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Essential Question: How are the responsibilities of the US government defined and the rights of the people protected? Learning Target: I will be able to.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: How are the responsibilities of the US government defined and the rights of the people protected? Learning Target: I will be able to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: How are the responsibilities of the US government defined and the rights of the people protected? Learning Target: I will be able to identify how the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation lead to the writing of the Constitution. Formative Assessment(s): What did the framers of the Constitution identify as the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and what was important to change with the Constitution? Homework: Vocabulary Daily Rubric: 4 – I fully understand the learning target and I am ready to move on 3 – I feel like I have a good understanding of the learning target but I need to cover it a little more 2 – I feel kind of lost on the learning target and I need a lot of review before I can move on 1 – I am completely lost and feel like I need to completely cover this learning target over

2 Remember what youve already learned: What are the purposes of government? What does government do for you? Compare a confederal system to a federal system of government. (In the form of a T chart) Confederal SystemFederal System

3 Shays Rebellion: armed uprising that took place in central and western Massachusetts in 1786 and 1787 Checks and balances: system in which the powers of government are balanced among different branches so that each branch can check, or limit, the power of other branches federalism: system of government in which powers of the government are divided between the national government, which governs the whole country, and the state governments, which govern the people of each state Legislative Branch: lawmaking branch of government Executive Branch: branch of the government that carries out the laws Judicial Branch: branch of government that interprets the laws and punishes law breakers

4 Read the following summary about the Articles of Confederation: Articles of ConfederationArticles of Confederation Make a list of problems with the Articles of Confederation in your notes as we read

5 Make a jack-o-lantern.

6 What did the framers of the Constitution identify as the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and what was important to change with the Constitution?

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