bros. Xerox, Toyota, IBM, Adidas, Kraft, Puegot, Reebok, Reuters, Mercedes Benz, Caldwell Banker, Coca Cola, Dell, Domino’s, Ben and Jerry, Herman Miller, H & R Block, Intel, LaCoste, Calvin Klein, Mazda, NBA, Nissan and Telus, to name a few…

22 Health Care Health Info Island Med School simulations Schizophrenia Hallucinations

23 Educators in Second Life Boise State – EdTech Island New Media Consortium San Diego State University McMaster University McGill University Harvard University Princeton University

24 McMaster University

25 Sculpture Garden

26 New Media Consortium

27 Hyperborea

28 The _Black Library

29 Breast Cancer Awareness

30 Fun Stuff

31 SL and RRU?

32 Thank You

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