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Published byBrittany Sowerby Modified over 10 years ago
* Simple Editing * Feature Creation Tools * Labels & Annotation
Day 2 ArcGIS Goals for the Afternoon * Simple Editing * Feature Creation Tools * Labels & Annotation
Simple editing in ArcMap
Editing in ArcMap Data that can be edited Edit source feature class
Shapefile: ArcView Personal geodatabase (simple features): ArcView Personal geodatabase (all features): ArcEditor ArcSDE geodatabase: ArcEditor Edit source feature class Only one workspace at a time Only one data frame at a time Regardless of whether you buy ArcView, ArcEditor, or ArcInfo the, editing tools in ArcMap are basically the same. The main difference between the formats is what data you can edit. With ArcView you can edit shapefiles and personal geodatabase data that have no special behavior (e.g., geometric networks, relationship classes, subtypes). ArcEditor lets you edit all other data formats, regardless of their behavior. Since ArcInfo contains everything that ArcEditor contains, ArcInfo can also edit all formats. The ArcInfo editing environment is very different than that of Arcedit. In ArcMap you can edit all the feature classes in the same workspace at the same time, unlike Arcedit, where you specify an edit coverage and edit feature class. A workspace means different things to the different data formats. The coverage workspace is a folder that contains coverages. The shapefile workspace is also a folder that contains shapefiles. For a geodatabase though, the workspace is the geodatabase. So if you are editing a geodatabase, you can simultaneously edit all of the feature classes in that geodatabase. To see the source data that you are editing, click the Source tab in the Table of Contents. You can edit when you are in Data view or Layout view, but you can only edit in one data frame at a time.
Starting to edit Editor toolbar Starting an edit session
To display the Editor toolbar, click the Editor Toolbar button on the standard ArcMap toolbar (See the arrow above.). The Editor toolbar can be detached from the ArcMap application, or it can be clicked and dragged and docked on the application. Before you can start editing you must be in an edit session. From the Editor menu on the Editor toolbar, click Start Editing to start an edit session. Once you start an edit session you can begin using the tools on the Editor toolbar.
Using other toolbars while editing
Standard Cut, copy, and paste work across layers Cut Paste Undo Copy Delete Redo The ArcMap Editor works in conjunction with the other toolbars in ArcMap. For example, the Standard toolbar includes all the tools for Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete. You can copy an existing feature by using the tools on the ArcMap Standard toolbar. You can copy a feature and paste it as part of another layer, but it must be the same type of layer (point, line, or polygon) as the one from which it was copied. There is one exception to this rule: you can copy polygons into a line layer. Attributes from the original feature are only copied to the new feature if you are copying and pasting within the same layer. You can click Undo and Redo to move back and forth between your edit operations. You can only undo back to the last time you saved your edits.
Edit tool Select features Move selected features
Uses selectable layers Shift-click to add or remove features from the selection Move selected features Editor > Move moves a feature delta x,y The Edit tool is similar to the Select Features tool in that you can select features with the Edit tool by dragging a box or clicking. If you hold down the Shift key, you can add to your selection by clicking on an unselected feature, or you can remove a feature from the selection by clicking on it. The Edit tool also abides by all the rules of interactive selections: selectable layers, selection method, and selection options. Once features have been selected, you can drag them with the Edit tool. You can also move selected features a certain distance in the x and y directions by clicking Move from the Editor menu.
