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F-35 Lightning II: Connecting to the Global Supply Chain Tom Burbage

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1 F-35 Lightning II: Connecting to the Global Supply Chain Tom Burbage
Executive Vice-President and General Manager F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program 26 October 2010

2 2 Interchangeable Engines International Partners
F-35 Value Proposition 2 Interchangeable Engines F135 F136 Lift Fan Tri-Variant Design CTOL CV STOVL International Partners Airframe 70-90% Common or Cousin Parts Sustainment Toolset Commonality Key To Affordability 5TH Gen Fighter VLO Stealth Fighter Performance Integrated Sensor Fusion Net Enabled Ops Advanced Sustainment Avionics System ~100% Common Global Delivery System Economies of Scale Global Cooperation Results In: International Industrial Participation Global Recapitalization DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

3 F-35 International Partnership
The Netherlands Canada Australia United Kingdom Netherlands Deputy Secretary for Defence Cees van der Knaap and U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England signed the Production, Sustainment and Follow-On Development Memorandum of Understanding (PSFD MOU), which extends cooperation in the program beyond the current System Development and Demonstration (SDD) phase. “Because of the extremely hard work of a very dedicated team over a couple of years, the Netherlands and the United States were able to take this very historic step toward building a powerful international coalition,”  said Brig. Gen. C.R. Davis, F-35 Lightning II program executive officer. Canada- Ward Elcock – Deputy Minister of National defense Australia - Brendan Nelson – Defense Minister UK- Lord Drayson             Turkey Norway Italy Denmark Production, Sustainment and Follow-on Development MOU Signed by All Nine Partners (Canada – Fall 2006) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

4 Continued Canadian Commitment To F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program
– Concept Demonstration and Prototype Phase – System Development and Demonstration Phase – Production, Sustainment and Follow-on Development 2014 – Beginning of Planned Procurement Canadian Government Evaluation at Each Phase Proved Strong Business Case for Continued Participation Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

5 F-35 Program Schedule AA-1 STOVL CTOL CATB CV FY CY 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 CY 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 First Flights System Development and Demonstration AA-1 STOVL CTOL CATB CV LRIP 1 (2) LRIP 2 (12) Low-Rate Initial Production and Multiyear Procurement LRIP 3 (17) LRIP 4 (32) LL LRIP 5 (42 ) LRIP 6 LRIP 7 Planned Production Air Force 1,763 CTOL Dept of Navy 680 CV/STOVL Partners 800-1,500 LRIP 8 LRIP 9 EOQ MULTI YEAR 1 Updated schedule in work based on ongoing program restructure DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

6 Production Ramp Underway
Aircraft Production Aircraft on Order SDD (19 A/C) LRIP 1 (2 A/C) LRIP 2 (12 A/C) LRIP 3 (17 A/C) LRIP 4 (32 A/C) Long Lead Funding LRIP 5 (42 A/C) Production Ramp Underway DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

7 Exceeding 2010 Cumulative Plan, STOVL Challenges
Flight Test Progress CTOL 2010 Flight Test Plan STOVL CV CATB Exceeding 2010 Cumulative Plan, STOVL Challenges DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

8 Best Value Industrial Model
JSF Industrial Participation follows the Best Value Approach – Not a Traditional Offset (IRB) Program All Direct Work on F-35 Through Life Of Program No Offset Multipliers Contracts Begin Years Prior to First Canadian F-35 Planned Delivery Best Value Industries in US and Partner Nations are Offered an Opportunity to Compete and Win Work Extended Business: Forecasts of SDD and LRIP Contracted and Committed Projects Extended through Full Rate Production Strategic Opportunities: Exclusively Reserved for Canada Competitive Opportunities: Open Competitions to Which Canadian Companies Are Invited DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

9 Canadian Innovations DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited Underwater Stage Lift at Cirque du Soleil’s “O” Show at Bellagio Theater in Las Vegas The Wing Assembly Platforms and Tooling Equipment for the Joint Strike Fighter Program

