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School District 53 February 21, 2012. Jim: 1.Purpose 2.Introductions 3.District Data Trends 4.Workshop timeline/breaks.

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Presentation on theme: "School District 53 February 21, 2012. Jim: 1.Purpose 2.Introductions 3.District Data Trends 4.Workshop timeline/breaks."— Presentation transcript:

1 School District 53 February 21, 2012


3 Jim: 1.Purpose 2.Introductions 3.District Data Trends 4.Workshop timeline/breaks


5  Purpose of workshop to help you develop “best practices” for H & S in your buildings  Systematically address audit checklist so you get an A in H & S!  Reduce potential for injury/claims through proactive measures.


7 Bi-Annual (Sept. & Jan.) Mandatory for all site-based staff Sign off procedure Agenda item list Powerpoints ( Elem & Sec) Modify Critical Incident Phone Tree (SBO)


9 1.Purpose 2.Membership (AO, SOSTU, CUPE) 3.Meeting Agenda/Minutes Template 4.Bulletin Board Items 5.Attachments/Correspondence


11 1.EPP Plans (Elem & Sec. Templates) 2.School Maps & Evacuation Routes 3.EPP Drills Timeline 4.EPP Backpacks (Item List) 5.Ongoing Awareness (New staff/TOC) Newsletters/Staff Mtgs/Community)

12 Sept. Extension Cords Oct. Ladder Safety Nov. Walking Surfaces Dec. Decorations Jan. Food Safety Feb. Storage Mar. Exit Routes Apr. Exterior Stairs/ Walkway May Fire Safety/ Flammables June Chairs



15 Audit Recommendations 10/11 Procedures Workshop 2011 Process: 1)Analysis district trends 2)Do Risk Analysis of site 3)Prioritize outcomes & determine relevant area of focus 4)Create concise procedure (see templates/ examples) 5)Teach, post, practice, educate, modify, to foster best practice= less H & S incidents

16  Signing In/Out Protocol  WorkSafe Injury Process  Scent Awareness Initiative  Green/Yellow File EPP Procedures  Can you name others ????


18 Do Site-based Risk Analysis Focus on Priority areas from claims Use Monthly EPP Themes Determine areas with high use Identify areas with equipment Address indoor, outdoor, weather

19  Team Sharing  School Sharing  Elem. & Sec. Sharing/Networking  Suggestions  Recommendations  Q & A


21  Yearly Timeline : To do List  Committee Mtg Template  Orientation/Review: Agenda & Powerpoints  EPP: Plans, Maps, Phone Tree,Drill Timeline, Inspection Booklets  Procedures: Samples & Suggestions


23  Q & A  Individual Survey  Group Sharing  H & S Goals for your site/team/year  District H & S Committee

24 School District 53 wishes to thank you for your ongoing commitment & dedication to fostering Health & Safety Employee & Student awareness, procedures, & best practice.

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