Shared Edit tool Moves coincident geometry in a feature dataset
Use Integrate to make coordinates coincident Use the Shared Edit tool to select vertices or boundaries that are coincident between two or more features. When you select a vertex or boundary, only the topmost visible vertex or boundary on the map is highlighted. However, every vertex or boundary in the feature dataset beneath where you clicked on the map is actually selected. This ensures that when you move part of a feature that is coincident, any coincident vertices or boundaries underneath will move appropriately, as well as any vertices or boundaries connected to those parts. This is also true for feature classes not visible on the map. Use the Integrate command to create coincidence between features. When editing coverages, all editing tools can be used to create and update features that are not topologically associated with other features. For example, well locations stored in a single point feature class can be moved or edited with any tool on the Editor toolbar. Coverages containing node and/or polygon features store topology. For example, parcels stored in a polygon feature class maintain an association with line features stored in the arc feature class. If you have a coverage with arcs but you have not build for nodes yet, your coverage does not store topological associations. Only when you build for nodes or polygons does the coverage create topological associations. By disabling editing tools and commands that could invalidate topological associations between features, ArcMap ensures that the relationships are maintained. For example, when you select a polygon feature using the Edit tool, the Rotate command is automatically disabled. When you want to edit features that contain topological associations with other features, you need to select the boundaries and points that the features share. You can select and edit shared boundaries using the Shared Edit tool. For more information on editing coverage data, see the ArcGIS Desktop Help under Editing in ArcMap > Editing coverages.
Rotate tool Rotates a feature around the selection anchor
Move the selection anchor Press A to specify an exact angle Positive angles are clockwise Selection anchor You can rotate features in ArcMap using the Rotate tool. After selecting the features, drag the mouse pointer so the features rotate to the desired position. Features rotate around the selection anchor (the small “x” located in the center of selected features). You can move the selection anchor by moving your mouse pointer over it and dragging it to a new location. You can also rotate features about the selection anchor by a specific angle by pressing A on your keyboard. Positive rotation angles are measured in a clockwise direction with east being zero.
Editing attributes Attributes window Change values for one feature
Change values for all selected features Copy values from one feature to another Undo/Redo any changes Layer Selected features Attribute values You can edit the attributes for a selected feature by opening the Attribute table or displaying the Attributes dialog. The Attributes dialog has many useful tools for managing the attributes of features. All the selected features are displayed in the Attributes dialog in a tree view organized by feature class. Each feature is represented in the tree by a single attribute. The attribute that is used for the tree view for each feature is determined by the primary display field for the layer. If the value for the primary display field is Null, the ObjectID field is used. As you click on features in the tree view, the same feature is flashed in the map. To edit the attributes for a single feature, click on that feature in the tree view and modify the attributes in the display panel on the right panel of the dialog. Just click to the right of the field you want to edit, and enter a new value. You can also right-click on that value, navigate to another feature, and paste that value into one of the fields. You can only edit the value for fields that are user-defined. Fields like Shape_Area, COVER#, and FID are managed by the underlying data formats, so the Attributes Editor will not let you change them manually. If you right-click on a feature in the tree view, you can copy and paste all of the values for the user-defined fields from one feature to another. If you want to calculate a field for all the selected features, click on the layer name in the tree view. Then enter a value next to the appropriate field on the right side of the Attributes dialog. For example, to set the LANDUSE field to RES for all the selected parcels above, you would click SubdivisionParcels in the tree view and enter RES next to the LANDUSE field. The attributes for all the selected features would then update. Undo and Redo also work while you are editing attributes; you can move forward and back in the attribute edit operations.
Sketches Are shapes Work with the current task Create New Feature
Select Features Using A Line More Current task A sketch is just a piece of geometry that is applied to the current task. If the current task is Create New Feature, a new feature is created with the geometry from the sketch. If the Current task is Select Feature Using a Line, all the features that intersect the line sketch will be selected. There are many more tasks that will be discussed in the next lesson.
Create New Feature task
Sketch is used to add new features to the target layer Other operations that create new features Division, Buffer, Copy parallel, Paste Target layer Finished sketch The Create New Feature task works in conjunction with the target layer. New features are always created in the target layer. You specify the target layer by changing the value in the Target combo box on the Editor toolbar. After selecting the Create New Feature task and the target layer, you can digitize the feature with the Sketch tool. New features can be created using other operations including Division, Buffer, Copy Parallel, and Paste. All of these operations that create new features do so in the target layer.
