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Supporting Research on Campus - Using Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Public research use of ICT has rapidly increased in the past decade, requiring high performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Research on Campus - Using Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Public research use of ICT has rapidly increased in the past decade, requiring high performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Research on Campus - Using Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Public research use of ICT has rapidly increased in the past decade, requiring high performance computation and management of large datasets. The funding trend to multi-discipline, multi- institutional research teams creates significant demands for advanced collaboration tools and sharing of resources. New research IT resources will be provided, not only at the campus level, but at the regional and national level. The challenge for universities is how to design, implement, and manage an ICT infrastructure for research that integrates with other campus resources. The term “Cyberinfrastructure” describes a larger scale, integrated, research infrastructure which efficiently connects data, computers, and people to enable and promote basic research and innovation, and to efficiently communicate new theories and knowledge. The panel will briefly introduce issues in supporting ICT for research and how CI models might address them. For most of the session, the audience will be invited to participate to answer questions, including:  How do you support research at your University?  Are you supporting multi-institution projects?  What are the key ICT requirements of researchers today? … in 3 years?  Are you using CI concepts in your research support planning?

2 Panel Discussion Supporting Research on Campus - Using Cyberinfrastructure Tuesday, June 1 at 01:00 PM - Room 1120, Desmarais Hall Bob Gagne, York University Kent Percival, University of Guelph Wade Hong, Carleton University Jonathan Wells, Carleton University

3 Like the physical infrastructure of roads, bridges, power grids, telephone lines, and water systems that support modern society, "cyberinfrastructure" refers to the distributed computer, information, and communication technologies combined with the personnel and integrating components that provide a long-term platform to empower the modern scientific research endeavor.roadsbridgespower gridstelephone linesinformation, and communication technologies Report of the National Science Foundation Blue- Ribbon Advisory Panel on Cyberinfrastructure (2003)

4 Cyberinfrastructure is the coordinated aggregate of software, hardware, and other technologies, as well as human expertise, required to support current and future discoveries in science and engineering.softwarehardware The challenge of Cyberinfrastructure is to integrate relevant and often disparate resources to provide a useful, usable, and enabling framework for research and discovery characterized by broad access and “end-to- end” coordination. SBE/CISE Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure for the Social Sciences, Fran Berman, San Diego Supercomputer Center and UC San Diego

5 What is Cyberinfrastructure (CI)? A Common Vision (NSF) – Research in the 21 st Century – ICT to help answer the “Big Science” Questions – A funding strategy for government

6 CI is not... an IT product. a Tactical Plan. High Performance Computing (HPC). just for “Science and Engineering”. just for Research.

7 EDUCAUSE Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CCI) Research is – team-based – inter-disciplinary (CI must integrate across departments/campuses) – inter-institutional ( CI must integrate across research institutions) How will National/Regional CI strategies and decisions affect campus IT planning? The Grand View... – Campus IT infrastructure serves Teaching and Learning, RESEARCH, and Administration equally.

8 ICT Funding - follow the money MTCU University Budget departments Central IT Unit ICT infrastructure, services $ $ $ $ Res. Grants Contracts Research Teams $ + rules Research ICT Resources, Services, Staff $ $ $

9 Research Support at Guelph ??? Idea Proposal Award $$$ Design Build Investigate Budget Operate Campus Central ICT Research Administration Dept IT Dept IT Other Universities, ORION, CANARIE,... Dept IT Researcher Process ? ???

10 Partnering w/ Researchers Challenges – Timeliness, agility – Timeframes – Desire for novel (innovation) – IT knowledge of discipline – Varying local knowledge, skill, capacity

11 Panel 1.Wade - Researcher / Dept. viewpoint 2.Jonathan - Research Admin viewpoint 3.Bob - CIO / CUCCIO viewpoint

12 Q & A  How do you support research at your University?  Are you supporting multi-institution projects?  What are the key ICT requirements of researchers today? … in 3 years?  Are you using CI concepts in your research support planning?

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