10 Industrial Participation Summary
Currently Identified 192 IP Opportunities Through 2035 For Canadian Industry in IP Plan Valued at >$9.5B (TY USD) Increased More Than $2B Since Industrial Participation MOU Signing in Fall 2006 Additional Work for Sustainment Will Evolve Engine Work Additional Contracts for $277M Currently In Place With Canadian Industry High-Tech, High-Value Work Identified for Canadian Industry Over 30+ Years CTOL Horizontal Tails CV Outboard Wings Composite Parts Machining F135 and F136 Engine Provide Additional Industrial Work New Opportunities Continue To Be Identified DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

11 F-35 Opportunities Across Canada
BNH Bombardier Aerospace CMC Electronics, Inc. CPS Industries DY4 Systems Inc. Edward Moore Design GE Bromont Heroux - Devtek Howmet, Laval Division Mindready Solutions Inc. Montreal Carbide Co. Ltd. Nav-Aids P&W Canada Simgraph SIDO Limited Shellcast University of Quebec Advanced IO Systems AVCORP BCD Electronic Firebird Semiconductors Ltd. NGRAIN Xantrex Technology IMP Group Novatronics Composites Atlantic AMENAZA Technologies Axia NetMedia Corp. Mediatronics Magellan - Bristol Northern Aero 2Source Manufacturing Acroturn ACT ALCOA Forged and Cast Products Alpha Casting Amphenol ASCO Ben Machine Casebank Technologies Centra Industries CFN Curtiss Wright Cyclone Dishon DRS Technologies Eagletronics Industries Inc. FAG Aerospace FTG Goodrich CA Graphico Edgelit Panels (Graphic Precision) Handling Specialty Honeywell Engines Sys and Serv. Hummingbird Interfast JN Nilson Magellan Chicopee Magellan Orenda Mediatronics Nikon Metrology (formerly Metris/Virtek) Motivational Industrial Equipment Mxi Technologies National Research Council NCR Noranco Northstar Aerospace Ontario Die Company Spartan Electronics Stealth Computer Corp Strite Unique Broadband Systems DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

12 F-35 Canadian Components
LEFAS – Machined Details Strite , Northstar CV Outboard Wing & Machining AVCORP CTOL Horizontal Tail Magellan-Bristol Machining Center Fuselage Heroux-Devtek, Aerostructures, Inc. EPMS Power Panels DRS Pylon AME Dishon Machining – Fwd Fuselage & Wing Magellan-Chicopee Heroux Devtek Inlet Lip Castings Howmet - Laval Division PTMS Controller Pkg Honeywell Engine Systems & Services GPS Chassis Machining Centra / Dishon Landing Gear M&O Goodrich Heat Exchangers – Machining, Castings, Tube Bending CPS Ind., Alpha Casting ELS Circuit Cards FTG, Samuel Specialty, CMR Radar Subsystems & Machining CMC Electronics Landing Gear Components Acroturn TNS Connectors & PWBs Mindready Handling System Tooling Handling Specialty Composite Structures – Ctr Fuse Composites Atlantic Fiber-Placed Nacelle Skins DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

13 F-35 Projected Market United States United Kingdom Canada Australia
Netherlands Turkey Denmark Italy Norway Israel Singapore Japan South Korea Greece Spain Finland Belgium Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

14 F-35 Production vs 4th Gen Aircraft
50 100 150 200 250 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Capacity For New FMS Customers F-35 Production-U.S. & Partners F-35 Lightning II: The Future of Aerospace Work DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

15 Creating Enduring Global Industrial Relationships
Autonomic Logistics Global Sustainment F-35 Production System An Integrated Supply chain management system is required on F-35 due to the global nature of the supply chain. A Global delivery system was developed to support both production and sustainment An Autonomic Logistics and Global Sustainment required to reduce cost of ownership and make O&S more affordable F-35 production system uses latest automated technology to reduce production cost, improve quality and meet production rates required In the future their will be multiple FACO Sites, second sourcing of major components and production and sustainment in over 9 countries (to start) In order to support our world wide production and sustainment requirements, in integrated supply chain management system is required. This global delivery system links together our worldwide sources of major components, multiple final assembly ad check-out facilities, as well as sustainment needs in 9 countries. Global Delivery System Connecting to the Global Supply Chain © 2010 Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited 15

16 Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company

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