Sketch tool Creates a sketch Click once to add vertices
Double-click to finish the sketch Click The Sketch tool is represented by a button with a pencil icon on it. If you hover your mouse pointer over the Sketch tool, a tool tip with the same name appears. Clicking once with the Sketch tool adds a vertex, and double-clicking adds a vertex and finishes the sketch. If you do not want to double-click, you can right-click and click Finish Sketch. Other sketch tools create vertices and the next segment of the sketch by other means. You can access these sketch tools by clicking the arrow next to the Sketch tool, then clicking the tool you would like to use. Other sketch tools include: Arc, Distance-Distance, Intersection, and Trace. You can switch between any of these sketch tools while you are constructing your sketch. Undo and redo also work within the construction of a sketch. You can undo and redo the vertices you have added to the sketch. Once you finish the sketch, the entire sketch construction is collapsed into a single edit operation that can be undone. Click Double-click
Snapping Snap to layer geometry Snap to sketch geometry
Order set in Snapping dialog (drag and drop) Snap to sketch geometry Cursor displays snap location Tolerance The snapping environment can help establish exact locations in relation to other features. Suppose you are creating a new segment of primary that begins from an existing transformer; you want to ensure that the vertex of the primary connects precisely to the transformer. The snapping environment makes this type of task accurate and easy. Setting the snapping environment involves setting a snapping tolerance, snapping properties, and a snapping priority. The snapping tolerance The snapping tolerance is the distance within which the pointer or a feature is snapped to another location. If the location being snapped to (vertex, edge, or endpoint) is within the distance you set, the pointer automatically snaps to the location. The circle around the pointer represents the snapping tolerance. When the location being snapped to is outside the snapping tolerance, the snapping location stays with the pointer. When the location being snapped to is inside the snapping tolerance, the snapping location moves away from the pointer and snaps to the target location.
Layer snapping End Vertex Edge Connection The endpoints of a line
Anywhere along a segment Connection A custom snapping point Only visible if custom feature exists Edge End Vertex Connections Circuit Snapping properties You can choose the part of the feature, vertex, edge, or endpoint to which you want your new feature to snap by setting the layer snapping properties. To make your new feature (a segment of primary) snap to the vertex of an existing transformer in the Transformers layer, check the box under Vertex next to the Transformers layer in the Snapping Environment window. When the pointer comes within the snapping tolerance of the transformer, the first vertex of the primary snaps to the vertex of the transformer. Custom features can contain connection points where other features are meant to connect to the custom feature. If you have one of these custom features in your map, you will see a choice for connection snapping. For example, a switch may have specific locations where electric lines can connect to the switch. Those specific locations are connection points. The developer of the custom feature determines where the connection points are. Snapping priority You can also set the snapping priority for layers on your map. The order of layers listed in the Snapping Environment window determines the snapping order. Snapping occurs first in the layer at the top of the list and then consecutively in each layer down the list. You can easily change the snapping priority by dragging the layer names to new locations.
Sketch snapping Snapping based on the current sketch
Perpendicular to sketch The next segment will snap perpendicular to the previous Edit sketch vertices Edit sketch edges You can also snap to locations based on the sketch you are creating. ‘Perpendicular to sketch’ snapping snaps to an implied line perpendicular to the last segment. ‘Perpendicular to sketch’ snapping is useful for creating sketches with right angles. ‘Edit sketch vertices’ snapping snaps the cursor to the vertices of the sketch, while ‘Edit sketch edges’ snapping snaps the cursor to any location along the sketch.
