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Welcome to class of growth and formation of the non-profit sector -Dr. Satyendra Singh.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to class of growth and formation of the non-profit sector -Dr. Satyendra Singh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to class of growth and formation of the non-profit sector -Dr. Satyendra Singh




5 Why do not-for-profit organizations exist? HI LO LOHI Not-profit activities Welfare Government Spending DemocratsCorporatist Statist Liberals (?)

6 Bottom line do good –for whom, why by n/f organizations objectives –what are they? how to achieve it? resources –where to get from? challenges outcome/benefits –perception, who cares!

7 Variety of not-for-profit organizations art education charity environment animals religion social benefits etc…

8 Benefits available to n/f organizations exempted from tax –property tax, unemployment insurance, tax- exempt bonds lower bulk-postage rates tax deductions to givers access to donated space and activities etc…

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