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1 The Rotary Foundation Educational Humanitarian How it Works for US.

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1 1 The Rotary Foundation Educational Humanitarian How it Works for US

2 2 D-7910 Foundation Committee Structure: 2008-2009 District Governor (Klaus Hachfeld) District Rotary Foundation Chair (PDG Greg Roche) District Rotary Foundation Trainer (PDG Ed King) Area Foundation Coordinators (6 experienced Rotarians) Director of GRANTS (PDG Ralph Hammond) Director of PROGRAMS (PDG Mike Razza) Director of ACTIVITIES (PDG Roy Gilbert ) Director of FUNDING (PDG Carl Kaliszewski) Matching Grants & World Community Service (PDG Ralph Hammond) Ambassadorial Scholarships (Tory DeFazio ) Pan District Challenge (PDG Ralph Hammond ) Annual Giving (PDG Greg Roche) PDG Carl Kaliszewski PDG Ralph Hammond District Simplified Grants (PDG Ralph Hammond ) World Peace Fellowships (Penny Hamel) District Foundation Forum (PDG Roy Gilbert) Polio Plus & the Gates Challenge (AG Arnie Miller) Rotary Volunteers (PDG Ralph Hammond) Group Study Exchange (PDG Mike Razza & PDG Suzanne Comer) Foundation Seminar (PDG Roy Gilbert) Benefactors & Endowments (PDG Carl Kaliszewski) NORTHEAST LINK (PDG Ed King) Alumni & Alumni Network (PDG Greg Roche) Permanent Fund (PDG Carl Kaliszewski) Grants for University Teachers (PDG Ralph Hammond) Million Dollar Meal (DGE Carol Toomey) Paul Harris Fellow Society & Major Donors (PDG Roy Gilbert) SPENDING the Foundation's MoneyGETTING Money for the Foundation


4 Where does our money go? 4

5 5 The MONEY Flow

6 6 $ 1,000,000 - Come & See It !!!!!! Ambassadorial Scholars$ 23,000 World Peace Fellows$ 50,000 University Teachers$ 22,500 NORTHEAST LINK 2008 Friday – Saturday, September 26- 27 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Worcester

7 7 $ 1,000,000 - Here it is !!!!!! NORTHEAST LINK 2006

8 8 The Peru Project VOSH IMEC Lions Club A Rotary Project with significant participation by


10 10 Peruvian dance Display at Rotary District Conference

11 11 PERU Chiclayo Equator

12 12 Project Goal #1 To set up an Optometry Office in the Blind Institute of Chiclayo in Peru; a clinic built by the Rotary club. Purpose: to test the eyes of poor people, then fit them with glasses and also detect the early onset of blindness. Further potential: to supply basic equipment to elementary school teachers that allows pre-screening of students.

13 13 Project Goal #2 To supply 7 suites of refurbished hospital equipment to the Regional Hospital de Mercedes in Chiclayo. Purpose: to help service the medical needs of poor people in Chiclayo.

14 14 Rotary Foundation Matching Grant These Rotary clubs have contributed funds and effort to the Peru project: »Sturbridge, MA »Stourbridge, England »Brookfields, MA »Westford, MA »Lowell, MA »Milford, MA »Chiclayo, Peru D-7910 matched the money and the Rotary Foundation matched it even more.

15 15 MATCHING GRANT – Chiclayo, Peru Project

16 Hospital Suites as well Through IMEC, we are now filling the container with several suites of hospital equipment for the Hospital Regional Las Mercedes, in Chiclayo. $630 contribution $30,000 - $40,000So for the same $630 contribution the Sturbridge club started with, we now have a project of $30,000 - $40,000. 16

17 17 Equipment leaving Maine for IMEC

18 18 Equipment arriving at IMEC

19 19 How many Eye-Glasses is enough? Discussions with optometrists in New England and Australia suggested that 50,000 pairs of used glasses is appropriate. HELP! A Rotarian in the Framingham club, who is also a Lions club member, worked the magic and a great new relationship has been forged! The Lions of District 33-S, in particular the Dighton club, are also very active in eye-glass projects. They donated 14,000 pairs of glasses to this joint project!

20 20 14,000 Eye-glasses loaded in the truck

21 21 Rotarians & Lions meet in Sturbridge

22 22 So the fun begins, because: Peruvian State of Lambayeque will truck the container from Paita to Chiclayo. Work closely with the Chiclayo club. Celebrate this wonderful collaboration of non-profit organizations.

23 Last Thought Think about the leverage that is available by partnering with other organizations. That is strongly advocated by the Rotary Foundation. 23 It’s COOL !

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