General options Decimal places Snapping tolerance
Stretch features proportionally Stream options Tolerance Number of points in an Undo operation When creating or editing a feature with the Sketch tool, you can use the Sketch tool context menu to view such measurements as the distance between two vertices, the angle between two segments, or the current coordinate location of the pointer. By default, ArcMap displays these measurements using four decimal places. However, you can change the number of decimal places displayed. You can set snapping tolerance in map units or pixels. If you set snapping tolerance in pixels, the snapping distance on your screen will not change as you zoom in. ArcMap gives you the option to stretch the geometry of features proportionately when moving vertices. When you drag a vertex to a new location with this option turned on, the proportions of the feature’s segments are maintained, preserving the general shape of the feature. ‘Stream mode’ digitizing lets you capture features on a paper map when you do not require as much precision. As you stream, ArcMap automatically adds vertices at an interval you specify, called the stream tolerance. Because the default stream tolerance is zero, you must enter a tolerance value before you start digitizing, or the vertices will join together or overlap each other. You can change the stream tolerance at any time, even when you are in the process of digitizing a feature. You must also specify the number of streaming vertices you want to group together. The number you set tells ArcMap how many vertices to delete when you click the Undo button. For example, if you set this number to 20 and click the Undo button while you are digitizing a feature, ArcMap deletes the last 20 digitized vertices from your feature. To begin digitizing in stream mode, choose Streaming from the Sketch Tool context menu. You can switch back to point mode at any time by pressing F8; press F8 again to switch back to stream mode.
Exercise 4a: Simple Editing
Do some simple editing Move Rotate Create Edit attributes
Using the feature creation tools
Feature Creation Tools Overview
Create features in the target layer Divide Buffer Copy Parallel Union Intersect Create features in the same layer Split Merge In this lesson you will learn how to create new features from existing features. New features are always created in the target layer, so these tools work in conjunction with the target layer. You will also learn how to modify features using the Split and Merge commands.
Divide Creates features at a given interval along a line
Can specify number or distance Poles The Divide command creates points at a given interval along a line. For example, you could use Divide to place utility poles along a primary. You can create a specific number of evenly-spaced points, or you can create points at a distance interval you choose. The new features are created in the target layer, so the feature class that stores the new points must already exist and be in the current edit session. The feature from which the points were generated is not changed. The Divide command only creates new features in the target layer; it does not split features. If you want to split a feature by a given distance or interval, use the Split command. Target layer Electric line
Buffer Buffers selected features by a specified distance
Two discrete polygons in target layer You can create a buffer around features using the Buffer command. For example, you might use Buffer to show the area around a contaminated well, or to represent a floodplain around a river. You can buffer more than one feature at once, but a separate buffer will be created around each feature. The buffers are created in the target layer, which must be a line or polygon layer. Since the features are created in the target layer, the feature class that is going to store the buffers must already exist and be in the current edit session. If you want to have more control over buffer creation (e.g., concentric buffers, dissolved buffers, buffering at varying distances) use the Buffer wizard on the Tools menu.
Copy Parallel Copies a line feature parallel to the original feature
Positive is on the right side of the feature Creates feature in target layer The Copy Parallel command copies a line feature parallel to an existing feature at a distance you specify. If you specify a positive distance, the line is copied to the right side of the original feature. A negative distance copies the line to the left. You can use the Copy Parallel command, for example, to create a street centerline or a gas line that runs parallel to a road. The left and right side of the line is based on the orientation of the line. To see the orientation of the line, change the symbology of the line to ‘Arrow at End’.
Union and Intersect Creates features in the target layer
Does not delete original features Union Example: Creating a sales territory Intersect Example: Overlapping area of sales territories The Union command combines features from different layers into one feature while maintaining the original features and attributes. For example, you can create a sales territory from several ZIP codes. You can also create a multipart feature when you use the Union command to combine nonadjacent features from different layers. For example, to create a sedimentary rock polygon in a new Rock Classification layer given selected clay and quartz polygons in an existing Rock Composite layer, you would use the Union command to combine the clay and quartz features to create a new multipart sedimentary rock feature in the Rock Classification layer. Although the features may be from different layers, the layers must be of the same type: either line or polygon. The new feature is created in the current layer with no attribute values. The Intersect command creates a new feature from the area where features overlap. For example, you can create a new sales territory out of overlapping trade areas. You can find the intersection between features of different layers, but the layers must be of the same type (either line or polygon). The original features are maintained, and the new feature is created without attribute values in the current layer. You must manually enter attribute values for the new feature.
