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 Section 2: Budget General: The budget must be prepared in conjunction with the Chair and the Commanding Officer of the Squadron and should be presented.

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Presentation on theme: " Section 2: Budget General: The budget must be prepared in conjunction with the Chair and the Commanding Officer of the Squadron and should be presented."— Presentation transcript:

1  Section 2: Budget General: The budget must be prepared in conjunction with the Chair and the Commanding Officer of the Squadron and should be presented to the personnel as well as the parents of the cadets during the parents’ meeting scheduled in the fall of each year. The budget is a tool, a guide, in which projects are presented as are the ways the funds collected will be spent. It serves as a map that indicates the trip for the year ahead. To reach our objectives …. We need a plan… The BUDGET is the solution !

2 DESCRIPTION OF THE BUDGET PROCEDURE Determination of the objectives (recruiting objective, cadet retention activities, material purchases, etc) Chair and Commanding Officer Acceptation of the common objectives June - July Preparation of the cadet activities program (sending the program to the RCSU (East) begining of September) Commanding Officer and Training Officer (Inform the President) June – July - August Preparation of the financing activities (L’Auto-Cadet lottery, packaging, car wash, etc.) Chair and Executive committee and/or Directors (Inform the Commanding Officer) June – July - August Make the budget of mandatory activities (DND) following guidelines for the activities Plan emitted by the RCSU (East) (before called ATD) Commanding Officer and OfficersJuly - August Make the budget of optional activities and financial obligations of the Squadron (occupation fees) Chair and TreasurerJuly - August Mix the two budgets (civil and military) and final adjustments. Adoption of the budget during session Chair, Commanding Officer, Treasurer August - September Preparation of the presentation to the personnel, parents, and senior cadets Chair and Commanding OfficerSeptember Application of the budget and implementation of the activities AllSeptember to June Revision of the budget (identification of the anomalies and finding solutions for them) Chair and Commanding OfficerJanuary

3 Sources of Information for the Preparation of the Annual Budget 1.Financial statement of the previous financial year (ACC-9) a)Identification of the source for funds (financing activities) b)Identification of the expenses of funds (cadet activities) 2.Effective strength for the year a)The effective strength is the fundamental element on which certain revenues and expenses are based (i.e.: L’Auto-Cadet, summer camp, military personnel, yardstick for re-imbursement) 3.Local activities program a)Allows to identify periods of the year when the Squadron’s activities will take place b)Identification of the needs for resources (material, financial and human)

4 Sources of Information for the Preparation of the Annual Budget (cont’d) 4.Bank statement and Bank reconciliation a)Allows to know the sum of money that will serve to cover certain expenses before the first financing activities begin. 5.Identification of the flexibility (cash flow) essential to the smooth functioning of the Squadron’s activities. Fixing a cash flow budget on a monthly basis that permits to identify at which moment during the year are previewed the income and outgoings of funds (ex: financing campaigns from September to December and the majority of expenses happen between January to June)

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