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Edo Meiji Government -Feudal -Decentralized -Ruled by daimyo and shogun -Feudalism abolished -Centralized -Ruled by Emperor and constitution.

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Presentation on theme: "Edo Meiji Government -Feudal -Decentralized -Ruled by daimyo and shogun -Feudalism abolished -Centralized -Ruled by Emperor and constitution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edo Meiji Government -Feudal -Decentralized -Ruled by daimyo and shogun -Feudalism abolished -Centralized -Ruled by Emperor and constitution

2 Edo Meiji Land Ownership -Japan divided into domains -Domains are property of daimyo -Japan divided into prefectures/districts -Farmers could own the land

3 Edo Meiji Taxes -Daimyo paid taxes to shogun -Based on crop production -Paid by village with product, not money -Taxes paid to central government -Based on land value -Paid by individual with money

4 Edo Meiji Trade -Isolationism-Industrialization -Unequal trade agreements (can’t change taxes) -Government factories sold to private owners

5 Edo Meiji Military -Daimyo had army of samurai -Became expensive, and there was no need for the army so they became smaller -Military service compulsory -National Navy inspired by Britain -National Army inspired by Germany

6 Edo Meiji Education -No government run schools -Sons of samurai educated mainly -Some education for sons of commoners -Ministry of Education created -Public primary education created for girls and boys

7 Edo Meiji Class Structure -Feudal System -Strict class structure -Strict social roles -Feudal system abolished -Class hierarchy abolished -People could move among social roles

8 Edo Meiji Culture -Very traditional -Many artistic forms developed: kabuki, tea ceremonies, printmaking -Traditional & Western -More religious freedom -More individualism

9 Edo Meiji Goals of Change in the Meiji Period -Unification of the territory and people of Japan -Create a society where all people have same obligation to the state

10 Edo Meiji Definitions  Oligarchy  Democracy  Capitalism  Hierarchy

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