Clip Preserves or discards the intersected area
Buffer distance Only modifies editable polygon layers You can easily clip features that touch or are within a buffered distance of selected features. For example, suppose you want to model the effect of a proposed road widening project on the lots of a subdivision block. You can do this using the Clip command. Select the road centerline where the proposed widening is to occur and choose Clip from the Editor menu. To clip the subdivision lots, type the length measurement of the widening and choose the option to discard the area that intersects. The Clip command will then buffer the selected road feature and clip all portions of editable features that are within the buffered region. If you want to delete all features that touch the buffered feature, choose the option to preserve the area that intersects. Geometry removed within 20 units of selected line
Split and Merge Replace existing feature with new feature
Honors Split and Merge rules Merge Line or polygon Example: Combining two parcels Split Line By percentage or distance Example: Splitting a water main in half You can split a line using the Split command on the Editor menu. Use the Split command when you know the distance at which you want to split the line, measured from either the first or last vertex. You can also use this command when you want to split a line at a certain percentage of the original length. For example, you can use the Split command to split a power line at a known distance along the line when you want to add an electrical pole that requires its own service. The Split dialog displays the length of the original feature in current map units to help you split it accurately. When you split the line using the Split command, the attributes of the original line are copied to each of the new lines. The Merge command combines features of the same layer into one feature. The features must be from either a line or a polygon layer. You can also merge nonadjacent features to create a multipart feature. For example, you could merge the individual islands that make up Hawaii to create a multipart polygon feature. When you merge features in a geodatabase, the original features are removed, and the new feature's attributes are copied from the feature that was selected first. If you merge coverage or shapefile features, the attributes of the feature with the lowest ID number (the oldest feature) are used.
Exercise 4b: Try using the Feature Creation Tools
Experiment with Clip and Copy Parallel
Working with labels and annotation
Labels and Annotation Labeling options Label placement
Label visibility Grouping labels Generating annotation Dimensioning Labeling is a property of a layer. A large part of this lesson focuses on setting labeling properties. Once the labels are symbolized and positioned correctly, you can convert them to annotation. Annotation is stored in the geodatabase as features that can be manipulated in an edit session. Annotation can also be created from scratch or imported from a coverage. The following topics will be discussed in this lesson: Labeling options Label placement Label visibility Grouping labels Generating annotation Lastly, Dimension features will be discussed. Dimensions are similar to annotation in that they are custom features that add descriptive information for features in your map. Dimensions display length measurements on your map.
Labeling options Labels Annotation Displayed on the fly
Stored as a property of the layer Annotation Stored as a feature Stored separately from the source feature class Graphics layer Geodatabase You have two feature labeling options on your map: labels and annotation. Labels A label is text that displays dynamically on your map document. When you zoom and pan around your map, the labels redisplay themselves with the best placement for the scale at which you are viewing the map. Label placement is based on the properties you set up for the layer. Because the labeling properties are a property of the layer, they will travel with the layer whether it is stored in a map document or a layer file. Annotation Annotation can be stored as a graphic on the map or as a feature in the geodatabase. Unlike labels, annotations can be treated individually regardless of where they are stored. Labels let you set properties that affect the symbology and placement of all the labels on your map, but you cannot change the properties for a single label. You can manually change the properties for annotation. The annotation size also stays constant relative to the other features on the map. For example, when you zoom out from a feature, that feature will appear smaller on your screen. Because annotation is just another type of feature, when you zoom in and out on annotation, it will act the same as the other features on your map. Labels, on the other hand, will always remain the same point size regardless of your scale.
