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Anonymity without Sacrificing Performance Enhanced Nymble System with Distributed Architecture CS 858 Project Presentation Omid Ardakanian * Nam Pham *

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Presentation on theme: "Anonymity without Sacrificing Performance Enhanced Nymble System with Distributed Architecture CS 858 Project Presentation Omid Ardakanian * Nam Pham *"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anonymity without Sacrificing Performance Enhanced Nymble System with Distributed Architecture CS 858 Project Presentation Omid Ardakanian * Nam Pham * *David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

2 Outline Introduction ◦ Review of Nymble ◦ New goals Ring Signature for dummies! Proposed Solution ◦ Distributed Pseudonym Manager ◦ Distributed Nymble Manager Analysis Future Work Summary

3 Review of Nymble

4 Nymble Weaknesses Collusion between NM and PM ◦ De-anonymizes the network ◦ Reveals user behavior TTPs are single point of failure Scalability problem

5 Related Work BLacklistable Anonymous Credential (BLAC) ◦ Pros: Eliminates the reliance of TTPs ◦ Cons: Suffers from severe bottleneck at the side of Service Providers PEREA ◦ Pros: Computation is linear in the size of the blacklist ◦ Cons: Performance is still a problem

6 New goals Maintaining security properties of original Nymble Design ◦ Mis-authentication resistance ◦ Blacklistability ◦ Anonymity and Non-frameability Enhancements ◦ Unconditional Anonymity ◦ Scalability & Robustness

7 Proposed Solutions Consists of two main parts: ◦ Distributing Pseudonym Manager ◦ Distributing Nymble Manager

8 Ring Signature By Rivest, Shamir and Tauman ◦ A group member can sign a message on behalf of the group without revealing her identity. ◦ Ring signature is created on demand!  No setup procedure or agreement

9 Distributing Pseudonym Manager UserPM IP address pnym Previously Motivation If a pseudonym can represent an IP, why don’t we use it recursively?

10 AlicePM i IP A Round 1 PM 1 PM 2 PM n Alice ◦ Chooses a random index i ◦ Connects to PM i directly with her IP A ◦ Requests a pseudonym for the next round

11 AlicePM j IP A Round 1 (cont’d) PM 1 PM 2 PM n PM i ◦ Generates a codename for Alice ◦ Signs using a ring signature scheme ◦ Informs all other PMs “IP A has been issued a pseudonym in round 1” IP A

12 AlicePM i Codename + Ack IP A Round 1 (cont’d) PM 1 PM 2 PM n PM i ◦ Waits for Acknowledgements from other PMs ◦ Sends ‘codename’ back to Alice Ack

13 Somebody PM j codename Round 2 PM 1 PM 2 PM n Alice ◦ Chooses another random index j ◦ Connects to PM j anonymously using Tor ◦ Requests a pseudonym to connect to NM

14 Somebody PM j codename + Round 2 (cont’d) PM 1 PM 2 PM n PM j ◦ Verifies the validity of ◦ Creates a pnym for that ‘somebody’ ◦ Signs pnym using a ring signature scheme ◦ Informs all other PMs: “The guy with ‘codename’ has been issued a pseudonym in round 2” codename

15 Somebody PM j pnym + Ack Round 2 (cont’d) PM 1 PM 2 PM n PM j ◦ Waits for Acknowledgement from other PMs ◦ Sends back to the user Ack

16 Aspects of DPM Alice’s IP address is protected by one more security level It’s not feasible for Alice to obtain more than one pseudonym with her IP

17 Distributing NM NM PM i PM j Codename acquisition Pseudonym acquisition NymbleTicket acquisition

18 Distributing NM Service Provider Server Authentication

19 Distributing NM Service Provider NM’ Linking Token Extraction NM

20 Distributing NM - Requirements generate nymble tickets for a user it must be the same as tickets generated by any other NM verify the nymble ticket upon request verify freshness of a blacklist Each NM should be able to verify a nymble ticket without knowing anything about the nymble manager who issued the ticket communicate with any NM to extract the linking token Each server should be able to

21 Distributing NM (cont’d) Seed  H khk N (pnym,sid,w) How should we generate the seed? ◦ S1: Ask another NM to create the hash of server id with his own key  Seed will not be unique ◦ S2: Ask another NM to create the hash of server id with the shared key  Vulnerable to brute force attack

22 Analysis Our Solution: ◦ Provides collusion prevention without eliminating TTPs  No proof generation and proof verification needed  Better performance than BLAC and PEREA ◦ Decreases the number of required signature ◦ Eliminates unnecessary key sharing ◦ Makes use of an efficient ring signature scheme with efficient size

23 Future Work Dynamic Forgiveness Multiple Rounds for Pseudonym Registration Optimal Ring Signature Experimental Analysis

24 Summary We introduced an anonymous blocking system based on Nymble ◦ Using distributed TTPs architecture ◦ With collusion resistance feature ◦ With less computation cost ◦ With increased usability

25 Thank You!

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