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CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Post Lac Megantic Liability and compensation Classification and testing Emergency response and information sharing.

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Presentation on theme: "CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Post Lac Megantic Liability and compensation Classification and testing Emergency response and information sharing."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Post Lac Megantic Liability and compensation Classification and testing Emergency response and information sharing Tank car standards Safety management systems

2 CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Liability Two consultation processes in play : Canada Transportation Agency and Transport Canada CTA focus on third-party liability insurance requirements for certificates of fitness TC focus on third party liability coverage and compensation Standing Committee on Transportation holding hearings

3 CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Classification, ER & information Protective Direction 31 for crude oil classification and testing Protective Direction 32 requiring railways to provide TDG information to municipalities Protective Direction 33 requiring ERAPs for flammables notably crude oil and ethanol

4 CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Tank car standards Regulations published in Canada Gazette January 2014 codifying 2011 CPC 1232 standard for new builds PD 34 removing older DOT 111s meeting certain criteria from dangerous goods service as of May 22, 2014 Minister’s announcement to phase out non CPC 1232 DOT 111s over a three-year period?

5 CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Tank car standards - questions Capacity of rail car manufacturers to meet current and future needs with new tank car standards Uncertainty around what new standard will be Scope of proposed retrofit/replacement program - flammables or all dangerous goods? Will there be open stakeholder consultation?

6 CHEMISTRY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Safety Management Systems Current focus of study by Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Responsible Care TRANSCAER and TEAP III Engaging other players

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