Point placement Placement options Rules for conflicts
Use predefined placement scheme Place label on point Hierarchy of angles Rules for conflicts Weights between labels and features Predefined scheme Label on point Angles 45 and 225 Point labels are placed with a predefined scheme, on the point, or using a hierarchy of angles. Use predefined placement scheme A predefined placement scheme lets you place the label in one of eight standard positions around the point. Each position is given a number to indicate its priority: 0, 1, 2, or 3 (1 being the highest and 3 being the lowest). The software will try to place the label starting with the highest priority position (1) and finish with the lowest priority (3). A position with a value of 0 means the position is off limits; no label will be placed at that position. Place label on point Labeling on the point means that you center the label on top of the point. Hierarchy of angles Labeling with specified angles allows you to specify a hierarchy of angles around a point where labels will be placed. The angles start at 0, which is to the right of the point, and continue in a counter-clockwise direction. Weights between labels and features Weights can be set for the labels and features. Objects assigned a high weight will not be obstructed, and will be given priority above other objects in the same layer and other layers in the display. Buffer ratio A buffer ratio is the amount of space reserved around the label. You can use the buffer ratio to ensure that labels are not placed too close to other labels or features.
Label placement Constraints Position on line Angle
Based on orientation Position on line On start point or endpoint Along line Map units offset Angle Make labels follow the curve of the line Above or to the right Below or to the left At the endpoint Label placement for a line is first based on whether the label is oriented to the page or to the line. If the label is line-oriented, it can be placed to the left or right of the line based on the line’s direction. You can visualize the line’s direction by symbolizing it with one of the Arrow options, which are usually at the bottom of the symbology list. If your orientation is based on the page, your labels can be placed above or below the line. There is also an option for ignoring orientation and placing the label on top of the line. Labels can also be placed at the beginning, end, or best-fit location along the line. You can also control the angle of the text relative to the line, or make the text curve with the curve of the line. Following the curve of the line Perpendicular label Horizontal label following of the line Label the curve
Label visibility Scale ranges Independent of layer
45,000 Labels are displayed between these scales 1:1 1:100,000 1:75,000 1:45,000 Label scale range Feature scale range By default, the visibility of labels is controlled by the visibility of the features in the layer. If you zoom in on your map and a layer appears (i.e., the features in the layer appear), the labels for that layer will appear as well. Alternatively, you can choose to set a scale range for the labels independent of the features in the layer. For example, imagine you are zooming in on a city. When you reach a scale of 1:24,000 the streets appear, but the labels do not; however, when you reach 1:12,000, the labels for the streets appear.
Labeling with an expression
Visual Basic Script or JavaScript Simple concatenation + JavaScript & Visual Basic Script Logical expressions Click Advanced If...Then New line "\n" JavaScript "vbNewLine" Visual Basic Script [Name] & vbNewLine & [POPULATION] By default, labels consist of single field values. You can also label features with an expression built using Visual Basic Script or JavaScript. You can use an expression to label with multiple fields in a concatenated format and further format those fields with descriptive text. Concatenation is done using specific characters. For Java scripts, use the plus (+) sign for concatenation, and for Visual Basic scripts, use the ampersand (&) sign. Logical expressions can also be used to set conditions for labeling the same features differently. For example, you might label capital cities with their names and populations, but label all other cities with just their names. Logical expressions can use decision-making statements like If … Then blocks. While concatenating, you may want to stack the information that comes from the different fields. This can be done as follows, depending on the programming language you use. Use “\n” for stacking when writing Java scripts for your logical expression. Use "vbNewLine" for stacking when writing Visual Basic scripts for your logical expression. Microsoft provides more detailed information and documentation on scripting languages at
Labeling features differently
Classes are groups of features labeled the same way (e.g., larger cities displayed with larger text) Can create multiple classes SQL expression defines the features in a class You can click ‘Define classes of features and label each class differently’ for Method in the to create groups of features that are labeled the same way. A class represents a group of features with the same labeling properties. The group of features represented by a class is defined with a SQL expression, which you can build by clicking the SQL Query button. All the labeling properties including font, color, placement options, and scale range also apply to a class. With classes, you can change labeling properties for different groups of features. For example, if you labeled capital cities with larger text than the other cities, you would have a class representing the capitals and a class representing the other cities.
