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Religious Education Program Review January 2005. Religious Education Program Review Terms of Reference Terms of Reference  Communication between stakeholders.

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Presentation on theme: "Religious Education Program Review January 2005. Religious Education Program Review Terms of Reference Terms of Reference  Communication between stakeholders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religious Education Program Review January 2005

2 Religious Education Program Review Terms of Reference Terms of Reference  Communication between stakeholders  Clarity of program expectations  Permeation of values into all curriculum areas  Opportunities for faith development  Opportunities for student service projects

3 How many Participants? 83 interviews; 37 surveys completed

4 Participation by Group (%) Completed Discussion Guide

5 Mission, Vision, Values, Goals Results:  Excellent 30%  Good 54%  I. N. 16%

6 Mission, Vision, Values, Goals Evidence  Celebrations  Liturgies  Sacramental Prep  Faith Development  Religious Education Consultant

7 Mission, Vision, Values, Goals Conclusions:  Staff wants to learn more about  Faith Issues  Vision  definition of Catholic Education  Parish wants to dialogue on faith issues and their role in support of Catholic Education

8 Mission, Vision, Values, Goals Recommendations: 1. Leaders find ways to engage stakeholders in dialogue about the mission and vision of Catholic education and its role in the school system, home, parish and Catholic Church 2. Integrate the planning and reporting of Religious Education Program into Division and School planning and reporting. 3. Expand the “assessment” focus in Religious Education Programming

9 Permeation of Faith Results: Excellent 17% Good 54% I. N. 29%

10 Permeation of Faith Evidence  Celebrations/Liturgies  “Teachable Moments”  Staff model faith  Discipline

11 Conclusions  Permeation evident in operation of school; not as evident in the classroom on a intentional basis  Parish wants to dialogue with staff on faith issues Permeation of Faith

12 Recommendations: 1. Leaders develop opportunities for staff, parents and parish to dialogue on important faith issues as these issues relate to permeation e.g. school staff retreat 2. Religious Education Leadership Committee continue with more in-depth inservicing on permeation.

13 Faith Development Excellent 16% Good 40% I.N. 44%

14 Faith Development Evidence:  FD opportunities are there  Work done by REC and committee  Some staff not active in their faith  Use PLC process to build faith community

15 Faith Development Conclusion:  Staff and parents need help to meet the challenge of reaching those who are not active  Contemporary lifestyles may be contrary to Catholic lifestyle  Parish wants to dialogue

16 Faith Development Recommendations: 1. Review Faith Development and PD opportunities in order to develop a priority and a more integrated approach to staff development 2. Leaders develop opportunities for staff and parish to dialogue on important faith issues as these issues relate to permeation e.g. school staff retreat

17 Service Projects Results:  Excellent 43%  Good 39%  I. N. 18%

18 Service Projects Evidence:  All respondents able to provide many examples  Classroom visits by REC  Quality service projects more important than quantity

19 Service Projects Conclusions:  Service projects are a strength of the district  Receiver and Giver need to be “touched” by the project  Service projects are an expression of faith

20 Service Projects Recommendations: 1. Staff work closely with parish community to coordinate and integrate service projects and share the results with the Catholic Community

21 Resources Results:  Excellent 30%  Good 25%  I. N. 45%

22 Resources Evidence:  Resources need more depth  Resources need more information on teaching/traditions of Catholic Church  Grade 12 mixed reviews  Jr. High “too fluffy”

23 Resources Conclusions:  Elementary better resources than Jr. High  Jr. High needs to be strengthen  Teachers of high school program need training

24 Resources Recommendations: 1. REC continue with inservice plans 2. REC, Leadership Committee, and parish representative review resources 3. Priority list of resources be developed and a PD schedule be implemented based on priority

25 Communication Results: Excellent 55% Good 27% N. I. 18%

26 Communication Evidence:  REC good communicator  Parish staff involved in schools  Schools/Parish to and from parents needs improvement

27 Communication Recommendation: 1. Parish and school district leaders establish a forum for regular communication to clarify roles and coordination of joint projects and building a stronger faith community.

28 Student Input Strengths:  Celebrations  Liturgies  Prayer  Service Projects  Sacramental Preparation  Some staff model faith Improvements:  More variety in celebrations and liturgies  Religious Studies resources  Some staff don’t model faith

29 Strengths Summary Excellent and Good combined

30 Improvement Needed Summary

31 Religious Education Program Communication Service Project ResourcesPermeation Faith Development Mission

32 Concluding Remarks 1. Use the strengths of Mission, Service Projects and Communication to build the areas of Permeation, Faith Development and Resources 2. Develop new forms of communication between school/district, parents and parish to coordinate events and clarify roles 3. Use common themes to focus, prioritize, align and coordinate events such as service projects and/or faith development activities 4. Assess your work to build collaboration and strengthen the faith community

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