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1 CHOBIC Project and Reports February, 2009. 2 Outline C-HOBIC project Reports Utilization of Reports.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CHOBIC Project and Reports February, 2009. 2 Outline C-HOBIC project Reports Utilization of Reports."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CHOBIC Project and Reports February, 2009

2 2 Outline C-HOBIC project Reports Utilization of Reports

3 3 C-HOBIC Canadian Health Outcomes for Better Information and Care Manitoba, Ontario and Saskatchewan participating Funded by Canada Health Infoway and supported by CNA

4 4 CHOBIC goals To provide nurses and the team with clinical outcome information related to certain “nurse-sensitive” indicators To explore how outcome information is integrated into the work flow To describe how managers use the information

5 5 C-HOBIC “Nurse-sensitive” Indicators “Outcomes that can be achieved or influenced by nursing interventions” Included in Manitoba project: – Activities of daily living – Bladder continence – Pain – Falls – Pressure ulcers Not included in Manitoba project: Fatigue, Nausea, Dyspnea

6 6 C-HOBIC Project Deliverables Development of two reports for use by clinician and manager Provide education on access to reports Provide education on integration of reports into the care planning process Provide follow-up support Facilitate evaluation Fall 2009

7 7 Reports: Why do we need them? For making evidence based decisions – Helps with prioritization – Effectiveness of interventions To advocate for appropriate care Demonstrates accountability and transparency Increases Team visibility and significance of their decisions Maximizes the usefulness of the RAI tool

8 8 Getting the team involved Schedule meetings to correspond with MDS assessment Annual Care Planning Conference Impromptu discussions….call everyone together Communication tools

9 9 Care Planning Team meeting: what do you need? Copy of current care plan Reports – MDS – C-HOBIC – Lab – Family feedback Clinical practice guidelines, protocols, literature Knowledge and experience

10 10 C-HOBIC Reports

11 11 Click here

12 12 CHOBIC Report

13 13 CHOBIC Report

14 14 CHOBIC Report

15 15 CHOBIC Report Arrow to change pages

16 16 C-HOBIC Individual Report

17 17 CHOBIC Management Detail Report

18 18 Management Detailed Report

19 19 Management Summary Report

20 20 Printing a Report Choose PDF

21 21 CHOBIC Evaluation Preliminary evaluation end of March Final evaluation end of September – Online survey http://knowledge.infoway- htm

22 22

23 23

24 24 Evidence Informed Decisions Evidence informed decision making is vital to ensure high quality care and positive health care outcomes When completing MDS assessments remember ‘ Garbage in Garbage out ’.

25 25 Questions?

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