Setting reference scale
For a data frame Text scales with the map features Set reference scale Setting the reference scale lets you fix the size of the labels relative to the other features in the map at a specific scale. When you set the reference scale, the labels will remain at their current size in map units. The reference scale is set to control the entire data frame. Once the reference scale is set, the text appears larger when you zoom in and smaller as you zoom out. The other symbology for the layer also scales when the reference scale is set. If you do not want the symbology to scale for a layer, open the properties for the layer, click the Display tab, and uncheck the ‘Scale symbols when reference scale is set’ check box. When the reference scale is not set, the point size is maintained as you zoom in and out so that labels appear to be the same size relative to your screen. Setting the reference scale is a preparatory step for creating annotation from your labels. Annotation features have a reference scale built into their data structures. When you add annotation to your map, you do not need to set the reference scale because those features will already have a reference scale. Determining the correct reference scale, for your labels is useful when you create annotation from those labels, because you will know how the annotation will appear at certain scales. Zoom with reference scale set Zoom with reference scale off
Creating annotation Convert labels to annotation
Current scale is used as the reference scale Options for storage Define an annotation feature class in ArcCatalog Feature linked Annotation is added with new feature Convert from coverage annotation Tool in Labels category of the Customize dialog Because labels constantly reposition themselves in the best location, they might not always appear where you want them. To assign each piece of text to a specific location, you must convert your labels to annotation. Remember that annotation stores its own reference scale. When you create annotation, the current scale will be used as the reference scale for this annotation. This can be confusing if you are zoomed out to the full extent or if you are zoomed in on the map; your annotation may not turn out the way you expect. Set your reference scale for your labels, and make sure they display correctly. Once you have set your reference scale, you can zoom to the reference scale before you convert your labels to annotation. In addition to converting your labels to annotation, you can create a new annotation feature class in ArcCatalog, then add new annotation features to that feature class. You can add these new annotation features individually with the Text tool while you are editing, or you can load the annotation from a coverage. When you load annotation from a coverage, the coverage annotation is treated like labels that are being converted to annotation. The new annotation will include a reference scale that you set when you create that annotation feature class in ArcCatalog.
Storing annotation In a graphics layer As geodatabase features
When the source feature moves, the annotation does not move As feature-linked geodatabase features When the source feature moves, so does the annotation Annotation can be stored in one of three ways: as graphics, as geodatabase features, and as geodatabase features that are linked to the features they are annotating. Graphics The annotation graphics are stored in a graphics layer in your map. You would store annotation in a graphics layer if this annotation is only applicable to this map. This could make the size of your map very large, but if you give this map to someone else, the annotation will automatically come with the map. As geodatabase features This stores your annotation in the geodatabase as features that are not related to any other features. If you move the features affected by this annotation, the annotation does not move. Also, if you change the text in the field that generated the annotation, the annotation is not affected. You would store unlinked annotation if you want your annotation to be a historic record of a specific time. For example, perhaps your annotation represents the names of the streets in In this case, you would not want the annotation to update when the feature updates because you want it to store the name for that feature as it was at a specific time. As feature-linked geodatabase features This stores your annotation in the geodatabase with a relationship to the features that the annotation was created from. When you move the original feature, the annotation moves with it, and when you update the field value that the annotation is created from, the annotation text automatically updates. You would use linked annotation when you want your annotation to reflect the current state of your features.
Overflow window List of labels that could not be placed Options
When you convert your labels to annotation, some of the labels will not be able to be converted because they cannot be displayed at the reference scale based on your placement rules. All the labels that could not be converted to annotation will be placed in an overflow window. You can right-click each of these features in the overflow window and zoom in on them. When you are viewing the feature, you may decide to add that label as annotation and place it yourself. When you want to add a label to the annotation, just right-click on the feature in the overflow window and click Add Label.
Exercise 4c: Try Labelling your Data
Ticket Out the map that you created.
Congratulations, You Did it! You made it through ArcGIS Training Day!
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