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Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES! Mr. Spiers 8 th Grade Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES! Mr. Spiers 8 th Grade Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES! Mr. Spiers 8 th Grade Science

2 Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES! 8 th Grade Science – Mr. Spiers Agenda: –Fall Schedule – Nature of Science Models in Science Evaluating Scientific Explanation Tectonics:Landforms, maps, rocks, history Hydrology –Water Planet –Nature of Water –Fresh / Salt Water –Oceanography

3 Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES! 8 th Grade Science – Mr. Spiers Agenda: –Spring Schedule – Chemistry –Matter & Properties –Atomic Models –Periodic Table –Chemical Formulas Microbiology –Cells, Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Immune System, Diseases. EOG Review –Geology –Hydrology –Chemistry –Microbiology

4 During the Year- We will: –Teach all 20 chapters in our curriculum –Have 24 or more hands on activities –View 16 or more educational videos –Have computer lab time for research each nine weeks –Do our best to prepare each student for the N.C. Science end of Grade Test.

5 Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES –Grading: –Homework 10%A – 93 -100 –Quizzes25%B – 85 - 92 –Tests30%C – 77 - 84 –Class work 25%D – 70 - 76 –Research Project10% F - Below 70

6 Schedule 8:25 – 8:30 = Homeroom 8:30 – 9:52 = Core 1 9:39 – 10:49 = Planning 10:53 – 12:03 = Core 2 12:07 – 12:57 = Lunch 1:01 – 2:11 = Core 3 2:15 – 3:25 = Core 4

7 Lockers Go to your locker before homeroom and between classes. Get what you need then. Lock your locker when you leave it even for a few seconds. Do not ask to go during class as it is not permitted. Lock up ALL electronic devices in your locker, no exceptions. Electrical devices will be confiscated if it is in class. Do not give your lock combination number out to anyone.

8 8 th Grade Rules When a teacher is talking, students are not. This includes all forms of noise making. Raise your hand and be acknowledged to speak. Do not get out of seat without permission during class. Sharpen pencils before class. Throw away trash after class. No grooming during class: make up, hair, etc. Respect the space of others. No touching others with hands, feet or objects at any time. When you are told to do or not do something by a teacher follow directions immediately. No food, gum or soda allowed in class. Only sealed bottle water opened in front of teacher. At no time should head be down on the desk. If you need to see the nurse ask. Your agenda should be with you each day as it is your hallway pass.

9 Letter to Parents Parent / Guardian Contact Form My Profile sheet

10 Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES! –Effective Behavior Support –R = Responsibility –O = Ownership –C = Cooperation –K = Kindness –S = Safety

11 Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES! Effective Behavior Support All Settings BathroomPhysical Activities Arrival & Dismissal Cafeteria Personal Space / rights Bully Free Clean / free of graffiti Abilities of all people, Equipment Follow staff instructi- ons Moderate Volume R = Responsibility Class- room Halls Use approp- riate langua- ge & tone Keep hands / feet to self

12 Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES! Effective Behavior Support All Settings BathroomPhysical Activities Arrival & Dismissal Cafeteria School Property, Supplies, Actions Its yours, you have to use it. Leave it like you found it for others Take care of equipment Keep belongings together Dispose of trash Food is only for eating O = Ownership Class- room Halls outside Be on time, Supply ready Keep areas clean, be careful of others

13 Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES! Effective Behavior Support All Settings BathroomPhysical Activities Arrival & Dismissal Cafeteria Work together to solve problems TimelinessPlay FairlyFollow staff instructi- ons Clean up after yourself C = Cooperation Class- room Halls Listen silently, follow instruct ions Move to destina tion promptl y

14 Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES! Effective Behavior Support All Settings BathroomPhysical Activities Arrival & Dismissal Cafeteria Language, tone, volume, attitude Be courteous PrivacyBully FreeBe positive in social settings Be respectful (please, thank you) its a 2 way street! K = Kindness Class- room Halls Allow everyon e an opportu nity to learn Keep hands / feet to self Good languag e

15 Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES! Effective Behavior Support All Settings BathroomPhysical Activities Arrival & Dismissal Cafeteria Think & Look first, then act Good personal hygiene Play safely. Look out for each other Remain in designate d areas Move in an orderly and timely fashion S = Safety Class- room Halls Respond immedia tely to teacher directio ns. Walk on right side of hallway. Hands / feet / to self

16 Welcome to Topsail Middle School Home of the PIRATES! 8 th Grade Science – Mr. Spiers Agenda: –1 st nine weeks - Geology –2 nd nine weeks – Hydrology –3 rd nine weeks – Chemistry –4 th nine weeks – Microbiology »EOG Test May 18, 2012

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