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February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa The Conversational Framework as an account of the learning process Diana Laurillard London Knowledge Lab Institute of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa The Conversational Framework as an account of the learning process Diana Laurillard London Knowledge Lab Institute of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa The Conversational Framework as an account of the learning process Diana Laurillard London Knowledge Lab Institute of Education

2 February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa A pedagogical framework Begin with the educational requirements – What does it take to learn? (any subject, any age) - then challenge the technology to meet them

3 February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa LCLC LCLC LPLP LPLP Learner concepts Learner practice Generate Modulate The learner learning Learner’s conceptual organisation Learner’s practice repertoire ? ? ~ a framework for analysing formal learning

4 February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa LCLC Teacher concepts Learning environment LCLC LPLP LPLP Teacher communication cycle Teacher modelling cycle Learner concepts Learner practice Generate Modulate Generate Modulate The learner learning Learning through acquiring knowledge; Learning through practice with feedback

5 February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa LCLC Teacher concepts Learning environment LCLC LPLP LPLP Learner concepts Generate Modulate Generate Modulate The learner learning Teacher practice cycle Learner practice Learning through instruction: teacher sets task, learner tries to answer, teacher gives advice on right or wrong or how to improve

6 February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa Instructivism - Social constructivism – Experiential learning - Constructionism – Collaborative learning LCLC Teacher concepts Peer concepts Peer practice Learning environment LCLC LPLP LPLP Teacher communication cycle Peer communication cycle Teacher modelling cycle Peer modelling cycle Learner concepts Learner practice Generate Modulate Generate Modulate The learner learning Generate Modulate Teacher practice cycle Peer practice cycle

7 February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa LCLC Teacher concepts Peer concepts Peer practice Learning environment LCLC LPLP LPLP Teacher communication cycle Peer communication cycle Teacher modelling cycle Peer modelling cycle Learner concepts Learner practice Generate Modulate Generate Modulate The learner learning Discussion Acquisition Practice Production and Collaboration Production Instructivism - Social constructivism – Experiential learning - Constructionism – Collaborative learning (Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky, Luria, Bruner, Papert…)

8 February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa LCLC ‘Teacher’ concepts Learning environment LCLC LPLP LPLP Learner concepts Generate Modulate Generate Modulate The learner learning from feedback from the ‘teacher’ as a program Teacher practice cycle Learner practice Stop at 10 past 3 No, try again - The learner can only practice; no help to learn how to improve; nothing to drive the internal cycles between concepts and practice Move the time to 7:20 Learner constructs by moving the hands to the target time Feedback only right/wrong, try again

9 February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa LCLC Teacher concepts Learning environment LCLC LPLP LPLP Teacher modelling cycle Learner concepts Learner practice Generate Modulate Generate Modulate The learner learning from feedback from a practice environment Learning through practice with meaningful feedback: The learner has some help to learn how to improve; and has a demo by the program of how to answer if they continue to get it wrong, and tasks adjusted to their level of performance Stop at 10 past 3 That’s 10 to 3 That’s 20 to 3That’s 10 past 4 Shall I show you? That’s 10 past 4 - Move the time to 7:20 Learner constructs by moving the hands to the target time Feedback tells them the time they made Tasks and speed are adjusted to their level

10 February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa Begin with pedagogy – make the digital learning design fit the pedagogy

11 February 2012 cc: by-nc-sa Further details… Rethinking University Teaching: A Conversational Framework for the Effective Use of Learning Technologies (Routledge, 2002) Teaching as a Design Science: Building pedagogical patterns for learning and technology(Routledge, 2012)

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