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2008 Bridge Planning Seminar Design Data Drawing Layout.

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2 2008 Bridge Planning Seminar Design Data Drawing Layout

3 Bridge Planning Drawings Generally prepared for major bridge structures Referred to as Design Data or DD Drawings Used to consolidate survey, hydrotechnical, highway design and geotechnical information Documents bridge planning design Can be used to present design alternatives Generally 2 two 3 drawings. Additional drawings may be required to show unique details. DD Drawings not used for construction. Drawing information used by structural designers to produce detailed design/ construction drawings.

4 Design Data Sheets Generally 1 or 2 sheets. First DD Sheet: Site Map, Notes and Bridge Section Notes: Survey By, Benchmarks, Hydrotechnical Summary, General Notes Site Plan view: Crossing location, skew, approach fills, headslope protection works, river training Elevation view: Existing ground lines / sods, design gradeline, channel bedwidth, headslopes, bridge out to out opening, design highwater/ ice elev, min bottom girder /flange elev, headslope protection, test holes DD Drawings can also be used for major bridge culvert structures, grade separations, railway crossings

5 Boyer River Bridge - Design Data Sheet

6 Smoky River Bridge - Design Data Sheet 1

7 Smoky River Bridge - Design Data Sheet 2

8 Mosaic Profile Airphoto Mosiac: Details parcel mapping, land titles, bridge location Streambed Profile: Surveyed profile of channel bed and water / ice level, average channel slope Road / Highway Profile: Details existing centerline ground / sod profiles, new design gradeline, bridge opening, highwater

9 Boyer River Bridge - Mosaic Profile

10 Smoky River Bridge – Mosaic Profile

11 Issues DD Drawings are required on as need basis based on discussion with structural designers and client. Detailed sketches may be adequate. Interaction with structural designers during bridge planning process. Determine possible span arrangements, structural depths, pier locations, etc. Grid –To – Ground Survey, Combined scale factor, Design Bulletin 34 Test holes: Several ways to show on drawing. Ensure holes are surveyed correctly.

12 Issues Airphoto for mosaic profile: Several programs available for correcting image. Determine if mosaic just for presentation to determine effort in processing image. Ortho-corrected airphotos are available. Highway/ Road Profile: Centerline finished crown or subgrade Showing new construction tying into existing fills Stationing bridges on curve on divided highway Other Issues…. Open for discussion.

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