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Reading Photographs AP English With quotations from Susan Sontags On Photography.

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1 Reading Photographs AP English With quotations from Susan Sontags On Photography

2 To photograph is to appropriate the thing photographed. (p. 4)

3 Atgets Les Halles It is a nostalgic time right now, and photographs actively promote nostalgia. Photography is an elegiac art, a twilight art. (p. 15) net/features/Lists/?Article=T wentiethCenturyPhotograph ers

4 Alfred Stieglitz The Steerage 1907 Photographs furnish evidence. (p. 4)

5 Paul Strand Blind 1916 There is an aggression implicit in every use of the camera. (p. 7)

6 Dorothea Lange Migrant Mother; Nipomo, California 1936 In deciding how their pictures should look, in preferring one exposure to another, photographers are always imposing standards on their subjects. (p. 6)

7 Walker Evans After the event has ended, the picture will still exist, conferring on the event a kind of immortality (and importance) it would never have enjoyed. (p. 11) Lists/?Article=TwentiethCenturyPhotogr aphers

8 Identical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey, 1967, on the cover of Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph.dentical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey, 1967 http://photography- ontent&task=view&id=350&Itemid=249 I always thought of photography as a naughty thing to dothat was one of my favorite things about it. – Diane Arbus (p. 12)

9 "Tank man" during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. This photo was taken on June 5, 1989, by Jeff Widener (The Associated Press).Tank man Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 June 51989Jeff Widener Associated Press The ethical content of photographs is fragile. (p. 21)

10 Cindy Sherman sts/?Article=TwentiethCenturyPhotograp hers The ultimate wisdom of the photographic image is to say: There is the surface. Now think--or rather feel, intuitwhat is beyond it, what the reality must be like if it looks this way. (p. 23)

11 Resource: Sontag, Susan. On Photography. London: Penguin, 1977. What do you think Sontag would say about photography today? Explore #488, March 21, 2008 aneugene/2350970352/ Wee on flickr

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